EPISODE 5: Love*

All that is left from my Pokemon Sketchpad, in nothing else except torn-out pages soaked in my very own tears. A waste of time, spending all those days drawing Pokemons and sceneries. If only I have a typical life just like the other children out there, well who knows? Maybe my sketchpad would still be on my grasp, imagine how many friends I could have. Anyways, only the sincere befriends people like me. People with a common enemy, dragging them down to the depths of the darkest nights.

Only a few hours before my birthday comes to an end. The night is old, and the moon is rare. Her children come out to play with the breeze, while twilight fills the sky. Three more hours, and it'll be midnight, three more hours, and a new boring day shall finally commence.

On a small wooden chair with a red velvet pillow is where I sit. The lamp on my desk is the only source of luminosity spreading its shine on me and my worn-out sketch pad. With a pencil on my left and a new sketch pad on my right, I try to recreate everything from the scraps of my former drawings. Creativity is my only ally when it comes to situations like this.

From time to time, I check on Lily, sleeping on the other side of my bed. Her little bubble snores made me giggle and chuckle at times. I tend not to tell my mother about those who've wronged me to avoid further conflicts.

"Luna? Luna?" Jenny knocks on my door. Her voice seems to be concern about me. I ignore her but my senses come up with the decision to open the door and let her in.

"J...Jenny." I stutter softly while looking unhappy as my body leans on the brown wooden door.

"I was um, checking on you. Are you alright?" Jenny questions with an uptight voice. She is on her pajamas while she holds her pink pillow on her grasps. I don't know what to say, I only respond by twitching my two shoulders.

"Is there anything I could do to help? I can help you fix your sketch pad if you want. It's still 9:00, pretty early for me." Jenny taps my shoulder and comforts me. Her smile and jolly nature during times of sadness made me laugh for about a second, sadly, I don't want her to deal with my own problems. I respond by swaying my head swiftly to the side.

"Oh, ok then. It's fine if you don't need help. I just came here to remind you that no one should deal with this kind of problem alone. It could make you into something you didn't ought to be...

Anyways, me and Pikachu still needs to have our nightly shower. Goodnight!" Jenny beams with joy and rushed back to her room. She is so fast, that I am not a given time to respond. A jolly girl with an exhilarating spirit.

I am about to close my door when suddenly my mother interrupts and goes inside. She was eavesdropping my conversation with Jenny.

"Ok, tell me what's wrong this time?" Athena hugs me into her grasp while swaying steadily. I couldn't express my emotions through words, only through grief and sadness.

"Shh... Luna, tell me what's wrong? What happened?" Athena wrapped with solaces and the voice of a mother's heart echoed inside of me. No matter how old I am, my mother will always treat me like a child.

"Ch... Ch, Chloe." I respond with a hoarse throat while tears drizzle down my eyes like rain.

"That brat! What did she do this time?! Doesn't she know it's your birthday today?" Mother's mood suddenly enrages. This is not my first time to be bullied by the same person, but it is my first time for my sketch pad to be involved.

"My Sketchpad... Sh, she... she ripped it." My voice stutters while pointing at my worn-out sketches on the desk.

"Don't worry, I'll send Chloe to the office again. I'll be going to the Celadon Department Store tomorrow. I'll buy you a new sketch pad tomorrow. I promise." Athena utters with certainty while rubbing my blue hair. I respond with a smile while I tightening my grip on her waist. Mother's promises always fulfill, no matter what.

"Oh, and by the way. I also have another present for you. I know that battling doesn't flow in your veins, but this will still be of use." Mother scrambles her pocket and gives me a rectangular yellow box.

"Wh... What's in, inside?" My voice stutters while my eyes gaze upon the yellow box. I grew curious about what's inside, could it be a Pokeball? Or maybe even an accessory?

"Hee hee! Do me a favor and open that box tomorrow in the morning. I know you won't like it, but hey? At least it's useful. Now, goodnight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" Athena kisses my forehead and closes the door gently. My body couldn't resist taking a small glimpse inside the box.

I remembered my mother's order and decided to obey it. My body is tired and drowsy anyway. I'll probably continue my sketches tomorrow in the morning after opening the present my mother gave me.

Steadily, I place it on my desk and turn off the lamp. The wind blows towards my room through the open windows on the corner. A cold breeze, for a nice sleep.

I am about to dive into a deep slumber, and that's when I heard strange noises coming outside my window. Chatters coming from two men distracted me. I couldn't resist but to peek outside and eavesdrop their conversation.

"Man! I'm tired already. This Golbat will surely please the boss."

"Pfft! The boss is tired of all those Golbats you catch for him! You should catch a rare Pokemon to satisfy his thirst."

"Yeesh, and I expect your Growlithe is a rare Pokemon?"

"Of course he'll like my Pokemon! Soon, I'll be one of his executives. His dream to catch the most powerful Pokemon in the universe shall be complete!"

"Haha! You'd wish."

Two grunts walked like drunk men with drowsy voices. Their clothing is pitch black, with an R logo on their torso. Both of them were boasting off Pokemons that'll soon be given to their so-called boss. They were also talking about a Pokemon called... I can't remember its name, but all I know is that it is the most powerful Pokemon in the world.

"Hey look! There's a teenager eavesdropping us!" One of the men points at my window. My body suddenly trembles as I rush back to my bed.

"Nah, let her be! How could a teenager wreck the whole organization? Come on! We still have to attend to the Rocket Conference." The other man utters with a drowsy voice and disregards my eavesdropping actions.

My heart is pounding hard while I cover my head with my Bulbasaur pillow. The two men decided not to take any actions and continued to walk through the streets of Saffron City. My pounding heart became slower, while my fear turns into drowsiness. My body feels comfortable as I forget about the actions I've done. From time to time, sleepiness and somnolence struck my body. I then fall asleep into a deep slumber while hugging my Lily. The wind oozes through the window and into my pale skin, giving me warmth and pleasure.