EPISODE 47: Depths*

With the notebook in my bag, I rummage the area to find the crying Pokemon. Every sound contributes to the detail of its location, therefore I must pay attention fervently.

The Pokemon doesn't seem to be in this room. It is something far beyond the depths of this worn-out mansion, but where? I lean my ears upon the wall of the room, listening to every clue.

"It can't be. How can the sound be coming from the inside?" I query unto myself. The noise confronts me to seek beyond the walls of the mansion, it tells me to go deeper and further.

My eyes glance over the wall, searching for a gap that I can fit through. I am certain that there is one for how can a Pokemon enter the walls without passing through it.

My eyes detected a small gap between the walls on the bottom-left. I can fit, but traveling through it will become challenging for me. Dust particles and other grub-like Pokemons live beyond these depths.

I crawl under despite all the upcoming circumstances. My lungs are indeed fragile but my mask can support it momentarily. I am not afraid of bugs, except for the big ones like Heracross, Scyther, and Pinsir. They cannot fit through such a gap, so I am certain about my safety.

Beyond the walls is another portion of the mansion. A much more maze-looking compartment. I ponder the area and found no window and doors.

Now I wonder which door could lead anyone to this portion of the abandoned mansion. As I walk through the halls of a perhaps forbidden portion of the room, my eyes glance over the worn-out artifacts.

Weird griffins of the strongest Pokemon stands still. Its body, made out of copper and steel. Its eyes, however, are made with pure and pristine gold. The griffins seem to have green switches, attracting my hand to do something I'm not supposed to do.

I know for a fact that I have a curious mind. My sanity remains in a crazed state if my questions are left unanswered. After flipping the switch, an abrupt sound occurred.

The floors begin to shake, revealing another staircase heading deeper. I then concluded that this is not any typical mansion for it has a confidential basement.

Perhaps there are other journals located inside or maybe the Pokemon which persists to cry is hidden beyond those depths. The results of this expedition will depend on the way I react to sudden situations.

My fist clenches upon Lily's Pokeball, ready to release her in case trouble and disturbance dare to dispute me. I walk cautiously down the basement. The squeaking floors of the drenched stairs transformed my heart into a heavy one.

The sensation of loudness is within me, one cannot resist but to look back frequently, wondering if someone or something is ready to attack from behind.

The deeper I walk through the depths, the more awareness shrouds my mind. I could already hear the echoes of Pokemons and the smell of bitter essence.

I scour every room of the long-forgotten basement. Not a single notebook in plain sight but a painting of Mewtwo was found.

On the very corner, an illustration of Mewtwo's majestic and glorious past is described. The texts surrounding the image looks like a summary of the eight journals. This can be of use, in case Xavier and Charlotte weren't able to find the other journals.

I take out my rotom-phone and pictured the whole painting. Stealing the painting is not an option for no bag can match its size.

"Today while on our journey through the densest part of the jungle, we were surprised to discover a new Pokemon.

We decided to name to recently discovered Pokemon, Mew. We christened the new Pokemon.

From the potential within Mew, we have managed to create an entirely new Pokemon, Mewtwo.

we have failed to curb its tendencies, Mewtwo is beyond us now." I utter slowly while reading every text seen in the painting.

Mewtwo's secrets are finally revealed. From what seems to be a profound discovery turns out to be the epitome of a disaster to come. Men have created something far beyond its limits, no wonder why Giovanni wants to harness its power.

Humanity will achieve the same strength Mewtwo has, therefore no burdens will hurdle us. A much better and profound life.

The noise seeps my attention once more so I'd figure that it would be best to scour the area. Under a dilapidated griffin, I see a struggling Pokemon. How did my eyes even miss the griffin when I first scoured the area?

The Pokemon's legs are stuck under the griffin's excessive corpulence. Its tears and pain yearned for help and assistance.

[Mawile! The Deceiver Pokemon, a fairy and steel type. MAWILE's huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed. Its docile-looking face serves to lull its foe into letting down its guard. When the foe least expects it, MAWILE chomps it with its gaping jaws.] The Pokedex informs while showing valuable data about the Pokemon I've just seen.

Mawile is a short, bipedal Pokémon with a pale yellow body and black arms and feet. Its legs have a thick, fur-like covering resembling hakama or a skirt. Its most notable feature is a pair of large black jaws emerging from the back of its head. These jaws have an oval yellow spot on their top surface and contain ten pointed teeth - six on the top row and four on the bottom.

I hurry and answer the Pokemon's yearn. The Super Potions are supposed to be used for my pokemons in case of an emergency. Mawile however, needs it more than them.

With the help of Kirlia's Psybeam, we are able to lift the griffin, setting Mawile free yet injured. Her wounds are swelling like fire, I could not feel the pain but I can sense it.

"Stay calm," I utter with a soothing voice. I place her over a table, ready to put my knowledge about Pokemon Healing in use.

Mawile however, continues to struggle, for the pain it bears is far beyond my imagination. I do not have anesthesia with me, Mawile has no choice but to bear the bitterness of the potions.

I spray the potion on a damp cloth and gently tapped it upon Mawile's wound. My Pokemons kept Mawile intact, avoiding it to struggle furthermore.

Mawile cries as the damp cloth touches its wound. I try to be as gentle as possible, yet her struggle made things rambunctious and painful.

Once finished with the potions, I applied a bandage on Mawile's soaring wounds. She cried intensely due to the bandage's sticky filling. I was also there to further comfort her pain and injury by hugging her closely.

Affection has the power to stitch the deepest scars, to heal broken emotions, and to thaw a frozen heart. It can comfort sleepless nights und silence the enduring pain.

For Mawile, the hug is stronger than the potion's effect. Her eyes are in shock as she hugs me back. Three minutes has passed an my rotom-phone begins to ring. Xavier and Charlotte texted me that it is time to return to headquarters.

Me and my Pokemons bid goodbyes to Mawile. I left her some berries and fruits which can satisfy her belly for about two to three days. Mawile didn't look pleased however, she wanted me to stay longer but I cannot.

Instead of passing through the gap, I used the emergency exit which I have seen during the times I scoured the area. It is a beacon of relief, for I do not need to inhale more dust from that dark gap.

The exit led me to the backdoor of the mansion, and that is where I met Xavier and Charlotte with a frown. They didn't look pleased or delighted. Something perhaps must've gone terribly wrong.

"We were attacked by Blaine and fiery Pokemons. His Arcanine burned down the journals in order for Team Rocket not to take advantage of it." Charlotte utters with a disappointed voice.

"Something or someone is spilling the mission's details. Blaine couldn't have known about this unless someone told him.

We were able to escape from him for we didn't want to hurt an old man. Did you find any journal?" Xavier questions with worry. Both of them seem scared of Giovanni's enraging anger after hearing about the mission's failure.

Xavier has a point, Blaine could not know about our mission unless someone has spilled the beans. That someone is probably from Team Rocket, but who could it be? Even on our first mission, our plan ceased to function. How did Professor Violet know about our plans in the first place?

Something fishy is definitely happening within the walls of this organization. A black sheep, coated with fine white wool.

I giggle and proclaim with joy. This time, I am able to save them from Giovanni's terrifying anger. The picture of the painting is still on my device's memory. It contains a summary of the eight journals, an improvised material for another blunder.

Moments later, the helicopter finally descends, ready to pick the three of us up. If it wasn't for Mawile, this whole mission would be a total flaw, however, I should remain cautious for a traitor is lurking around.