EPISODE 3: Friendship*

I feel glad that I'm not the only one who's late, three rambunctious boys got punished for arriving late. Punishments in this orphanage aren't grave and harsh. Sometimes they would ask you to sing or dance in front of the staff in charge of the dining hall doors.

Once every single child is inside the dining room, it is Natasha's duty to catch the children's attention by banging the bronze gong.

The vibration coming from the instrument silences the children's conversation momentarily as my mother stands up from her chair to give the opening remarks.

"Good morning, children of the Saffron Orphanage. Today, a new member will be joining our enormous family..." Mother states through the mic in front of her. It's been a long time since the orphanage saved a lost or abandoned child. Today we will have a new family member a new sister or a brother.

"Her mother is known as the general of the Pokemon Police Department, she died while trying to protect her daughter from the hands of Team Rocket, the most rambunctious, and most cruel evil organization roaming the depths of the Kanto and Johto Region.

Her daughter will be living with us here on out. Her name is Jenny, fifteen years old, Auburn eyes, with a teal/cerulean hair. Her dream is to become an officer one day, just like her mother.

We ask all of you to treat her with love and respect, just like how we treat each other here. Accept and befriend her, for we are one big family." Athena adds and describes the looks of a girl named Jenny. Her mother has been killed by a grunt's Pokemon. Me? I know nothing about team Rocket except that they steal Pokemons for money and funds.

They're usually called "the Mafia of the Kanto and Johto region." Yes, you heard right, two large regions rest upon the hands of these men. My mother always told me to never leave the orphanage. I'll tell you a secret, for almost three months, Saffron City, my homeland, is owned by Team Rocket.

My understanding of this evil organization is just feeble. All I know is that they're a bunch of burglars and bandits with no purpose at all except to become rich.

The new girl enters the dining hall with a shy and timid face. Her head is facing down, her feet are tucked in together, while her body trembles with fear and timidity.

"She looks immense." The other children gossip and chatter softly towards the characteristics of the new girl. Jenny could hear the children's gossips which made her feel cold and unwelcome. Just like me, she feels no sense of belongingness at all. Some giggle and smirk maliciously while Jenny walks through the red carpet.

She stands beside my mother, looking frightened and scared. I don't know why the people are laughing at her, but I adore her look.

"Now, Jenny... why don't you say something about yourself? Don't be shy." Athena comforts her. She steps back from the mic in order to give the new girl a chance to describe herself. Jenny feels hesitant because she knows everyone would just laugh at her.

"Um... Hi there, my name is Jenny, and... um, I, I want to become a Pokemon Police like my mother." Jenny's voice trembles throughout the dining room. Everybody tries to avoid their laughter from bursting forth like a dam. Some even continue to gossip and mock her looks.

"Now, now! What did I say? Treat her properly, we're one big family, and she's your new sister. Jenny, please take a seat while the staff hands out your meal." My mother steps up for her just like what she did to me every time the crowd would gossip and mock me.

For a new girl like Jenny, it's hard to fit in. People would push you away, or even act snobbish in front of you. Life is really unfair, filled with good and bad people.

The other girls ignore her when Jenny begs to seat with them, I pity her and so I decided to let her seat beside me.

"Now, that we're done with the opening remarks, I bid everyone a fair morning! Let the meals satisfy your cravings, and restore your energy. Eat, drink, and be merry!" Athena proclaims as the two doors of the dining hall opens. A line of waiters enters with meals on top of their hands. Each of them delivers one plate to every child. The flow of how the waiters serve the plates is elegant, everything is organized and splendid just like what my mother always wanted.

"Hi there! My name is Jenny, and you are?" Jenny's timidity snaps out of her system. She introduces herself with a pleasant smile. Being a girl with Dysphemia, I respond back with a smile while taking a sip from my orange juice.

"Not much of a talker aren't you? It's fine. Is that Petilil yours?" All this time, I thought she is as timid as me, but she seems jolly with a fright when it comes to speaking in front of a crowd.

I respond with a pleasant smile while nodding my head. She seems friendly unlike the other orphans, could this be the start of a new friendship perhaps?

"Your Petilil looks cute. Anyways, I want you to meet Pikachu, isn't she adorable?" Jenny's eyes sparkle as she places her Pikachu on the table. It is obvious to me that her Pikachu is a girl, you can tell the difference by how their tail looks like.

I nod with a smile while patting Pikachu's head. Pikachu is a friendly Pokemon, even Lily feels comfortable being around Jenny's Pokemon.

"S...stunning." I stutter softly while rubbing my hands across Pikachu's red soft and fluffy cheeks.

"So you can talk after all! May I know your name?" Jenny beams with exuberance.

"L... L, Luna. Luna Eve. Evergreen." I stutter and introduce. I feel comfortable being with her.

"No offense, but why does your voice sound weird?" Jenny giggles while wiping her mouth with a piece of white cloth.

"D... Dysphemia." I respond.

"Ah, now I know why, don't worry, I won't mock you or anything. I was just curious, that's all. Anyways, do you know how to battle with a Pokemon?" Jenny suddenly beams with determination, as if she is willing to battle me and Petilil. I respond by swaying my head sideways. Pokemon Battling doesn't run in my blood, but I'm curious about it.

"Aw... Back then I was hoping that you could battle me! I want to become a police like my mother, and the only way to do that is if I train to become the very best!" Jenny's heart beams with determination as her passion erupts like Mt. Chimney.

"... About you? What do you want to become?" Jenny interviews.

"No... nothing." I stutter.

"Nothing?! But, the purpose of why we live is to achieve our dreams? Let me guess, you want to become a Pokemon Master? Or maybe a professor one day? Probably a Pokemon Doctor like my mother's cousin." Jenny leans herself forward and throws multiple careers at me. I respond to all of them with a simple answer, no.

"Don't you ever feel bored to grow up and live without achieving something? I know deep in the depths of your mind lies a passion waiting to erupt!" Jenny quotes. I look upon her eyes and saw the burning flare of passion. If only my life was typical like hers, who knows? Maybe I could even become an elite four or perhaps a champion of the whole region. Still, Pokemon Battling doesn't give me interests at all.

"Ah! It looks like you've found yourself a friend Luna!" Athena interrupts and smiles at the both of us. Me and Jenny respond with a giggle.

"Anyways, after lunch, why don't you tour your friend around the orphanage park. I'm sure she'll like it there." Athena suggests.

"A park?! This place has a park?! Can you show me around, please Luna." Jenny's eyes gleam as her body filled in with liveliness. I smile back and grab her hand. We rush outside the dining hall with energy and spirit. The orphanage's park is one of my most favorite places to visit. I can lean on a tree and draw the surroundings in peace.

"No running in the halls!" Athena reminds me while watching me and Jenny rush to the park.

"That Luna, she'll always be a little child, no matter how old she is." Magnus stands aside and sighs.

"Let her be. The park is the only place where she feels calm. Plus, she finally has a friend, she won't be lonely anymore."

"You should tell her about her parents. Her real parents." Magnus suggests.

"No need. She's no longer their daughter, she belongs to me." Athena feels a sudden rage towards the memory of the night when my parents abandoned me. She couldn't forget my real parent's excuse to abandon me.

"Well, I suggest that you tell her now before it's too late, you don't want her to be infuriated at you don't you?"

"I'll tell her when the time is right," Athena responds and walks back to the dining room with Magnus.

A dawn of a new friendship begins with me and Jenny. Her nature and characteristics fit my standards. If only I could speak normally, we could've communicate more fluently. Also, it's Petilil's first time to see the indoor park, I wonder how mesmerized she'll be once she sees all the Pokemons playing together. From artificial land, to man-made streams, the orphanage's park is used to keep abandoned Pokemons.