EPISODE 90: Fallen*

The Pokemon Government Council's headquarters has finally come to an end. The explosion which I caused, killed every employee and troop alike, even my former mother, Alexandra Evergreen.

Not a single body could be found after the quelling of the fire for they have become nothing but ashes and gravel. Now, the PGC is merely an organization with no leader, no headquarters, no support nor pillars to rise them back to their former glory.

The remaining high-ranking officers then decided to uphold a conference meeting in hopes of figuring the council's next step.

In the midst of the moonlight, at Cerulean City is where the conference has commenced. Indeed, it was a conflicting and chaotic night for all of their opinions collided with one another.

"I suggest that we appoint a new leader!" A high-ranking official proposes, forcing his opinion to be chosen.

"Appoint a new leader?! Doing so is useless with the lack of personnel and troops. We are merely less than a hundred left, and you expect us to defeat Team Rocket? I think not." Another officer opposes.

"Then we recruit more men and troops for the sake of our rise. This is not the time to forfeit, even if the leading generals are now deceased." Another officer sides with the first officer's suggestion.

"Do you think men would believe us? Look around you, look at the news. Our reputation has drastically declined due to that Luna Evergreen." The officer sitting on the east of the circular table interrupts and sides with the second officer.

"Reputation is only a status, but when we claim Mewtwo, not only will our reputation rise but also the ambitions of our former generals.

I nominate myself as the new general of the council!"

"Bloody hell, no way. If you become the general, me and my remaining crew would never side with you." With disgust, the officer of the West side of the table disagrees.

"Then, I'll be the leader perhaps. I have the skill of leadership. The Council falls under the palm of my hand." With determination the officer of the northern side of the table nominates.

As the night grows deeper, the conflict grows fiercer to the point they've chosen to battle for leadership and administration. Position and ambitions.

Peace turns into a nightmare as the remaining officers attack each other with their Pokemons. However, due to greed, they've started to not only attack but also injure one another.

"The last officer standing shall be the new leader of the Pokemon Government Council!!!" The old officer proclaims, as if he was a king holding the country's flag to the sky. His words sparked a civil war between the whole organization.

Like children, they fight. Turning every Pokemon move into slaughter and carnage. Luckily the police are sleeping in their headquarters.

The conflict continues to heat as someone stands up and decides to quell it. His name is Charles Gunner, a man with an age of thirty-nine.

"Conflict won't solve our problem, this is not the way to do it." Charles declares, silencing everyone for a moment.

"Then, what do you suggest sonny?" The old officer queries sarcastically with one eyebrow raised.

For a moment, they lend their ears to the middle-aged man. They wonder what kind of suggestion Charles Gunner has in mind.

"There will no longer be any leaders and generals."

"No leaders? This is absurd." The other officer insults.

Charles Gunner, however, didn't mind the officer's word. He exhales deeply and continues his speech, "What is a leader without men to obey him? What is a tree without any root at all?

The Pokemon Government Council no longer has the capacity to adapt to the situations we are facing today. We lack not only men but also technology.

Our leading professor, professor Violet has been held captive, and neither one of us knows a thing or two when it comes to genetics, engineering, and mathematics.

We do not have the capacity to save her, and thus I hereby proclaim with a heavy heart that the Pokemon Government Council shall disband for good."

Hearing his words, the conflict stops as calmness fills the air. Their biggest fear is that Charles Gunner has a point. They are left with no choice but to disband because of my actions.

"I agree with Charles Gunner." The first officer concurs, followed by the next then the rest. Finally, they have come up with a decision which they could all agree on.

"Good. It is settled then. I, Charles Gunner will be signing off as the council's second-ranking officer.

It's been a pleasure meeting all of you, and now I bid my goodbyes to everyone the whole organization." Charles utters in a voice that seems to cry.

The other officers also bid their goodbyes to one another, wherein some of them even shed tears and droplets. From conflict to a melancholy aroma, they stare at the circular table once more, remembering all the moments they had inside the Pokemon Government Council.

The clock strikes one, and the officers turns off the lights for not only for the night, but for good. They then take their last glance at the Cerulean Brach before finally heading back to their homes.

Tomorrow, they will no longer be of service, as so as the remaining troops. This is a big win for Team Rocket for nothing will stand in its path, and Mewtwo will finally be ours for good.