EPISODE 6: Gift*

The dawn of a new day. The sun blooms over the horizon, golden petals stretching ever outwards into the azure sky. It is the brilliant flower which warms our day, an invitation to new beginnings.

The galore of the sun's ray brings a gentle passion to the soul, a calling to the skies, to rise and be something great. The breeze continues to ooze through this fertile soil, while slowly the silhouettes fade away, gushing back to the deepest shadows.

A flock of Pidgeys flies over the skies of this city while the people rise to do their daily agendas.

My crimson red eyes, twitch as they wake up to full glory. I could feel the energy and stamina forging through my blood. From a blurry and blobby vision to a clear sight, I also see my Lily looking at my eyes.

I respond back with a blissful smile while massaging and rubbing her sweet green hair. She was triggered yesterday, after being called a green onion by Chloe.

I take a glimpse of my rotom-phone. It's currently eight in the morning, giving me extra time to do what I wish to do. Something catches my attention after placing my rotom phone on the desk beside me. It is the yellow box which my mother gave me yesterday.

My body fills in with exuberance and excitement as I grab the yellow box on my desk. Vibrant and shiny, that's how the box looks like. On the other side, is a note written by mother herself.

[Dear Luna Evergreen,

Happy 15th birthday! I know you're not fond of battling with Pokemons, but I figured that this device could still help you and your Petilil. Always remember that I love you, best wishes!] This what the white cardboard letter states.

The letter brings joy to my soul. Without wasting another second, I open the lid of the yellow vibrant box and take a glimpse on mother's present.

A long shallow red device, with buttons and switches on it. I flip the cover of this strange device, and see one small screen and one gyroscope on the very corner.

"P... Poke, Pokedex?" My voice stutters softly while me and Lily looks at the label on the back of this strange device. I am not familiar with what a Pokedex is since I'm not a Pokemon trainer who loves to seek adventure and badges.

Time to figure out what in the world a Pokedex is, I turn on this strange device by pressing the big obvious light blue button. Everything seems confusing for me. The black screen flashes a Pokeball symbol as it slowly loads information and data.

[... Kanto Pokedex (Version 2.3.1. Not upgraded)

Gathering data... Gathering data...] I never knew Pokedexes could talk. I usually think that they just spit out information for the users to read.

[Data analyzed! Good morning, Luna Evergreen. I am a Kanto Pokedex. I typically describe a Pokémon in only two or three sentences. I may give background information on the habitat or activities of a Pokémon in the wild or other information on the Pokémon's history or anatomy. My entries also include height, weight, cry, footprint, location, other forms, and a picture of the Pokémon.

Sometimes the I might contain inaccurate or mythical information. For example, some of Tentacruel's entries describe it as having 80 tentacles when only 14 are described] It explains its own function while taking a picture of my face.

[My system is currently not upgraded to further features such as scanning Pokemons from the Kalos and Galar region, but I can assure you that I am Nationally upgraded, meaning... I could scan any Pokemons from the Kanto to the Unova region only.

Once I've been upgraded once more, that is the only time wherein I could scan Pokemons from the Kalos and Galar region.]

"Sc... Scan Pet, Petilil." I point the Pokedex towards my little Lily to see if the Pokedex is in perfect condition. The Pokedex's voice seems hilarious to me, making me chuckle from time to time.

[Petilil! The Bulb Pokemon, a grass type. Although the leaves on its head are bitter enough to cause dizziness, they provide relief from weariness—even more so when boiled.

Petilil currently knows two moves:

-Razor Leaf

-Absorb] The Pokedex informs while showing a picture of another Petilil through its small black screen.

Razor Leaf, and Absorb, that could be useful for planting shrubs and herbs which I love to do with my mother. Since I'm not kinda good in battling, maybe improvising Lily's moves could make other tasks seem easier.

"Luna, Luna!" Jenny's zippy spirit knocks on my door again. Just by how she calls my name, I could say, her sleep boosted her energy by about 101%

"Good, mor... morning." I greet with a serene smile while leaning on the door. Pikachu jumps down Jenny's shoulder and plays with Lily inside my room. Not only are we friends, but even our Pokemons are friends with each other.

"Why do you look drowsy? Did you sleep late last night? Anyways... I want you to come cheer for me later in the Orphanage stadium. I challenged Mr. Magnus to a Pokemon battle, isn't that amazing?!" Jenny's voice beams like a volcanic eruption of determination and vitality.

If only my passion for battling is as high as hers. Challenging one of the Master Five? That seems like a suicide mission to me. She entirely doesn't know how powerful Mr. Magnus's Arcanine is. Well, I don't want to disrupt her determination, plus she's my friend. I respond with a promising smile instead while nodding my head.

"Thanks, Luna! I knew that I could count on you. Anyways, the opening remarks are about to begin, better groom your messy bun hair." Jenny laughs and teases.

I guess the secret behind the yellow box is no other than a National Kanto Dex. With mother's present, I could scan all sorts of Pokemons ranging from this region to the Unova region. Even without a flare for battling, mother is right, this Pokedex could still be at use for gathering and studying about Pokemons. My knowledge of Pokemons is limited, but I'm a girl with common sense. Obviously, fire types are weak to water types since water calms wildfires in forests and jungles. Grass types are weak to fire types since fire has the ability to burn brittle objects such as leaves, and of course, water is weak to grass because water gives nutrients to shrubs, plants, herbs, and trees.

Now, one question remains on my head, how will Jenny and her Pikachu defeat Mr.Magnus's Arcanine. I could've warned her about Arcanine's powerful attack called Flare Blitz but just like a little kid, she scrambles all the time.