EPISODE 67: Fuji*

Fuchsia City. Behold! Its passion pink. It's trees of concrete and steel stand tall, unwavering from the wind. The cars puff out grey, tirest smoke, and its tires leave behind dark marks and the smell of rubber. Its streets, full of people and Pokemon, walking without a second thought, completely oblivious of the world around them, of how it continues to spin, as their only attention is when they'll get their next pay or what to eat as of now.

My eyes could see the Safari Zone at the corner. Its concrete stands out from the rest, for it is made with cement in order to keep the Pokemons from escaping. I haven't been to the Safari Zone, but I've heard that numerous rare Pokemons live there.

"I will need time to fix some of our gears. Why don't you go out and explore the city for a while?" Cliff suggests as he lifts down heavy boxes from the truck. Hearing his suggestion, my body couldn't resist the urge to run and enjoy what the city has to offer.

Of course, I will be wearing my jacket in order to hide my uniform. Every city has a Police Department, and I'm very certain this city has one too. Without a moment to lose, I run freely through the streets of the city. My eyes start to glance over every Pokemon. Some, I've seen before, while others, I'm not familiar with.

A plethora of food stalls attracted my attention, forcing me to buy most of them. At least I get to taste something new. However, out all of them, I've gotta say, their Fuchsia Cones are superb and delicious.

From the central plaza, I head to the northern side of the City to meet different Pokemons displayed to the public. Lapras, Chansey, and even a Tauros, this city is sure diverse with Pokemons of different categories.

As I continue my amble throughout the city, someone catches my attention. A suspicious old bald man with one beard walks at an unusual pace. His eyes seem to be sharp, trying to look for something.

"Hmm." I think to myself. I feel like I've seen him somewhere in the Pokemon Network back when I was a mere orphan. A curious girl like me deserves to know answers. What better way to satisfy my curiosity by stalking the old man.

With gentle steps, I follow the old man to his old yet comfortable cottage. A young man then opens the door for him and lets him enter the cottage. I continue to watch from the window. I hypothesize the man as either his son or his grandson.

"How was your work together father?" The young man asks as he places a cup of tea on the table and gives it to the old man.

"I have not seen Team Rocket nor the Pokemon Government Council. They seem quieter after their raid in Lavender Town." The old man responds then takes a sip from his tea.

Hearing his words, I now recall his name. Mr.Fuji, the man who created Mewtwo out of Mew's DNA. I also remember Xavier telling me about a code that only Fuji knows perhaps. This will be a big leap in finding Mewtwo.

Surprisingly, they forgot to lock the door, giving me an easier time to interrupt. With courage, I enter the cottage and point my Pokeball at them.

"You said something about Team Rocket! Are you Mr.Fuji from Lavender Town?" I query. Surprisingly, the young man nor the old man didn't look scared. They remain still, with calm.

"Ah, I guess I stand corrected. Tell me, young lady, are you a member of Team Rocket?

"My question is clear, are you Mr.Fuji? If you are, hand me the codes to access the Mewtwo database." I demand.

"Stand back from my father, I will call the police if you dare to attack us." The young man warns.

"The Police bore me. Your demeanor is as those of a twerp. Team Rocket is for the good of the world, surrender now or prepare to fight!" I counter his statements and prepare to toss Mawile out.

"Why don't you take a seat, and I will explain everything?" Mr.Fuji suggestion surprised me. I then steadied myself and proceeded with caution. His son, on the other hand, seems very suspicious to me.

"Maximus, please give the young lady a cup of tea as well," Mr.Fuji instructs. Maximus, so that's his son's name. Even with a cup of tea, their hospitality won't fool me. Could I be leading myself to a trap?

"I haven't properly introduced myself. You are correct, I am Mr.Fuji. And you are?"

"Luna Evergreen."

"Ah, Luna Evergreen? A beautiful name, but I pity you for joining Team Rocket." Mr.Fuji utters with a sincere tone as his son places the cup of tea to my side.

"This is Maximus, my son. I adopted him from a nearby orphan." Mr.Fuji adds. I then glance over Maximus and noticed something strange. I feel like I've heard Jenny talking about a letter M symbol similar to the letter M symbol on the son's upper corner of his shirt.

"I have no regrets about joining Team Rocket. I came here to obtain the codes to the Mewtwo Database."

"And why are you eager to obtain it?" Maximus interrupts and questions me.

"It's none of your business," I respond with a snobbish behavior.

Maximus then grins and mutters while circling me, "Your mind is as those of a Magikarp. Team Rocket isn't the only one hunting a legendary Pokemon."

"What do you mean?" I question with suspicion. My eyes try to keep up with his pace. For some odd reasons, he keeps on circling me and Fuji.

"What my son is trying to say is Team Rocket isn't the only organization lurking out there. There will always be someone or something far greater than you and Team Rocket.

I suggest that you leave Team Rocket before it clashes with other organizations." Mr.Fuji mutters to my ear.

"Then Team Rocket will reign supreme over them. We have the complete-" Mr.Fuji giggles, causing an interruption to my statements.

"Young lady, I have seen things you haven't seen. Although Team Rocket has a simple goal, there are those men with a higher ambition.

There are those who want more land, and some want more seas. There are also men who seek to control time, space, and matter. Some, want to control beasts particularly dragons. There are greedy men who wish to burn down the world in order to live by their own will. And of course, what could be better than harnessing the light?

Team Rocket doesn't stand a chance against them." Mr.Fuji continues to mutter with a suspicious and unusual voice.

He then adds, "The choice falls to your hands. Continue your work with Team Rocket, and you will suffer once your pitiful organization clashes with another organization.

Or, you could leave and start a new life. The choice is yours." I shed a sweat, thinking about his words. I also grew curious about the so-called "other organizations."

"I apologize. I will continue my work with Team Rocket. Even if it means, fighting off other people. Now hand me the code to the Mewtwo database." I mutter back at him.

"I see. It's fine, it's your choice, not yours. The code has five digits." Mr.Fuji leans back and dictated the code. I listed all the digits on my phone so I could send it to the boss later.

I greeted them with a warm goodbye and went back to Cliff. I left them unharmed since my requests have been answered after all.

"How did you know about the code?" Maximus complains with a frustrated look.

"Don't worry. I sent her the wrong code. Its fun to tease other organizations." Mr.Fuji smirks then takes a sip from his tea.