EPISODE 66: Cliff*

Walking through the halls of the Team Rocket facility, I notice something strange about Cliff's actions. He seems to be preparing for something.

"Excuse Mr.Cliff, is there anything wrong?" I interrupt, then question him. I startled Cliff, even if I don't have the intention to do so.

"Nothing much, just preparing for my upcoming mission alone in Fuchsia City." After being started, Cliff calms down and exhales deeply.

"Mission?! Can I participate too?!" My eyes start to sparkle as I beg for an opportunity. I am very aware I'm off duty, but perhaps its time to explore the southern reaches of the Kanto Region.

"Sorry, but this is my mission, and I have to do this alone."

"Mr.Cliff, please let me come. I promise that I won't cause any trouble." I resume to beg and persuade with sincerity. Perhaps through this secret mission, I can enhance my skills in Pokemon Battling.

"Well, if you are really want to then I guess I can't stop you. After all, you can learn a thing or two about our upcoming mission in the Safari Zone."

"Safari Zone? What kind of mission will we be doing?" I start to beam with exuberance, and my feet couldn't wait to kiss the city floors.

I haven't been to Fuchsia city, I wonder how it looks like. I wonder who is the gym leader there too. Just by hearing the word "Safari Zone", it gives me interest and enthusiasm.

"The mission is quite simple actually. All we have to do is to achieve the hidden machine called Surf. In order terms, HM03.

According to the Rocket Archives, we can find the hidden machine in the very corner of the Safari Zone." Cliff informs. He also shows me a picture of the object which needs to be obtained.

If I remember correctly, HM03 teaches a Pokemon to swim. It also allows the trainer to swim with it as they travel to a particular sea or ocean.

I gladly nod my head and agree with the objective. A heist isn't so bad, what could possibly go wrong? Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, Xavier and Charlotte begin to eat their lunch together.

"Where is Luna?" Xavier queries. She then takes a sip from her orange juice box.

"I thought she was with you?" Xavier throws back the question.

"With me? I went to Giovanni to show the pictures, I saw her talking to you minutes ago."

"Well, Luna did say something about Matori and Violet meeting up in the local cafe. Were you able to show the picture to the boss?"

"Bad luck, all of them are blurry. It must be because I and Luna were panicking after a PGC troop spotted us. So far, Matori remains innocent to Giovanni's eyes but one day, I'll surely find enough proofs to support my conclusion." She clenches her fist, the utters with a sincere and determined voice.

Time passes, yet my presence is nowhere to be found. Little do they know, I've accepted a mission without telling them, especially Charlotte. She seems to be stressed because of my actions, and it will only worsen if I tell her.

"Strange, Luna hasn't arrived yet?" Xavier notices and tilts towards the crowd. He searches for me, yet I am nowhere to be found.

"She's probably eating in her room." Charlotte guesses with a frown look on her face.

"Hey, look I think both of you should stop snubbing each other before the conflict worsens."

"Hmph! She doesn't need my assistance. And she nearly killed another man." Charlotte tightens her grip on her fork. She then enrages with anger.

"I am certain that I'm aware of that. Still, isn't Luna your friend? Perhaps her aggression took charge again. Everyone makes a wrong turn once in a while, don't they?"

"Hmm, perhaps you have a point. I'll go look for her, she's probably in her room weeping again." Charlotte's frown disappears. She then stands up from her chair and proceeds to our room. Still, little does she know that me and Cliff has left the city.

Charlotte tries to knock on the door, yet no one seems to respond. Not even the slightest sound could be heard from the outside.

"Luna?" She tries to call my name.

"Luna?" She calls for the second time.

After hearing no response, Charlotte starts to panic and decides to take matters into her own hands. Of course, since she is also the owner of the room, she also has a spare key with her.

With worry, she tries to unlock the door and thought that I've done something terribly wrong. What could she be thinking of?

Once the door opens, she dashes through it only to find my messy bed soaked in my previous tears. Charlotte then double-checks the bathroom for my presence but finds nothing at all.

She kneels down on the carpet and soaked it with her very own tears. The two of us regretted our past actions to each other. As for me and Cliff, we've left the tower at exactly one in the afternoon. It's time to put my aggression to the test.