EPISODE 99: Assemble*

The Pokemon Indigo Plateau, a vicinity where all trainers who have excelled in the Kanto Gym Challenge proceed in order to face their grandest trial, the Elite Challenge. If a trainer wins against the gym challenge then he or she will battle the champion of the region. However, sad to say not everyone was able to excel, especially against Lance, the Dragon Master of the region.

Even the toughest of the tough has lost against him and his Dragonite. So far, there was only one trainer who've claimed the title of champion, and that is Professor Samuel Oak. Nevertheless, he has abandoned his duties in order to stay devoted to Pokemon Research and Studies.

In the midst of the pale moonlight, the four elites, alongside with the high-ranking officers of the Pokemon Police Department has come to the vicinity in order for a special conference to commence. Amongst the high-officials, is no other than a detective with profound interrogation skills.

He is known throughout the Kanto and Johto regions. Who could this strange and peculiar detective be? He has a brown coat, with hair painted by the color of the ebony. He also has brown pupils with a hair so cunning, no criminal could dare stare at it for more than a minute.

"There have been reports about a dead body, found deep within the chambers of the Cerulean Cave." A police officer reports, placing a yellow folder in front of the elites and the other high-ranking officers of the PPD.

"A dead body?" The detective queries, in order to see if what he has heard is correct.

"Yes detective, we've classified her as Matori, one of the elite operatives of Team Rocket, and surprisingly, the secretary of the mad man." The officer concurs.

"... However detective, upon our investigation inside the Cerulean Cave, we were abruptly attacked by grunts coming from an unknown region. They claim to be people who wish to expand the seas and oceans of the world. Their origins are unknown, and they left with the deceased body." Another officer reports, showing the picture of a grunt belonging to a suspicious organization.

"It does not make any sense at all. Why would an organization steal a deceased body? For what cause?" Lorelei of the Elite Flour, the Ice-type specialist, questions with a doubt.

"An organization that claims to expand the seas and oceans of the world with their power? Sounds... interesting to me. Especially their logo, what could the letter A mean on top of the grunt's cap? However, I believe that we should focus more on the current situations since expanding the ocean seems like an absurd and impossible thing to do." The detective adds, stirring the spoon in his cup of coffee.

"The detective has a point, we should be focusing on the current events, and that is to return Mewtwo to its natural habitat." Agatha concurs with her cunning Gengar smile.

"I pity Mewtwo. It has been in a recent fight with its ancestor Mew, therefore its energy has drastically declined." Bruno utters, in the voice of a sympathetic person. He is known as the Fighting Specialist of the Elites.

"Could that be the reason why the enemy was able to achieve Mewtwo without sweat and blood?" Another officer, sitting on the corner right, guesses.

"That could be the case." A voice agrees, as its silhouette appears out of the shadows.

"Lance? You've arrived late again." The detective sighs, watching the dragon master walking to his seat.

"Forgive me, there was a conflict in Celadon City two hours ago, so I had to check what was going on there. It turns out, a power shortage occurred in the city." Lance excuses. He then takes a seat and joins the conversation.

"So, what is our final decision? How will the Kanto Government react to the present threat of Team Rocket?" The officer sitting beside Agatha questions to the detective for the detective is the head amongst the whole Pokemon Police Department.

A moment of silence occurs, as the detective quietly analyzes the arising conflict. It is indeed a hard decision to make, for even the detective has shed a sweat. Seconds turned into minutes, and the detective finally takes a sip from his coffee and starts to explain the operation.

"I will leave this task to the Elite Four since you are, the defenders of the Kanto Region after all. The four of you will be in charge of taking down Team Rocket for good and capture their leader, Boss Giovanni. I want to interrogate with him, alive." The detective proposes.

"We are uncertain if we have the capability to take down a whole organization alone," Lance complains.

"Then how could a teenager wreck the council? She is not an elite yet she was able to do so. Do not worry, I will lend you one of my officers." The detective counters Lance's complaint as an officer hiding in the corner section of the room, makes an appearance.

"Officer Jenny, you will be joining the Elite Four in taking down Team Rocket." The detective instructs.

"Leave it to me, detective," Jenny responds with a smile, but deep inside, she fears for what is about to come.

"And may I ask, why can't you join the five us?" Lorelei queries in a sarcastic manner.

The detective then leans his head forwards and utters, "I do not merely protect the Kanto Region for I also protect others. There is the Johto, Hoenn, and of course, my main region, the Sinnoh Region. There is also the Unova and Kalos, Alola, and Galar.

I look out after the eight regions, and I believe Team Rocket isn't the only organization threatening the whole world."

The elites and the other officers remain speechless. Lance then breaks the silence by uttering his words, "Alright then, the Elite Four will concur with your proposal. We will claim back Mewtwo, and end the Team Rocket organization for good."

"It is settled then. This conference has officially ended. Officer Johnson, prepare the helicopter to the Sinnoh Region." The detective stands from his chair, pats his coat, and proceed outside with the other officers.

However, Jenny and the four elites remain inside the room, discussing their strategies and tactics. Team Rocket has a dangerous enemy to face, especially when that enemy is Lance, Lorelei, Bruno, and Agatha, the four strongest trainers of the Kanto Region.