EPISODE 101: Attack!*

I make my way to the cafeteria to wherein I meet Charlotte and Xavier again. Seemingly, the two of them seem to bond more often, as if they are more than just friends. As we eat our early supper, in the midst of the downpour outside, I am left with no choice but to tell the very truth to them. Hearing my words, they were shocked to know about Matori and Arlo's demise. The sensation of guilt shrouded Charlotte, wishing that she never blamed the secretary for being the traitor when it was in fact, Arlo all this time.

"She didn't seem suspicious in the first place," Xavier says.

"Didn't seem suspicious? She was talking to someone on the phone, about the first mission-"

"She was talking to me. She was asking me to defeat Professor Violet in order to stop anyone from getting into Luna's path. That's why she scolded me through her phone after hearing about Professor Violet's sudden attack back in the first mission. And besides, if you remember correctly, the two of you dashed to Giovanni's room, seeing me holding my phone right?" Xavier interrupts, cutting off Charlotte's statement.

"If she was talking to you about professor Violet, then why did she and Violet meet in the cafe weeks ago?" Charlotte challenges, doubting Xavier's words.

"Of course, Professor Violet is her sister. They grew up in different organizations and thus they seem to quarrel often. If I remember correctly, Matori told me she'll be going to the cafe in order to talk with her sister in hopes of keeping her out of Luna's sight, however it seems to me it ended up in a quarrel." Xavier responds, countering Charlotte's words.

"You knew all of this, and yet you ceased to tell us?!" I enraged, leaning my head forward from the table.

"If I were to tell you Matori is Violet's sister, do you think you will believe me?" Xavier utters, letting off a soft sigh.

"You have a point. But come to think of it, Matori did all that just to keep Luna out of trouble. Hmm, I wonder if she has a liking to Luna." Charlotte guesses.

"Actually, I am not supposed to tell you this, but I think it is time for Luna to know how high the secretary's hopes are for you. She even told me that you are the spark which lights the flames and burn down all those dares to oppose Team Rocket. You are meant, to be the best amongst all of us with your strong and loyal will." Xavier reveals, pertaining to me.

Hearing his words, I was left in total surprise. Me? The spark of Team Rocket? Little do I know everyone in this organization is rooting for me in order for Team Rocket to exceed the other organizations out there, which is in fact, I don't have a single clue about. All I know is one starts with M. The organization that killed Jenny's sister.

From the aroma of colliding flavors from smokes of roasted beef comes the abrupt alarms, signaling and alerting every grunt. With our guard up, the three of us proceed to the Control Center to see what in the world is going on. Every time I finish a mission, another problem seems to rise.

"Oh god," Charlotte exclaims, covering her mouth with her hand after seeing such people attacking Team Rocket.

"It can't be, how did they know Mewtwo was here?!" Xavier starts to panic. The speakers then turn on, revealing Giovanni's instructions, "We are being attacked by the Elite four, all grunts, take legal actions."

The alarms intensify as the lights flicker in a crimson red hue, symbolizing the severe threat. Definitely, all of Team Rocket's grunts are no match against the four strongest trainers of the Kanto Region.

"What should we do know? We do know we have to stop them from reaching Giovanni's room and claiming Mewtwo back right?" Charlotte queries with a heart-pounding hard.

"Outsmart them. With our Pokemons, the Elite Four won't stand a chance against us." I suggest, glaring at the four elites from the CCTVs.

"Clearly, you're not familiar with the meaning of Elite Four. They're the strongest out of all of us, and it is we, who does not stand a chance against them." Charlotte complains, countering and disagreeing with my words. Seeing them disagree, I decided to go with my plan alone.

Yes, I am aware the elites are strong, but that is only when it comes to Pokemon Battling. They won't claim Mewtwo, not on my watch!

Me? I knew that the Elites weren't alone. CCTV number b4, I see Jenny attacking the other grunts. She has the looks of a ferocious predator, therefore I knew she won't just talk to me, she will definitely knock the hell out of the three of us, since our friendship is ruined anyway. As for the elites, the only thing I could do is to outsmart them, and perhaps end them with irony. The battle for Mewtwo begins now...