EPISODE 50: Caverns*

The night is subtle yet cold. The fire's warmth comforted me but the violent wind persisted to extinguish it. My body trembled before the ice for it is the superior of the island.

I conceal myself with a thick blanket. It is one of my things that barely survived the crash. Still, even with the blanket and fire, the sheer cold array of ice and frost made my fingers numb and caused my head to ache.

My mind tries to sleep, but it is too bothered by the present situation. I am uncertain about what to focus on, the fact that I'm on a stranded island? Or perhaps Charlotte's Pokemons and her safety?

Xavier is right, she is optimistic but tends to do things without thinking at first. She and Jenny have the same characteristics, both are shrouded with positivity however, they are indeed rambunctious.

Minutes turn into hours and the sun's galore is wide awake, ever-thawing the thick sheets of ice. The golden flower brought warmth to my skin, I feel more comfortable as the harsh wind finally settles.

My night, however, wasn't very intriguing. I woke up from time to time, looking unto the blanket of darkness, searching for the sun's spirit.

"Save the food for lunch. We should head north for that is where the other portion of the helicopter crashed. From the shore of the northern coast, we would need to make a raft and drift off to the next island.

Once we meet Charlotte, we can now have the opportunity to contact headquarters." Xavier utters with confidence towards his plan. He prepares his bag and packs up all the supplies for the long journey ahead.

This is my first time not to be triggered by Xavier's instructions. He seems much more gentle and reasonable than before.

Before we leave, there are things that must be settled first. Mawile hasn't answered my question, but it seems to me that she's willing to join me and my team.

Once more, I question unto her. "Do you wish to come with me? If you do, I will take care of you and nurture you like a mother."

This time, Mawile is finally certain about her answer. With an obvious ecstasy insight, she nods her head rambunctiously and agrees to join my team.

I respond with a neverending bliss. Without a moment to lose, Mawile taps on the button and enters the Pokeball quickly. She resists to escape and after three turns, the Pokeball indicates that I've captured her.

For now, I will keep her inside her Pokeball. It is probably the best option for it is much safer and comfortable inside rather than letting her walk by my side. The advent of Mawile's journey with me has finally commenced.

According to Xavier's spare map, The Seafoam Islands consist of four isles. If we follow the helicopter scraps precisely, it will lead us to Charlotte's current location.

There is one thing that separates us from the northern coast, a mountain of never-ending coldness. With glistening white caps, like a perfect storybook picture, the mountain range lay to the north. Like slumbering giants beneath thick blankets of white I,t lays in dreamless sleep as the eons ticked by like the second hand of a clock.

The only way through the mountain is by surpassing the adversities its caves have to offer. Pokemons which belong to the ice-type category lurk within the crevices, waiting to be seen.

To enter the cave was to become engulfed in chilling blackness. The absence of light meant the absence of its warming touch. Underfoot the loose stones shifted, twisting our ankle one way and then the other, and the noise of those disturbed rocks echoed off the dense stone walls.

Ahead was the sound of water dripping into the water. But without even a match to cast light into the black t, here was no way to tell how deep it was or if our next step would take us into its frigid depths.

For the time being, we've decided to stop near a pool of frigid water. One can of beans would probably be enough to restore our energy for the next three hours.

We rest, cocooned in the body of the cave, feeling the rocks beneath our shoes. the rock beneath our feet. In the darkness I feel my blood return to a comfortable warmth, my eyes as calm as they are in my nightly dreams. Water runs ever so cooly from the cave opening down fissures, feeding caverns in other places.

From the silence, comes an abrupt noise of danger. The noise gathered our attention, causing us to stand in our stances. The disturbance got louder, giving an obvious signal that something or someone is getting closer to us.

A moment later, the noise suddenly disperses into thin air, returning the peace and silence to the cave. I let my guard down, after knowing that the disturbance has disappeared yet I regret my decision to do.

From behind a Pokemon of brute strength starts to enrage upon me. I am not fully aware that it was behind my back. Before its sharp claws pierce through my skin, Xavier pushes me to the left and I was left with awe because of the actions he did.

[Sneasel! The Sharp Claw Pokemon! A dark and Ice-type. Sneasel scales trees by punching its hooked claws into the bark. This Pokémon seeks out unguarded nests and steals eggs for food while the parents are away.] The Kanto Pokedex informed, showing valuable detail of the Pokemon which nearly wounded me.

Sneasel is a bipedal Pokémon that resembles both cats and weasels. It is primarily bluish-black with three bright red feathers for its tail and a single one on its left ear. The ear feather is shorter on the female than on the male. The other ear is short and pointed, and it has narrow red eyes. On its forehead and chest are yellow, oval markings. It has red eyes with black eyelash-like markings on the edges. It has long limbs with two large, retractable claws on its hands and feet.

"Pawniard, use Assurance!" Xavier instructs as he sends out a Pokemon which primarily looks like a samurai with blades shrouding its body.

In response to the attack, Sneasel dodges and used Ice Fang. It wasn't very effective against Pawniard however.

Pawniard proceeds with Quick attack and knocks Sneasel to the ground. Xavier figures out that this was the best time to throw a Pokeball.

"Pawniard use quick attack once more!" Xavier's determination to catch Sneasel burst forth while I on the other hand continue to watch with amazement.

Sneasel was hit and Xavier throws the Pokeball once more. Everything feels still and silent as we wait for the results. Xavier's heart pounds hard while waiting for the Pokeball to stop shaking and whatever seems like seconds felt like minutes.

The blissful sound of success finally emitted upon Xavier's ears. He felt delighted. I on the other giggled to see such characteristics. His serious attribute seems to fade away, making him much better than the person he is trying to imitate.

For the next two hours, we walk beneath ice and snow. In the end, we finally saw something we've been yearning for, lightness. We beam with relief after that long walk and we were greeted by the northern coast outside the cave.

Finally, I inhaled the fresh air. Even if the wind and I are enemies, I've dearly missed its impression of passion whenever it hits our skin.

There is only one thing left to do, and that is to find Charlotte. Making a raft seems like a difficult task, perhaps our innovative skills will be put to the test.