EPISODE 74: Forest*

What could be better than having a nice stroll in Viridian Forest in order to get used to my unequal eyesights? Early in the morning, I've decided to leave the tower for a while in order to have some me-time with my Pokemons. Rest assured, in order not to freak out Charlotte, I've left a letter on my bed.

Two hours after I've left, Charlotte finally wakes up to see my letter. She read the letter in a subtle pace, and in the end, she was left with a ferocious face.

"I told her many times that she can't go without me!" Charlotte sighs then fixes her bed. She couldn't resist the urge to call me using her rotom-phone but little does she know Viridian Forest does not have a stable network connection.

With a furious face in the morning, Charlotte goes to the cafeteria in order to show the letter to Xavier. She couldn't wait to scold me again after my return.

"She left again?" Xavier giggles while reading the letter.

"How can that be funny? You know Luna, she can't control her aggression. And now that she's alone in the forest, a lot of wrong things could possibly happen. Have you heard of Murphy's law?" Charlotte utters with a stressed and frustrated face while walking in circles.

"I believe Murphy's law does not concur with Luna's psychological problem. Still, you have a point. Luna is putting herself and others in danger.

What do you propose to do?" Xavier places the letter on the table and asks for a suggestion.

"Well, we can find her and bring her back to the tower. And once I see her, she'll get a scold of her life." Charlotte suggests with a rather inclined tone than usual.

"Well, if that's what you propose then I suppose I have no choice but to follow you. Although I have to warn you, Viridian City is home to many wild Pokemons."

"Fine by me! I'm a brave woman, I can handle any danger." Charlotte smirks with a boastful and confident face. In response, Xavier stands from the chair and giggles with a soft tone.

The two of them then continue their way out to the tower. However, little do they know they would bump into someone unexpected.

Of course, since they're still off duty, they'll be wearing the casual public attire. Before the sun sets, they aim to find me. I guess this is all because of Charlotte's overprotective manner.

If you would ask me, I'd say I'm doing quite well. Me and my Pokemons I actually enjoy the breeze the forest has to offer.

Walking on the streets of the city, Xavier and Charlotte were suddenly put to a halt by a woman with a teal hair, wearing black sleeves but white gloves.

"You there! I saw you running away with Luna back in Vermillion City, do you three know each other?" The woman questions with a rather authoritarian voice.

"Why of course we do. And may I ask who are you?" Charlotte questions with suspicion.

"What are you doing?! Now she knows we're members of Team Rocket!" Xavier murmured at her ears.

"I know you three are Team Rocket members. Where is Luna, I wish to speak to her!" The woman demands to prepare to send out her Pokemons in case the two of them resist.

"Hey! I remember you, you're the officer who chased us in Vermillion City! Well, if you're planning to arrest Luna, then you'll have to pass through us!" Charlotte bargains, preparing to toss her Pokeball.

"She's a cop Charlotte! Stop." Xavier instructs my murmuring on her ears.

"I'm not here to arrest her. I'm Officer Jenny of the Pokemon Police Department. You see, both of us are friends." Jenny cools down and returns her Pokeball to her pocket. Still, Charlotte is left with a ferocious look.

"Well yeah?! The last time I've checked, it's me and Luna who are friends. And besides, Luna went to the forest for some time alone."

"You two are friends? Nah, fine by me. Anyways, thank you for the information, I'll be finding her." Jenny smiles and starts to walk away from them.

"Wait! We're the ones who are trying to find her first." Charlotte halts Jenny for a moment.

"Oh, if that's the case, then sure. You two can tag along." Jenny tilts her head back and smiles at the two of them.

"Please don't fight with the cop. She's gonna arrest us if you keep persisting to fight with her." Xavier mumbles to Charlotte's ears, trying to calm her rage down.

"Hmph! Fine, but promise you won't arrest us." Charlotte bargains.

"Yeah sure. A friend of Luna is a friend of mine, anyways. If we want to search for Luna then we must leave immediately."

"Hey wait a minute. Why do you want to search for Luna in the first place?" Charlotte queries with suspicion towards Jenny.

"It's a secret. You don't need to know." Jenny responds with a solemn voice.

"Don't need to know?! I thought we're on the same team here?"

"Perhaps its a truce between criminals and officers." Jenny teases.

"Hmph! Team Rocket grunts are not criminals. You better do no harm to Luna or I'll be facing you to a Pokemon battle." Charlotte warns, then continues to walk behind Jenny. Behind Charlotte, Xavier follows them.

Back at the tower, specifically Giovanni's room, the boss has called Matori for a nice little discussion. With an uncomfortable face, Matori enters the room and faces to the boss.

"I've heard that you've been negotiating with a professor from the opposing side?" Giovanni questions while brushing his feline companion.

In response, Matori chokes her saliva then explains, "I do not know what you are talking about Boss Giovanni. I'd never communicate with the opposing side."

"Is that so? Charlotte and Luna seem eager to report to me that you're the brain behind all of this gobbledygook happening within the walls of Team Rocket."

"You know them, they're rambunctious and young. They have no proof, therefore I can't be called a traitor, can't I?"

"Just... be certain of your words, if I find out that it's you, you will be immediately expelled from my organization. Do you understand?" Giovanni lifts one of his eyebrows then utters with a soft voice.

"Yes, Giovanni." Matori bows before him, and leaves the room. Outside, she exhales deeply then sighs with relief.

"Ah, my Persian. Keep a close eye on her, wouldn't you my dear?" Giovanni instructs with a gentle and sweet voice.

Persian purrs at Giovanni, then leaps off from his lap. Seems to me even Team Rocket Pokemons could be spies as well. However, the mystery behind Matori is still undergoing.