Brave Young Man

Everyone worked together to tidy up the room. Soon, not only were the curtains and the cleaning chores were done, the washing machine and refrigerator were also quickly in place.

Like Jade came back with a modem and a broadband cable for everyone to connected the local campus network.

The modem seemed to need to be installed for WIFI... probably?

Wang Yan really did not understand, and he did not intend to understand. He let enthusiastic Like Jade to get it done.

Money would only be useful when people made the best use of their talents and abilities.

Now, only Squirrel was not back yet, so Wang Yan dialed his number, and Squirrel said that the would be back soon.

Okay then, Wang Yan began to arrange the meal for everyone.

He ordered a large-sized spicy hot pot, six pounds of rice, a case of beer, and two heads of garlic. It was a very simple but fit the special atmosphere of a dorm supper.