EPISODE 65: Intensity*

"Charlotte, I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." I apologize with sincerity yet she refuses to listen to me. I thought of my actions, regretting to do them without thinking.

After such traumatic events, we walk out of the alleyway and head back to the tower. Moments later, I hear the sirens of ambulance and police cars shrouding my ears. I cover my ears, for I did not want to hear or even remember such pain.

Obviously, they're there to pick up a severely injured body lying somewhere in the road while the police, on the other hand, observes the incident.

Charlotte continues to ignore me. She wore a frown for our whole walk through the city. I try my best to apologize but my words have pierced her heart deeply.

"There you are, where have you been?" Xavier greets both of us at the doors of the tower.

"..." Charlotte remains speechless with a frown on her face. She passes through Xavier and walks straight to Giovanni's room to show him the pictures.

"What's wrong with her?" Xavier questions to me.

"I accidently hurt Charlotte." My eyes start to shed a tear, and I try to forget my actions back in the alleyway. Meanwhile, Xavier is left with shock and consternation.

"You tried to kill someone again?! Didn't Giovanni tell you to control your emotions? Team Rocket's reputation will decline if you try to murder another person. You are aware that the actions you do today have a consequence in the future right?"

"What do you want me to do?! This is me, and I can't control myself. Whatever my mind dictates, my body submits." I release all my stress at her Xavier by yelling at him. I then proceed to my room to whimper like an imbecile.

At my room, Petilil starts to hug me. Her hug gave me warmth and tenderness but it wasn't enough to seal my tears.

I lay on my bed and hug Lily like a pillow. Tears continue to trickle down, either to my bed or to my mouth. I tilt my head to the abyss, then wonder about my past decisions.

"If, I cannot control myself... then I must adapt," I utter in my mind. I stop to cry and start to put Giovanni's words into account.

"Why should I feel guilty in the first place if I only hurt those who deserve to be hurt." My voice starts to intensify, scaring Lily in the process.

"Perhaps I am doing what's right by doing what's wrong. Don't you think Lily?" I tilt my head to my dearest Lily and question her about my words. However, she disagrees.

"I'm wrong? It's fine if you don't agree with me. I have Absol, she definitely concurs with me. I am certain that hurting another being is wrong, but if you're doing it in order to save the light... think of it?

Just like what Giovanni said, "for the darkness shall beget the light."" I lean my torso unto the wall and start to realize things I haven't realized before.

It is at this moment when my aggression gains full control over my mind. Lily tried her best to comfort my bewildered sanity but I refused to notice her.

"... A small price to pay for salvation. Sometimes we do the wrong thing for the right reasons. I won't stop until Mewtwo is held captive. No one will stand in my way, nor Giovanni's way. Even if it means Charlotte and Xavier or perhaps Jenny and... mother." I dictate with conviction with my left fist clenched, scaring the hell out Lily.

I've decided to take things into my own hands. Until Giovanni fulfills his ambition, I, Luna Evergreen, swear to injure anyone who comes in me and his way. No one can change my mind, even if it means risking my friends and family. No regrets, let the other side take over.