EPISODE 48: Mayday*

Their brain stutters for a moment and their eyes take in more light than they expected, every part of them goes on pause while their thoughts catch up. Both Charlotte and Xavier were pleased and shock at the same time.

It was only a stroke of luck that led me to the painting. Without Mawile's persistent cry, the whole mission would be a total flaw. We escaped to the helicopter as fast as we could for the irritating sounds of police cars started to emit. Blaine must've contacted the Pokemon Police Department after seeing Charlotte and Xavier.

UB-435, it is a type of helicopter that requires no pilot at all. This is one of Team Rocket's profound technology forged by no other than Arlo and his crew. The helicopter has the assistance of a GPS for navigation, and autopilot for operation.

The three of us reaches the helicopter just in time before the police arrived. The helicopter moved like a silent hawk in a sleepless night. Its presence is there, yet no one can see it.

The helicopter was built so profoundly, that not even the propellers made any noise. From Cinnabar Island, the helicopter moved north towards Pallet Town then Viridian City.

With the help of the sun's galore, the helicopter almost seems invisible for the mirrors of the vehicle bounced back the light.

Inside the vehicle, my eyes gaze unto our sacred region. From those who pursue to fly, to those who are born to hunt. The biodiversity of the Kanto Region can be seen from the sky.

Everything turned out to be a normal yet tiring day when suddenly a modifications of plans occurred. It all started when my bag surprised me.

A lifeless bag moving towards me, seems impossible to happen unless the reason behind this is a Ghastly possessing my bag. At first, I did not mind the bag for I thought it moved because of the helicopter's drift.

Things, however, starts to intensify when the bag starts to jump up on my lap. I open it, only to be greeted by Mawile's adorable yet deceiving face.

The Pokemon beams with joy. Her squinted eyes talks about nothing but pure ecstasy while her large jaws made me feel uncomfortable.

Xavier and Charlotte also saw Mawile hopping and leaping around upon my lap. They suspected her as a spy but I cooled their worried minds.

"Mawile," I utter and gave a pleasant smile. Based on my observation, her wounds seem to be healing yet my mind wonders how she was able to enter my bag.

The biggest question though is how she entered and zipped herself inside. Pokemons have astounding talents, just like Mawile and her sneaky skills.

She then licks my face, ever-showing her deepest gratitude. The Pokedex is correct, Mawile has a truly adorable and irresistible face despite her unusual jaw.

"Hmm, you did mention that you helped Mawile with her wound. Probably when assisting her she decided to follow with you." Charlotte guesses. She tries to give Mawile a little pat on the hand but Mawile responds back with a growl. I chuckled. Mawile only wants to be friends with me.

"Hey! Not fair." Charlotte utters with disappointment after being growled at. She tries again and again yet Mawile persisted to growl.

"It's ok, Charlotte is a friend of mine. The one resting over there is Xavier." I introduce. With a soothing voice, I calmed Mawile's overprotective responses towards Charlotte. Steadily, she allows Charlotte to pat her head.

Xavier isn't fond of cute Pokemons. I always wonder why he's too serious when it comes to missions and operations. Every single day, he pursues to train with his Pokemons rather than adventuring out with them. I suddenly have the urge to learn more about Xavier.

"Hey, I know! Luna, why don't you catch Mawile instead? She loves to be with you anyways. She won't follow you without a reason you know." Charlotte suggests. I agree with her, but the question is, does Mawile agree too?

"Mawile. Do you wish to come with me? Travel alongside each other?" I query with a salubrious smile.

For the moment, it is as if time has stopped. Both of us are glancing deeply upon each other. Mawile thinks hard about the decision. As the constant stare continues, the helicopter suddenly ceased to function.

For some peculiar reason, the helicopter stopped its operation causing it to crash down. Thank Arceus that we aren't too high from the ground.

The three of us respond quickly. Charlotte held the poles, while I clung tightly unto Mawile, trying to protect her. I comfort Mawile despite the fact that even myself is panicking gravely.

Xavier remains calm and contacts headquarters right away. He failed, however, when his phone slid to the other side.

The propellers stopped and the helicopter suddenly splits into two. I wasn't able to grab Charlotte's hand in time, causing her to be separated alongside with the other portion of the helicopter.

I couldn't breathe properly, nor did my senses function adequately. My clothes were soaked with Mawile's sensation of terror. All of us yearned for help, yet we were too isolated from the main portions of the region.

The helicopter continues to descend, crashing down unto sheer cold. The reason for the helicopter's sudden failure is yet to be discovered.