EPISODE 75: Camping*

On a hollow tree, me and my Pokemons decide to have a nice rest from our long saunter around the woods. To be honest, Lily, Mawile, and Kirlia are in total shock after seeing my scar. Rest assured, they were able to realize my face right away.

"It's still me. There's nothing to worry about." I wrap them with solaces as I rub their furry skins. In a blitz, they rush and cuddle me tightly, passing their warmth to me.

Being alone gives me the sensation of tranquility after the past raid. No worries, no stress, and no pressure. Just me and my Pokemons, fiddling together.

From the serene and calm atmosphere of Viridian Forest, an abrupt noise disrupts it, giving me a headache. Still, the noise was familiar to me, I feel like I've heard those voices before.

With enthusiasm, I stand up from the log and search where the noise is coming from. The further I walk to the deeper reaches of the forest, the louder the noise becomes. As I walk closer, the voices became more familiar to me, and now my mind tries to recall it.

Behind the bushes is where I hide. I peak out and saw a campfire blazing with its orange hues. On my left, I could see tents, and on my right, I could see tables and chairs.

It seems to me that the voice is coming from the tents, meaning someone is camping in these reaches. With attentive ears, I listen to their conversation, when suddenly a familiar girl steps out of the tent.

She stretches her arms to the azure sky, and yawns deeply. Her eyes then starts to flicker, with her Pokemon by her side. With one glimpse of the girl, I've finally recalled her. It is no other than Chloe and her once Vulpix.

I start to grind my teeth, thinking of the perfect opportunity to strike. With me and her stepping on the same ground, I can finally claim my vengeance perhaps.

I watch her every footstep, and she seems to be walking around the campfire. Moments later, her friends start to join her.

The sun's light is then covered by the clouds. Thunders start to clash, giving a signal of an upcoming storm. My could no longer hold my anger, therefore I decide to take matter into my own hands. This time is different, I won't be losing to her.

"Chloe!" I shout from the distance. Beside me is Petilil, glaring at Chloe's ninetales.

"Huh...? Oh, if it isn't the stutter girl? How surprising, you're no longer stuttering." Chloe tilts her head to me. Even after seven months, she dared to mock me.

"It's been a long time, and I'm not who I was. Even after seven months, you haven't changed. You still bully those with burdens, and now you will taste the results of your actions."

"My? Actions? The last time I've checked, you're a murderer." Chloe's voice starts to hiccup while uttering her words. With a subtle and arrogant pace like always, she walks towards me.

"So, the orphanage knows about my deeds? And perhaps you want to become my next target?"

"Nah! You see, when it comes to slaughtering, I'm afraid you'll defeat and kill me. Although, when it comes to a Pokemon battle... I reign supreme.

Look at your pathetic green onion, it hasn't evolved yet." Chloe mocks hysterically, and just like before, her friends start to cheer for her.

"I am the one who challenged you, therefore you will abide by my rules! This is my game, and there's no way out.

Lily, deploy for action!" Without a contentious voice, I insult her back. This time, I have the confidence to fight for myself.

"Watch who you're talking to stutter girl! Ninetales, let's have a rematch with little green onion, shall we? Hehe!"

The first water has touched the ground, symbolizing the start of this match. A battle in the midst of the storm, this will be one intriguing battle.

Our shadows start to flicker with the thunders crashing to the soil. Her friends start to cheer for her, and me? I am not in need of any support, for I work alone.

"Lily, use Vine Whip!"

"Ninetales, dodge then use Flamethrower!"

For the first set of moves, Ninetales has the upper hand. It dodged Lily's vine whip, and as expected, its speed has grown since it was a mere Vulpix. Still, me and Lily have improved as well.

The battle continues to flare amidst the storm. Fire against grass, who will triumph? For the first five moves, Lily has been hit hard by Ninetale's fire moves.

"Look at your pathetic Lily. Its body is all wounded and bruised." Charlotte utters with a sympathetic sarcasm.

"I have enough of this foolishness! Absol, deploy." Aggression succumbs to me again.

Without another word, Absol takes the lead and bashes at the Ninetales with a strong Throat Chop attack. The rain continues to strengthen, symbolizing me ever-growing pain caused by Chloe's words.

"Apologize to me for all your mockery, then I will leave you and your friends in peace. I will also accept my defeat." I bargain.

"Apologize?! What are you, my mother? I only apologize to those who deserve it. You're not worth it. Remember what I said before you left the orphanage? I will laugh at your failure, and here I am now!" Chloe continues to insult me.

"All I wanted is an apology, and yet you persist to mock me." I look to the soil, watching the raindrop fall unto its body. How I love the rain, because no one can see you crying for your tears blend with the raindrops.

"Now, where have I seen this before? Ah, yes. The night before you left, you mourned like a child, even up until this point.

Do you know why you're weak? Cause you're too soft." Chloe glares unto my face. For her, mocking me is entertainment for herself and her friends.

"... Then I'll prove it." From the soil, I glance back to her while muttering.

"What was that dumbhead? Louder please, I can't hear you!"

"I said, I'll prove to you how strong I am! Absol, Shadow Claw!" I spew out all my anger by yelling at her as the storm intensifies. beside me, Lily tries to gather my attention, she begged upon me to stop this madness but I responded with ignorance.

Without another moment to lose, Absol slashes Chloe's arm, causing it to bleed. Her friends start to panic and decided to leave her alone.

"I pity you. All your friends are cowards, and you are too."

"You're a criminal! You hurt people." Chloe starts to mourn with pain as her hands try to stop the oozing blood.

"And what about people like you? What do you call yourself-" I was then interrupted by someone from my back?

Xavier, he tries to stop me by blocking Chloe. I look to my left, and as expected, I saw Charlotte. On my right, Jenny was there, glancing at me with an unhappy look.

"Luna! Stop, this isn't you." Xavier yells at me, trying to wake up my true self. With Absol's help, she pounces at Xavier but spares him by not attacking.

"Luna calm your anger, please don't this. There is no need for vengeance." Jenny utters from my right. She rushes to me and holds my hand, but I shake it off, acting like she's a stranger to me.

I then tilt my head back to Chloe and see her escaping by running to the deeper parts of the forest. Without another second to lose, I return my Pokemons to their Pokeballs and start to chase her. Behind me, Jenny runs after me. While Charlotte and Xavier gasps for oxygen.

"We have to follow her Xavier," Charlotte suggests.

"No, we need assistance from headquarters. Come on, we have to return immediately." Xavier grabs Charlotte's hand then dashes back to the tower.

"Wait! Luna, please don't run." Jeny begs from behind.

I respond with unawareness and concentrated on Chloe's movements. However, my body was unable to react quickly when she suddenly turns to the right. Due to the soaked and slippery soil, my body couldn't halt. That's when I noticed I am headed to a cliff.

I slid down the cliff, and thought that I would meet my agony. I then look up, only to see my hand clinging to Jenny's hand. However, the rain made our hands slippery, causing it to gradually glide unto one another.

"Hold on tight!" Jenny instructs, trying earnestly to lift my body.

"I won't let go, don't worry." She adds to comfort me. Even in the eye of the storm, our friendship is still present. Even on opposite sides, she did not dare to leave me behind.

Still, the storm was too tough, causing our hands to glide. I descend down the cliff, looking at Jenny's eyes. Her tears start to blend with the rain, trickling unto my face.

"No!" Jenny yells. Looking at my face for one last moment. She starts to clench her fists while kneeling on the soil. She blames herself for this to happen.