EPISODE 68: Liar*

"There you are Luna, are you ready for the heist?" Cliff spots me going closer to him. In response, I gave him a big smirk for I have good news to tell.

"I have the code for accessing the Mewtwo Database," I smirk. I then show the code from my phone's memory.

"H... how did you get the code?" Cliff stutters in surprise. He even rubbed his eyes in order to see if what he's seeing is true. With haste, Cliff takes out a spare copy of the Mewtwo Database and tries to input the code. To our shock, it somehow didn't work, leaving me in complete anger.

"I guess Mr.Fuji gave you the wrong code," Cliff utters with a disappointed look on his face. His hopes for opening the database is shattered into fragments.

"That old crook lied to me!" I yell with frustration and quickly dash to his son's abode. Something tells me that the Fuji I talked to wasn't the real Fuji.

"Hey! Luna..." Cliff calls from the background, trying to gather my attention but I focused on gathering the real code.

Through the streets, I dash with maximum velocity. I push those who stand in my way, ignoring even the tiniest of children. My mind fills in with anger, and I could no longer wait to blast it all into Fuji's face.

At his son's house, I kick the door and toss Mawile into action. As expected, they're no longer in the house.

With my observation skills, it seems to me they left recently since the Mr.Fuji's tea is still steaming with thin smoke. Knowing their disappearance, I have no choice but to release all my anger at the house.

"Imposter!" I yell to the abyss after finding a fake skin and clothing of Mr.Fuji in the floor. How foolish of me, Mr.Fuji lives in Lavender Town and not in this city.

I continue to explore the house and found something very peculiar. A logo, yes, there is a logo imprinted on the left wall. Funny, I thought. The first time I entered the house, I didn't see any signages or logo.

The logo is painted in black with a red outline. "M" this is what their logo states. I decided to take a picture as evidence before I wreck the whole place with my anger.

"Dare defy the wrath of Team Rocket?! We'll meet one day, I'm sure of it. And when I do, I'll burn down your headquarters." I mutter and swear to the logo. I could no longer resist the urge to wreck the whole place or perhaps burn it instead. Anyways, aggression flows in my vessels, no compassion, and no sympathy.

I then send out my other Pokemons and together we destroyed the house's beauty. With Absol's quick attack, we wreck the shelves. With Mawile's Vice Grip, we broke the plates. With Kirlia's Psybeam, I tore their logo. And Lily? She just stood there with sympathy for the house. I want to yell at her for not obeying my commands, but I was able to stop myself from doing so.

Moments later, a strange man catches our attention. He has a greying teal hair color with eyes belonging to ebony. The man shouts, "Who are you, and what are you doing to this house?"

With a glaring eye, I tilt my head back. He seems familiar, I think I watched him in the Pokemon network before. What is his name again?

"Respond! I am Koga of the Fuchsia Gym. Do not dare to fight back, you will only be served with defeat." Koga warns, preparing to toss his Pokeball.

"I do not give a freak about it. Fight me, and you will be the one to suffer." I laugh hysterically, scaring the hell out of Koga.

"Weezing, deploy!" Koga sends out his two-headed blob freak who utters like a knife being scratched on a metal table.

"Petilil, ready for action! Use Razor Leaf!"

"Weezing, dodge then use Sludge Bomb!"

*Weezing dodges the attack then bombards Petilil with a murky violet liquid.*

Moments before being hit by the attack, Petilil starts to glow, catching our attention in the process. Without another moment to lose, Petilil starts to harness her energy into a sphere and launched it to Weezing.

"Pfft! Energy Ball doesn't stand a chance against Weezing! Use Smog right now."

*A puff of black smoke covers Lily's face, giving her a harder time to see.*

"Lily use Vine Whip on the beams!"

*Petilil used her attack as a grappling hook in order to escape from the smog below. I learned that strategy from Cliff just the other day*

"..." Koga is left speechless after seeing the attack.

"Alright Lily, use Energy Ball again!"

Weezing receives a whole lot of damage from the previous attack. I continue to command Lily to use Energy Ball until the foe feels maximum pain.

"Weezing return to your Pokeball!" Koga orders and tries to escape. Luckily, Absol responds in a blitz and blocks off the exit.

"Where's my gym badge, Koga? Don't trainers receive a badge after winning against a gym challenge?" I tease hysterically. I then walk forth with a subtle face and a malicious scowl.

"You are not worthy of the soul badge! You're a criminal, you disobey the rules of the Kanto Amendments." Koga yells with a ferocious voice.

His yell has pushed my aggression to the limit. I even ordered Mawile to use Vice Grip on his neck.

"Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child. Attack me again and I will bathe the city with your own blood." I kneel down and whisper to his ear.

"Respond, or I will ask Mawile to tighten her grip on you," I warn. For the first minute, Koga plays the stubborn game and refuses to nod. I order Mawile to strengthen her Vice Grip until Koga's threshold.

"Y... yes." Koga stutters. Finally, after enough force, he was able to pronounce the word I was waiting to hear.

"You're lucky. I'm a bit drowsy today, so I'll let you free this time. If I see you, ruining the plans of Team Rocket, then expect me at your gym." I mutter one more time then command Mawile to release his neck.

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Every action has its consequence, and soon you will feel the pain you've inflicted on your foes." Koga quotes and runs away from the house.

After that tiring battle, I gave a huge yawn and stretched my arms to the sky. The house seems to feel my wrath, so I stopped and finally returned to Cliff.

Back at the truck, I see Cliff with a disappointed face. After seeing me, he sighs then utter, "I've achieved the Hidden Machine. Where have you been?"

"Oh, nothing. I just thought the gym leader a lesson he'll never forget." I giggle hysterically and hop right into the truck.

"What exactly did you do to Koga?" Cliff hops to the driver seat and boots the truck. He then questions with a sincere and serious face.

"It's nothing serious... for me," I utter with a drowsy voice.

Finally, after that long day with Cliff, I decide to sleep inside his truck as we head back to the tower. This is my first time to adapt to aggression instead of trying my best to avoid something which couldn't be avoided. Perhaps, I should stick with adaptation instead.

You may ask, what about the Fake Mr.Fuji? Let's just say, we'll meet again someday. And just like what I've promised, I'll surely inflict a whole lot of damage to their headquarters.