EPISODE 2: Athena*

I gush to the bathroom with swiftness and worry while hugging Lily in my grasps. I try to hurry as much as possible to reach the dining hall right in time. Once the clock strikes to ten, those who are late will either be given a warning, or worse, a punishment. Me? The staff always seem to give me a warning instead of a punishment, it's one of the perks of being the daughter of the headmaster.

I place Lily on top of the marble sink counters while I wash my face and hair. Lily giggles on how quick I dash and act. I apply my mother's shampoo, making my hair vibrant and silky. I almost trip while trying to grab my towel on the other end of the bathroom, Lily, on the other hand, is just watching me move around with her elongated brown oval eyes.

I'm almost done with my daily morning routine. All I have to do is to comb my hair and brush my teeth. Lily's face became curious with the strange device I circle around my mouth. She follows the device's movement causing her head to travel in circles.

"Th... this is, is a toothbrush. I... it cleans the teeth." I explain while circling the toothbrush around my mouth. I pat Lily's head then gargle afterward.

Before walking out of the bathroom, a violet flower catches my attention. It has violet petals with yellow stigmas and pistils. I look at Petilil while grabbing the flower on one of the shelves.

"Th... this, this is f... for you." I chuckle while placing the violet blossom on the left side of Lily's green bulb-like structure. She looks more elegant with the flower on her head. Lily seems like the fairest maiden in the land in front of my eyes as she twirls around the counter, spreading her beautiful pink aroma throughout the bathroom.

My eyes are mesmerized by how elegant Lily dances. The time snaps out of my mind as my eyes glance at Lily. My Rotom-Phone alarms, and that's when I snap out from Lily's charm.

"Lily, we... we h, have to go!" My voice stutters again. I grab Lily and rush to my desk to get my rotom-phone. Worry fills my heart again. Being warned by one of the staff is quite embarrassing, especially if you're the daughter of the headmaster.

I gasp for air while running through the halls. I look on my left, and saw all the doors are locked, and on my right, not a single kid is in sight! It looks like I'm the only one left gliding through the hallways with my Lily.

"Luna Evergreen! You're late again, how many times do you have to be warned before you become a disciplined child?" Ms. Natasha, a tall woman with an age of thirty plus, scolds me and my Lily. She has black hair, with Sacramento green eyes. Her skin is pure white. Her partner Ivysaur on the other hand glares at Lily.

"S... sorry. I... I-"

"No need to explain. Be glad I'm letting you through again since it's your birthday. Happy Birthday, Luna!" Natasha sighs then holds my two shoulders. She greets me with a pleasant smile but her Ivysaur doesn't seem that pleasant at all.

Natasha's Ivysaur is often known as Scowly Crowley because of how short-tempered it is. Ivysaur shouts at anyone who dares to disobey the orphanage rules.

"Th... thank you," I reply with a stuttering voice.

"Now go inside and take a nice breakfast." Natasha smiles and lets me pass through the doors of the dining hall.

The Saffron Orphanage is known to have the largest dining hall in the entire Kanto Region. Huge chandeliers hang above the pristine ceilings. Pidgeys and other Pokemons are allowed to roam around and interact with other people. The dining hall is filled with four black elongated tables. Two tables for all the boys, and two tables for all the girls. Mother wants everything organized, even the people and children must be organized as well.

At the very front of the dining hall is an array of tall wooden chairs. This is where the headmaster and the master five sit and watch over us while we eat our meals. Before eating, the opening remarks shall be given by no other than the Headmaster herself. Sometimes, these remarks may be about new laws that we children must abide, while sometimes, the remarks are used to introduce and welcome new children to the orphanage.

As usual, I sit on the very corner of the fourth table. This is where I always sit since no one wants to eat or even stay beside me. Life's pretty boring with no one to appreciate you, I'm glad mother gave me a Pokemon.

The Master Five enters from the room located at the corner left of the hall. The Master Five is known to be the fiercest of the fierce. Their six Pokemons are used to discipline both people and Pokemon, yes, you heard right, even Pokemons need to be disciplined sometimes.

Not only that, but the master five are also known as the five strongest trainers in the whole orphanage. Orphans like us can ask for tips when it comes to Pokemon Battling, but me? Nah, I'm not the trainer type of girl.

First up belonging to the master five is no other than Titus, a trainer of strength and pursuit! His body is filled with muscles, maybe even larger than those of Bruno's. His hair is green, and most of his Pokemons are either rock, ground, or fighting. Don't mess with Titus, or you'll end up getting beaten.

Next up is Finn, a man who specializes in either water or electric type Pokemons. His hair is painted with the color of the cerulean sea, while his eyes seem deeper than the depths of Lake Verity in the Sinnoh region.

For number three, it's no other than Magnus. A man with a snobbish nature. His laughter and smile are as rare as finding a Feebas. His fire and Steel-type Pokemons will reflect is hot-headed characteristics. Known as the perfectionist, better not litter in front of him or you'll experience a heating flare of anger.

Next, let's move on to Miriam. She's the kindest of the master five. Miriam loves to read books thus, my mother also made her the librarian. She greets you with a pleasant smile while entering and leaving the library. Aside from being a bookworm, she's an author as well. She specializes in both Psychic and Ghost-type Pokemons.

Lastly, we have Magnolia, a kind and determined trainer. She encourages children to battle with her not for the fun, but for the lesson and the strengthening of bonds between people and Pokemon. She cares dearly for fairy and grass type Pokemons, I better warn you, she may be stronger than the gym leaders of the Kanto region.

Above the hierarchy of the master five is no other than my dearest mother, Athena. She holds an orphan's dream and sees to it that he or she achieves it. My mother loves and cares for the safety and protection of everyone. May it be people or Pokemon.

Of course, the six of them aren't only the staff of the orphanage. We have Ms. Natasha and her indignant Ivysaur. There's also Hazel and Ella, they're twins who make sure that the orderliness of the orphanage doesn't get disrupted by violence. Maximus and Gunner are the guards of the orphanage gates. They make sure, no robbers nor thieves get inside.

This is just part of the orphanage's large staff. Some of them may be strict while some of them are kind, but they all have one thing in common, and that's to keep every child in the orphanage safe from danger. Since the establishment of the Saffron Orphanage, abandoned or lost children never felt safer than before.