EPISODE 100: The Truth!*

Giovanni exhales deeply, sending out a soft sigh. I see the eyes of a man who is trying to be brave by avoiding himself from shedding a tear. With a heart as heavy as stone, the boss tells me the real truth behind the secretary.

"It happened years ago, long ago, before you were even brought unto this world. I could barely remember the incident. It was during the time when Team Rocket was nothing but an organization with merely a hundred members. If I remember correctly, I've met Matori in the eastern reaches of the city.

The Eastern reaches is a filthy place where the poorest of the poor live. Before it was known as the Slums of Viridian city, however today it has been taken down in order to give way for commercial and industrial purposes. However, this isn't the work of my company for I do not like to ruin anyone's property.

One day, I've decided to take a saunter around the slums since I was bored with all these board meetings being held in my enterprise. It was because of lackluster why me and Matori met by fate.

During my stroll, I did sense a lot of foul odor but I did not mind it. There were also pokemons whom I've pitied like a Ryhorn who is now my Rhydon. Nevertheless, the thing which caught my attention the most were the rags playing and fiddling around rambunctiously.

I even smirked while watching their lousy Pokemon Battles between cool boys, trying to impress one another, gambling for money and attention. Out of all of these children is a young woman who piqued my interest.

Her primary Pokemon was a Maril, and after looking at her eyes, I saw the soul of a determined woman. She challenged the other children to a Pokemon Battle, however, nobody wanted to play with her since she is a woman. During my time, women are known as weak and feeble beings with a soft heart who has no courage or whatsoever, and thus it falls to the responsibility of men to protect them.

Matori, however, was different from the other women. She has a daring spirit, a determined woman. Seeing the boys neglecting her Pokemon Battle offer made them a coward to my eyes. Just like bullies, they ran away from Matori and played somewhere far from her.

I then decided to cheer her broken spirit, by being the one to accept her challenge. I went closer, and revealed myself as Giovanni, the man behind Giovanni Industries. Gladly, her determined spirit rose up after hearing my words.

In the midst of the harsh sunlight, the two of us battled, gathering the attention of nearby people, including the children who have mocked her for being soft and unworthy to battle. To be honest, I had a hard time dealing with her Marill, however, in the end, I claimed triumph with my Meowth who is now a Persian.

Seeing her lose, the crowd started to mock her name. For her, words are painful as a stone being thrown at, and of course, I knew I had to do something. I grew up in the slums, and therefore I know how it feels to be mocked at, wherein every word is a stone.

Amidst everyone, I walked closer to Matori and questioned her name. I then gave her an opportunity for her to work with not for, me. At first, she disagreed and dashed off, thinking that I wouldn't have noticed. Of course, since I once lived in a slum, I know how people act there. She stole my wallet, once again proving her skills which could be used for other deeds such as the purpose of Team Rocket.

Being a robber at an early age, I know how she thinks, therefore I know where she'll be heading to. As expected, the both of us crossed paths once more, in a hollow alleyway. Our eyes stared at each other, and she was given no choice but to return the wallet since she has nowhere to run.

Sincerely, I forgave her actions and took the wallet back but I still persued to offer her a job. She accepted my offer, and soon became a member of Team Rocket. As a member of Team Rocket, I was astounded by her performances and skills. She has passed every mission, even the solo ones, therefore exceeding my standards.

I promoted her to an elite operative, wherein she became more loyal to me. She would obey my commands and even scold those who dared to obey me. Months turned into years, and I have decided to promote her as my secretary. During those days, she has become one of my most loyal and devoted members.

Seeing her characteristics, I gave her the responsibility of handling different missions and board meetings. Now, after seeing your performances inside my organization, I thought of you as her. You and Matori have a lot of similarities. Both of you are loyal and strong women. That is how I met Matori."

Hearing his words, I remain speechless, trying to process all those informations. Indeed, Matori did not waste Giovanni's offer of salvation, and neither did I, after seeing Arlo and Cliff back in Saffron City.

"I believe, I have no choice but to move on and proceed with my plans. With Mewtwo, the whole world will receive salvation!" Giovanni laughs, as he presses a button from his chair. The floor starts to shake, with something familiar emerging from it. The metallic armor that I've seen back during my registration period, it finally makes a clear appearance to my eyes.

"M... Marvelous." I murmur, glancing unto the immense armor. This is the armor which would soon harness Mewtwo's powers, and will soon become nothing but serums.

"Run along now, and have a rest. Your eyes have yet to glance upon." Giovanni instructs. Looking back at the armor, I leave the room, hoping to take further glances unto such stunning equipment. I truly believe this is one of Team Rocket's profound technology which was built by the traitor. How I can't wait before the extraction process begins, but for now, it's time to fill my belly with snacks after that long dreadful solo mission.