EPISODE 4: Artistry*

The Saffron Orphanage Park, one of the largest and greatest indoor parks in the Kanto Region. Designed by Mr.Fuji himself, this park houses over 500 species of Pokemons throughout the world.

This park is somewhat similar to the Sakuragi Park in Kuchiba or Vermillion city, except that it's larger and safer. A transparent glass dome lets the sun's galore shine over all the Pokemons inside the park. Artificial habitats for all types of Pokemons can be found inside. From spews of lava plumes, to the blooming blossom, this park is suitable for all Pokemons.

To capture beautiful sceneries of Pokemons interacting with each other is one of my favorite hobbies. My photography skills are quite decent, although it still has room for improvement.

Aside from photography, I also love to draw and paint different kinds of Pokemons. Artistry brings happiness to my heart. It gives me a sense of serene and tranquility while my eyes gaze upon mythical creatures we call Pokemons.

Gushing through the halls, are no other than me and Jenny. I'm not used to having a friend, so I might be a bit playful from time to time even if I'm fifteen. My heart is always filled with joy, except for the stress exerted upon me by those who mock my disorder. Only through artistry and photography is when my stress disappears, it calms my mind and gives me the sensation of relaxation.

"Luna, you don't have to run! Remember what the headmaster said?" Jenny chuckles while the both of us rush to the park. I respond with laughter while looking at Jenny and her Pikachu's worn-out face. I feel something I've never felt before. Could this feeling be the result of friendship?

After a dash through the halls of the orphanage, we halt in front of two doors painted with a crisp of golden lacquer. Every single day, the fine artistry written on the golden doors inspires me and my artistic mind.

According to my mother, the doors speak of a tale long forgotten in the Johto region. A tale about fire, ice, and lightning, turning the Earth into nothing but mere ashes.

"Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to ash. Oh, Chosen One. Into the hands bring together all three. Their treasure combined, tame the Beast of the Sea." This text is what inspires me. I could see the illustration of Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres on the doors, and on the center of the three of them, is no other than Lugia.

According to my mother's tales, Lugia has the power to control the rain and wind itself. The power to harness storms lies in the depths of this Pokemon, how amazing would it be to see Lugia in person.

"I've never seen anything like this." Jenny's face glitters with awe as she observes the doors with eyes wide open. She touches the doors and stares at the illustration of the three legendary birds.

I laughed while watching Jenny stare at the door. It is like time has stopped for Pikachu and her. After showing her the golden doors, I push them with all my might.

The doors produce a squeaky and irritating sound while the park's galore slowly seeped out of the room. It is blinding indeed, especially for Jenny and her Pikachu. Her body shivers with excitement and her brain could no longer withstand the hesitation to run. All she wants to do is to jump and leap with joy.

The breeze, the rustling grass, the swaying trees, and the gushing water. Each produces a sweet voice forming a chanting opera. The blinding sun adds a touch of glory, while the Pokemon's cry gave the park a feeling of affection. All in one, the whole park is a masterpiece, with elements working together to form an operetta.

Jenny and Pikachu dived into the operetta. She plays along with the Pokemons while her heart bursts with happiness. Me and Petilil chuckle while watching a fifteen-year-old succumb to her childish attitudes, just like me every time I play alone.

Petilil jumps from my grip and rushes to greet the other Pokemons. I feel a little hesitant on letting her leave my side, I became worried that she might run into trouble or get lost somewhere in this enormous park. There may cute Pokemons, but lurking in the corners lies dangerous ones such as Heatmors and Magmortars. Only mess with these Pokemons when you want to become their roasted meal.

Just like yesterday, and the day before yesterday. I lean on the same tree and took my sketch pad out of my bag. My eyes are able to spot a Slowpoke resting upon a rock while its tail dips into the stream. The angle is perfection, but I'd rather draw it rather than picturing it.

Petilil sees me resting upon the tree. She became curious about what I am doing so she decides to come by. She looks on my sketch pad and became engrossed by how wonderful Slowpoke's eyes are.

"Lily." My voice stutters as usual. I glance unto her pure white face. It gives me an inspiration to picture her. In the meantime, I pause my drawing and place the sketch pad on the lush green grass. I turn on my camera which has a gradient of white and black.

"S... smile Lil, Lily!" I beam with joy while pointing the camera at her. Lily poses elegantly, like a flower waiting to bloom. I show her the picture, and she loves it dearly. Her cheeks blush while looking at her picture.

"That's... y, you," I elucidate while hugging her. She sits on my lap, forever glancing on her picture. Petilil's cuteness distracts me and my ongoing drawing to the point I start to groom her instead of continuing my Slowpoke drawing.

Jenny and Pikachu on the other hand, play and interact with the Pokemons around them. She climbs on the Alolan Exeggutors, splash the water with the Chinchous, and even battle a Tyranitar! I am shocked while watching her battle, although like what I said, I have no passion for battling or what so ever.

Next, alone time starts to end. Orphans began entering the park to play and socialize with Pokemons. That's why I usually go here after breakfast right away to avoid the noisy crowd.

Superior to this noisy crowd is no other than Chloe, a stubborn and arrogant girl who loves to kick and disrupt my work. Her eyes are hotter than the hottest flame, while her hair is dyed with a violet pigment. Every single day, when my mother's away, Chloe and her gang come to play. Being a girl with Dysphemia, it's kinda hard to speak up for yourself.

"Look what we have here? Looks like stutter girl has an onion." Chloe mocks with a malicious scowl as she and her gang walk through arrogantly towards me. Flawless is Chloe's middle name.

Lily leaps into action and infuriates at Chloe and her gang. I try my best to calm my Lily but their insult erupted my Pokemon's rage.

"Pfft! What's an onion gonna do to me? If I were you, I would've thrown that onion to the decomposing can." Chloe insults while the rest of her gang laughs hysterically.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing to Luna and her Lily!" Jenny interrupts and blocks me from Chloe.

"Lily? So that's the rotten onion's name. Oh, and if it isn't the newbie trying to protect the stutter girl." Chloe insults with finesse.

"St... stop, ca... calling me, that." My voice stutters as I clench my fists with my blood boiled gravely.

"Hey, call her stutter girl again and I'm going to battle you! Me and Pikachu are quite strong." Jenny warns while trying to protect me. I was shocked by what she did. I've never seen anyone do that in front of me.

"If it's a battle you want, then it's a battle you'll get! Stop acting like a hero newbie!" Chloe insults flawlessly while the rest of her gang cheered for her.

"Fine! Pikachu, I choose you!" Jenny's Pikachu then leaps from her shoulder and into the patch of rustling grass.

"Let's make this quick and easy! Roselia, teach her a lesson!" Chloe tosses Roselia's Pokeball to the sky!

Roselia is a small, light green bipedal Pokémon. It has three horns on top of its head, and it has black eyes with long eyelashes. Visible from the back is a small stretch of yellow coloration around its neck much like a collar. There are leaves extending from its shoulders like epaulets. It has a leaf skirt with a yellow stripe running down the front. A male will have a shorter skirt than a female. It holds a rose in each of its hands, a red one in its right, and a blue one in its left. However, it is said that it will occasionally have unusually colored flowers.

"Pikachu, use Quick Attack right now!"

"Roselia, counter with Razor Leaf!"

*Leaf pellets came forth and blasted Pikachu from the ground, causing Quick Attack to be canceled.*

"Roselia, follow it up with Power Whip!"

Roselia twirls elegantly as two black silhouettes of rustling vines ties and smacks Pikachu back to the ground.

"Pikachu are you alright?!"

Pikachu nods her head while glaring at the foe. On the other hand, me and Lily are mesmerized by the Pokemon Battle. I've never seen one commence personally since I usually stay in the park rather than the stadium.

"Pikachu, Electro Ball now!"

"Roselia, use Razor Leaf and push back the Electro Ball!"

Based on my knowledge, I'm pretty sure Electric types don't do well against grass types. Pikachu's Electro Ball dispersed due to the leaves.

"Finish Pikachu with Power Whip once more!"

Pikachu flinches as the move travels closer to her. Jenny saw the attack coming close to her Pokemon but she isn't able to call out a move in time.

"Pikachu is no longer able to battle! So that means the winner of the match is Roselia and Chloe!" One of Chloe's gang member proclaims.

"What a weak Pikachu. Oh wait, it isn't Pikachu's fault, it's the trainer who's weak." Chloe mocks while laughing at Pikachu's fainted my body.

"Hmph! Beginner's luck, I'll deal with you next time." Jenny infuriates while holding unto her Pokemon.

"Next time, don't be arrogant and rude or you'll surely lose the fight!" Chloe caterwauls with a malicious look towards Jenny and her Pikachu.

"Y... your, the... ru, rude one." My voice stutters again while fighting for Jenny and her Pikachu. I hold Lily tightly in case Chloe enrages and dares to hit my little Lily.

"What was that?! You think that's funny, don't you? Try laughing at this!" Chloe infuriates and steps on my sketchpad. Her shoe made all my drawings filthy and dirty. She grabs my sketchpad and tears the pages one by one. My heart fills in with melancholy as I grasp on the torn out pages of my Sketchpad.

"P... please...st, stop," I beg and plead as tears burst forth like water flowing out from a dam.

"This will teach you a lesson! Never mess with me again!" Chloe warns and drops my worn out sketchpad on the ground. She gave it a kick one last time before leaving the scene with her gang.

Streaming tears cleansed my red cheeks. Few droplets remain, forgetting their way as the path sweeps from beneath them, consequently blurring my vision with waves of sadness only the bullied encounters. The salty release calmly flows into my mouth so that I could taste my own sorrow.

I mourn for my hard work and effort I exerted on my artworks. All I am is sadness, every other emotion pushed from my being. Bliss fades away while my heart begs for time to be reversed. Jenny, Pikachu, and Petilil tries to comfort my aching soul. If only I wasn't carrying such a burden, I would never feel the pain of getting bullied...