EPISODE 3: Details!*

The sun's bright orange hues seeps into my windows, with my Rotom-Phone ringing to snap me back to reality. I am not used to set up an alarm, however, without Charlotte or any roommate at all to wake me up, I'm afraid I must do things manually. Today is the start of my first mission with the Johto Branch of Team Rocket, and I'm already running late just like during my missions back in Giovanni Industries.

Liligant pops out of her Pokeball, sending out an odd and peculiar fragrance to wake me up. Due to its foul smell, it has forced me to twitch my eyes, and that is when I realized today is my first mission.

"Liligant?! What time is it?" I query in such a rush, quickly grabbing the Rotom-Phone on my desk and muting the alarm.

"Oh, Arceus. I'm late as ever!" I panic, rushing to the restroom, the same way I did it back in the orphanage during my fifteenth birthday. How, I remember that moment, the first day I received Lily from my mother. Now? It's been a year, and I'm already sixteen but still the same Luna who has no discipline when waking up early. Two more years and I'm already a young adult.

In the restroom, with a quick-pace, I brush my teeth then wear my rocket outfit. I probably should start to discipline myself before the executives discipline me. This is my first time working with them, so I'm quite unfamiliar with their system here on this island.

With everything set, I dash out of the room, almost forgetting to lock the door. Through the halls, I dash with clumsiness, almost stumbling into every grunt I meet. I continue to run for more than a minute, looking at every clock I see in the hallways. However, due to this, I accidentally set a collision course with Professor Olive on an intersection.

"Oh my." Professor Olive looks down, twitching her glasses and looking at my worn-out body. The mission has not started yet, however, I am already in need of earnest energy.

"Professor Olive." I smile with embarrassment, standing from the ground as I pat all of the dust from my outfit.

"Agent Luna, you're here for your first mission aren't you?" She assumes, smiling back pleasantly.

"Sorry, am I late?"

"Not quite. Follow me." Professor Olive instructs, continuing her walk down the corridor. Hearing her words have made me comfortable after assuming that I'm already late. Kind she is, to show me the way to wherever she's trying to lead me.

We enter a room, with walls coated with white. It has the texture of a modern laboratory with holograms and equipment visible everywhere. Even the oval table gives me the feeling that I'm in the year 3000. On the other end of the table is Petrel, patting the head of a Charmander sleeping on a table.

"Greetings Agent Luna, you've finally arrived." Petrel of the four executives gestures, moving his attention from the sleeping Charmander to me.

"Alright, let's start checking your Pokemons, please place their Pokeballs to this tray and leave the rest to me." Professor Olive instructs. Without hesitation, I trusted her and placed all my four Pokemons to the tray. She then goes to the other end of the room, seemingly placing the Pokeballs into an incubator device of some sort.

"I will be explaining your first mission, so listen carefully." With the professor analyzing my Pokeballs, Petrel of the four executives start to give the details of my first mission.

"You will be sent to Cherrygrove City. It is located in the west of New Bark Town. Upon arrival, your task is to infiltrate the PPD branch there rescue one of our grunts who has been captured by the Pokemon Police Department two days ago.

Her name is Virgo. Primarily, she has a fair complexion, violet hair, and a pair of glasses. Bring her back to the island safely without getting caught by any police. Especially, the detective. Your mission, should you choose to accept?" Petrel explains, showing the image of the target by the use of holographic imaging. With determination, I smile, accepting the mission gladly.

"All done! Your Pokemons seem fine and ready for action." Professor Olive interrupts, returning my Pokeballs through a tray. I took them back, clinging them to my belt.

Virgo, based on her looks she has the age of sixteen, very similar to my age. Getting inside the vicinity of the Pokemon Police Department in the said city seems like an easy task, however going outside with target is the troubling part, especially when there are more than a hundred officers lurking there.

"Good luck with your first mission, agent Luna. Please proceed to the helicopter on the penthouse in order for your departure here on the island." Professor Olive gives me another smile, gesturing me with kindness. She has the spirit of a jolly woman, unlike other professors like Violet who care about nothing except for being serious when it comes to everything.

I gladly saluted, ready to take my first mission alone at the Johto Branch of Team Rocket. Agent Luna Evergreen, ready for action! Virgo awaits.