EPISODE 7: Determination*

After breakfast, comes our free time, we can do whatever we wish, as long as it abides the rules and regulations of the Saffron Orphanage.

So far, I don't usually break rules. I follow and obey whatever my mother implements. It would be embarrassing to see the daughter of the headmaster breaking rules and ordinances implemented here. My reputation here is pretty low, and I don't want it to decline furthermore.

The indoor stadium, a place where Pokemon battles are held. Children in this orphanage could battle other children or even the master five to gain experiences in Pokemon Battling. Me? Never in my life have I battled against someone. I only come to the stadium to watch other people battle each other only to prove who will triumph. I've watched my mother battled multiple times, and never did she lose a single one, except when she was young of course. Her favorite Pokemon is no other than her starter, a Bulbasaur now fully evolved into a Venusaur. Their bonds burn hotter than the hottest stars, not even Magnus could counter those stars.

Sometimes, the indoor stadium could be jam-packed with crowds, while during other times it's usually the challenger and the one being challenged.

Jenny and her rambunctious attitude as always, challenged Magnus, one of the Master Five's greatest trainers. I've always adored his battling techniques, even if I forget them later on. Magnus is a person who uses the battlefield as an advantage, improvising is important in battling according to him.

We've finally arrived at the doors of the stadium. Jenny and her Pikachu then dashes with determination as the doors open, sending out an array of blinding light. Me and Lily are expecting a huge crowd, but it turns out, it is just her and Magnus.

Magnus gives an arrogant smile while tossing his Pokeball up and down on his hands. He waits on the other side of the stadium, filled with somewhat a gradient of contempt and determination.

"So Jenny, you're the one who challenged me?" Magnus's voice brings intimidation to Jenny's voice as she walks to the battlefield. In the meantime, I and Lily went up to the Balcony to observe their match.

"I'm ready Mr.Magnus! If I want to become a police, then I have to become strong just like mother and her Raichu!" Jenny counters Magnus's intimidation with confidence and determination. Her eyes warns Magnus about Pikachu's grave power, yet lost to a Pokemon called Roselia.

"Strong? Strength is nothing but an illusion. Only the bond between a trainer and Pokemon can determine one's strength. You and your Pikachu, it's obvious that it's not your first time to battle.

This isn't your first time to win either, meaning you've got some tactics up your sleeve. It seems to me as well that you've befriended Luna, let's see how well you can impress her!" Magnus continues to intimidate Jenny with his ferocious sharp eyes. Believe it or not, everyone couldn't bare his eyes, not even me.

"I'll make you and her proud! Pikachu, it's time to leap into action!" Jenny yells with exuberance as her Pikachu jumps down her shoulder and into the battlefield.

"Darkest flames, reunite! Bring terror upon our opponent's eye. Fear not the power of aqua and evaporate its soul! Stand with me, Arcanine!" Magnus chants while tossing his Pokeball.

Arcanine is a quadruped, canine Pokémon with an orange pelt marked by jagged black stripes. It has diamond-shaped ears with beige insides, black eyes, a round, black nose, and two pointed teeth protruding from its upper jaw. Its head, muzzle, and chest are covered in shaggy, beige fur, except for two oval sections around each eye and ear. Long tufts of fur grow behind its elbows and around its ankles. Its underside is black, and it has a billowing, beige tail that is bent in the middle. Each paw has three toes and a round, pink pad.

[Arcanine! The Legendary Pokemon, a fire type! ARCANINE is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The fire that blazes wildly within this POKéMON's body is its source of power.]

Using my Kanto Dex, I figure that it is time to scan Mr.Magnus's powerful Pokemon. Anyways, here's a fun fact, people of the golden era thought that Arcanine was somewhat a legendary Pokemon due to the fact it belongs in an ancient painting of the weather mirages, hence it was called "Legendary Pokemon" in its Pokedex entry. Some classify this fiery beast as a pseudo-legendary, or Pokemons which has powers such as those of a legendary.



"Let this battle begin! Arcanine, use Fire Fang!" Magnus proclaims the first move.

"Alright Pikachu, dodge then go underneath Arcanine! Use Iron tail from there."

Pikachu's speed mesmerizes me and Lily. Her swiftness is faster than a thunderbolt, and her power is stronger than a lightning's impact. Arcanine couldn't keep up with Pikachu's pace, making it blast off to the sky due to Iron Tail.

Iron Tail, a move famous in this region. The user's tail strengthens and fills up with a metallic pigment. The move is capable of sending a Machamp to the sky. I know this since I've seen my mother battle a Machamp before with one of her Pokemons.

"Pikachu, follow it up with Volt Tackle!"

"Intercept with Flame Charge!"

Both Pokemons collide against each other. I know how Magnus thinks, if he can't win neither can the opponent, causing multiple matches to end up in a draw.

Flame Charge is better in my opinion, since my mother said it could boost the user's speed. Volt tackle could cause the user to receive recoil damage.

"Now Arcanine, use Flare Blitz!"

"Pikachu, I know you can do this, pull yourself together!" Jenny encourages with a convincing tone. Her Pikachu received grave damage due to the collision course and the recoil damage.

Even with wounds, Pikachu persists to stand. Her will to win is immense just like a volcano's will to erupt. I lean my head forwards from the railing while holding my Lily. Me and her are very entertained by the match.

Too bad Pikachu isn't able to stand right away. I think it is because of flame charge. It boosted Arcanine's speed to the limit, making it unleash the attack very swiftly.

"Arcanine, thank you for such an outstanding performance. Now, return to your Pokeball." And just like that, Pikachu faints, making Arcanine the victor once more.

"Pikachu, have a nice rest inside your Pokeball. I guess there's still room for improvement for both of us." Jenny sighs while comforting her fainted Pikachu. Even in doubt, her spirit and determination never declines. Not even by a bit.

"That was pretty quick, but I should say, your Pikachu is quite close to you. Her will to stand is all thanks to your will to fight. I've guessed you should be thankful, you learned your mistakes, all you need to do is to stitch those mistakes.

Never ever give up, even if the whole world is against you due to your mistakes." After every battle, Magnus remains humble like a rose. He tells each challenger his or her mistakes, and inspires them to never give up.

"Thank you Mr.Magnus, it's been a pleasure battling with you." Jenny smiles then shakes Magnus's hand. I thought everything is going great until Magnus turns his head up and looks at me.

"Luna, impressive was it? Now, it's your turn to battle. Don't worry, you won't be battling me, you'll be battling your challenger." Magnus hints while looking at me with feisty eyes.

I quickly respond and sway my head to the side. I don't want to battle, just like what I've said, I'm not determined nor ambitious. I don't even know what to be when I grow up.

"Come on, you can't disapprove one's request can't you? I know you hate battling, but I haven't seen you and your new Pokemon in action.

Chloe challenged you to a Pokemon Battle." Magnus reveals while trying his best to inspire me. Of course, I respond with a no. I'm not battling, no matter what.

"Come on Luna! I'll be cheering for you, just like what you did to me." Jenny utters with encouragement. Once again, I respond with a no. Battling is not my type, so please stop forcing me.

"You've got no choice Luna..." A voice murmurs. Chloe enters the room with her gang again. Her arrogant look makes me want to battle her, but not with Pokemons. I know why she brought her gang, she wants to embarrass me again in front of all of her supporters.

"I... I am not, go... going to battle." My voice stutters then I reject Chloe's challenge.

"Stop being a doormat! Why don't you want to battle, is it because you and your onion are scared to lose?" Chloe insults while her supporters laugh hysterically. My hands shivers and my mind fills in with anger and outrage.

"Hey, you don't have to insult her. Battling is not her type, I tried to force her too but she really doesn't want, so leave her alone." Jenny interrupts while glaring at Chloe's eyes.

"Eh, Luna you have no choice. Just battle her Luna. It's important for a person to gain knowledge in Pokemon Battling once in a while. Even if you don't like battling, only through this process will your bond with your Pokemon strengthen." Magnus encourages with a positive and inspiring voice. Well, he is right, after all, but I do believe that there are other ways to strengthen a Pokemon's bond aside from battling.

My rage controls my body, even if I don't want too. I respond with a casual nod. I'm sure up against dozens of insults after this match. Battling blindly with limited knowledge on Pokemon battles, is a disadvantage for me.

Absorb and Razor Leaf, let's see what potential I and Lily uphold...