EPISODE 2: Goal!*

To be honest, this tower is less complicated than Giovanni Industries. One reason is because there is no Rocket Academy in the middle of the tower, and the other is because according to the gossips I've heard, the Johto Branch has lesser members, therefore it does not require a tall tower. Also, according to some gossips, this man-made island proposed by Giovanni helps members and agents stay hidden from the PPD because of the fog during the night, and because it is at least five miles away from shore.

At this very moment, this will be my first time to walk around the halls of Team Rocket without Charlotte. Ah, I remember the day when she first escorted me through the halls, the days when we would chuckle and giggle together on our way to the academy. Don't worry Charlotte, I'll find you one day.

Room-HQ, upon my arrival, I was shocked and amazed at the same time. At first, I thought it was a room with a large circular table where meetings occur, however, I stand corrected. The room was pitch black, not even the slightest of white could be found. As I enter, the sensation of fear surrounds me, since I never expected Team Rocket to have a completely blank look.

In front of me, are four tall mirrors, extending from the ground to the ceilings. The ceilings? Probably they're about as tall as the ceilings found inside a museum or a place where orchestras are held. As I step closer to the four mirrors, the doors behind me shut.

"Is anyone there?" I query. I suspect the room to be vast, since my voice echoes. No one answered me, however. I walk closer to the mirrors, when suddenly the strangest yet most amazing thing happened. From the four mirrors, comes the silhouettes of the four executives. Each of their silhouettes are outlined with the color of their hair.

No eyes, no mouths, just shadows. I wonder, could this be holographic imaging with the mirrors used as prisms?

"Greetings Agent Luna." Ariana's silhouette talks, greeting me warmly.

"Welcome to Room-HQ, the place where grunts may communicate with the four of us," Petrel adds.

"How? Is this part of Team Rocket's technology?" I query with astonishment, marveling at the four executives.

"Yes. Advanced Holographic Imaging. It allows you to see things from another perspective." Another voice from behind interrupts, catching my attention. She has a white lab coat, black glasses, blonde hair, and a checklist on her hand. Her complexion is also fair. Inside her coat, she wears a red dress.

"I am Professor Olive, glad to meet you." She introduces, smiling at me pleasantly. I thought I was alone at first.

"Professor Olive will escort you with your solo missions. She is in charge of giving you the essential tools and perhaps weapons that would ease your missions. She will also be the one to check and heal your Pokemons before and after a mission." Archer explains, further introducing the professor.

"You can count on me." Professor Olive smiles.

"Anyways, Luna. Back to the topic. We, the executives of Team Rocket have made the decision to promote you from a three-star agent to an elite operative." Proton says, giving me a sudden burst of ecstasy from the inside.

"Really?!" I beam with exuberance.

"Yes. We have seen your bio, therefore you have met our expectations. With your profound skills, Team Rocket will rise once more even if we currently have a mere amount of 10,000 members left. More than 54,000 grunts were captured during the attack of the Elite Four.

As an Elite Operative of Team Rocket, you will be most likely working alone, participating more often in solo missions. Our goal is to capture the beasts of Johto, primarily Ho-Oh and Lugia." Archer informs.

"We believe, through Ho-Oh and Lugia, we can recreate the same power Mewtwo has. With their power combined, we can harness it in order to create the Mewtwo Serum, or in other words, Giovanni's ambitions." Ariana adds, adding more details to the primary goal of the Johto Branch.

"Ho-oh? Lugia? They sound familiar to me." I murmur, thinking deeply of the name.

"Ho-oh and Lugia has a long history in the Johto Region. Many myths tell about these two ferocious legends, however as a professor who believes in Science, I can't accept some of them without the essential proof." Twitching her glasses, Olive is as she further explains the two legendary Pokemons.

"We are aware of such power, and thus we need the help of other Legendary Pokemons as well in order to take them down. With the power of the weather mirages, Team Rocket will be able to capture both Pokemons." Archer's voice inclines, saying his words in an ambitious manner.

"Weather mirages?" I query, unfamiliar with the term.

"The weather mirages refer to the three legendary birds. Articuno, the mirage of ice, Zapdos, the mirage of thunder, and lastly, Moltres, the mirage of fire. If we claim at least one of these three, we can use it to attack Ho-Oh and Lugia, therefore capturing it in the process." Professor Olive adds, clearing my confusion. Little do I know that Earth has a lot of legends that my ears haven't heard, my eyes haven't seen.

"So, you want me to capture the so-called mirages?" I query sarcastically.

"Yes, and we want you to obtain more essential details about Ho-Oh and Lugia. However, until we find the location of the mirages, you'll be participating in other missions first." Archer explains furthermore.

"Then why can't we find Mewtwo instead? Wouldn't that make things easier?" I suggest.

"You have a point, however without Giovanni, I believe finding Mewtwo is like finding a diamond in a lake. He contains the Mewtwo Database, therefore without it, tracking the most powerful Pokemon is useless. Plus, we are unsure if the database is accurate since we have no information about its whereabouts after the attack on Giovanni Industries." Professor Olive interrupts again, answering the question instead of the executives.

"Giovanni will return, he told me. We crossed paths, he told me that he'll be gone for a moment in order to gather more men."

"Is that so? Then the only hope we have is to wait for his uprise. Anyways, Luna Evergreen, go have a rest, your first mission will start tomorrow." Petrel murmurs, remembering the boss of Team Rocket. How the five of us wish he'd be here with us, instructing us with tasks and missions.

Hearing Petrel's final statements, the holographic images turned off. With the help of Professor Olive, she escorts me out of the room. She seems kind, and gentle, unlike Arlo the traitor. Hmm, that reminds me, what could've happened to the two pillars Cliff and Sierra? Where could they be?

For now, just like what the executives told me, I'll be having my rest. However, sad to say that I'll be sleeping alone, without Charlotte by my side. Hey? At least I have my Pokemons with me. Perhaps I could cuddle with them since it's been a long time since I've done that. According to the executives, my first mission begins tomorrow. Who or what will I meet next?