EPISODE 49: Frost*

I couldn't bear it. The wind cuts through my skin and tortuously slashed my marrow with constant harsh blows, like rime daggers, as they moan in the pleasure of my pain. The snow beneath my body jumps up in a great flurry, and licks my face with curious tongues constantly nipping at my nose.

The barren trees tease and laugh while cutting me with thin wooden rapiers. But out of all, this burden most lie with the hoarfrost that flew in the air and grew nearly on every branch, cliff, and limb. It worked to sharpen the rapiers, to push into my skin and inflict great pain, and to turn my misery into their salvation. Oh, how I loathed this desolate island.

A group of islands known as the Seafoam Islands is where the helicopter crashed. Only a few men know about this place, for this is where snow hits the hardest. The island holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the bravest must suffer.

On my grasp, is Mawile's shivering body. I hug her tightly just like how my mother hugs me whenever I feel sick or unhappy. It is with deepest sincerity that I protect Mawile.

The wooden twig which pierced through my lower abdomen stood firm. I stay on the snow, yearning for help with a hoarse throat. My blurry eyes can see helicopters scraps from the distance, I couldn't wait but to enraged to the one who've done this.

Indeed, this is not an accident. Someone from the headquarters shut off the helicopter's control system, causing the three of us to descend harshly. When I find out who did it, I'll be sure to teach him or her a lesson.

My sight slowly withers into ebony. My mouth releases nothing but snow, and the blood which oozes out of my wound continued to trickle down like a stream. I try to stand firm amidst the island's greatest adversities.

Alone, my soul waits for someone's arrival while keeping Mawile upon my grasp. Minutes soon turned into hours, yet not a single presence has arrived. I continue to wait with my eyes closed, hoping to forget this terrible incident. The closing of eyes soon turns into drowsiness and malice. Hypothermia slowly awaits me.

After a long dreadful nap, my mind finally decides to wake me up. Steadily, my sight and senses retreats back to me. My eyes twinkle like stars only to see myself leaning across a barren tree. In front of me is a campfire ever-boasting its hues to give me warmth and affection.

I saw Mawile resting on my grasp. Wrapped around my abdomen is a white bandage. To my shock, my wound isn't bleeding anymore and I was astonished that it was the serious one who helped me.

I saw Xavier and his distressed mind. He seems to be trying to contact headquarters with a spare back-up device. I never knew that he has a soft spot as well.

Although I felt warmer, my body is still far from full recovery. My throat is hoarse and my head aches a little. It's probably because of the intense weather Seafoam Island has to offer.

Three minutes later, Xavier starts to intensify to the point that he throws the back-up device. The lack of internet connection stressed him, while the lack of supplies made him worry.

"Where's Charlotte?" I question with a hoarse voice.

"Finally, you woke up. Charlotte is on the other island. She was able to contact me but I can't contact her back, it looks like the signal is much profound on that island.

I tried to send a distress signal to headquarters yet none of them are responding." Xavier utters with what seems to be a stressed and infuriated voice.

Giovanni is surely aware of our disappearance since its already dusk and we haven't returned yet. The problem is, the boss doesn't know where we are. Cinnabar Island is shrouded with other landmasses such as the Sevii island the Sinnoh Region if you swim towards the southeastern sea.

"Do we have any supplies left?" I query.

"Not much. Most of them were destroyed alongside with the helicopter. As for Charlotte, she told me that she has a stack of supplies worthy for about a week." Xavier utters. He sits down unto a dilapidated and uprooted rock looking nervous on what's to come. I on the other hand, was still curious about him.

"Is Charlotte gonna be alright?" I query again.

"Eh, probably. She's a positive and optimistic woman, what could possibly go wrong?" Xavier utters sarcastically.

"You are aware that panicking won't do a thing right?"

"What do you want us to do? We are stranded on an island far from the Kanto reaches!" Xavier enrages.

"I thought you were a serious young man who could adapt to any situation, but it turns out I was wrong. Your eyes are similar to a man who is trying to be someone he's not."

"You know nothing about me!" Xavier enrages again. His anger made things obvious that he was lying to my face.

"Be careful of who you pretend to be. You might forget who you are. It's ok if you persist to hide the truth, it will reveal itself anyways."

Xavier steadied for a moment. My words must've pushed his past back to him. I gazed upon a face trying to clinch a tear.

"When I was young, I was bullied for being soft and fragile. People thought of me as a scapegoat and therefore no one wanted to play with me.

I wanted to have friends, so I tried to become like the cool kids who were serious, tough, and strong. Kids who didn't show compassion except to themselves.

I thought, that if I forget my former self, more people would accept me. Thus, I joined Team Rocket to prove how strong I am. To prove how serious and powerful I can be." Xavier explains with a brittle voice.

"So, you are pretending just to earn honor? It seems like a dull excuse to me." I chuckle.

"Who are you to judge my past?!" Xavier suddenly infuriates.

"Relax, I was just kidding. Everyone has their own excuses for how they became the person they are now. I was once bullied because of Dysphemia, so I chose to join Team Rocket because they granted me salvation."

"You're right. I haven't been nice to you, haven't I? Anyways, I apologize for acting like Giovanni. I just wanted to prove myself.

I guess no one can't hide from what they really are huh?" Xavier utters solemnly. His frozen heart thaws and his true self finally appeared. In return, I also apologized for acting like an idiot in the first mission.

My duty anyways was to fight for I am a combat agent. Now, the argument is over and the ties between me and him have finally settled.