EPISODE 4: Virgo!*

Cherrygrove city, a splendid yet a small city in the western reaches of the Johto Region. It sits beside a winding river, with the fresh breeze roaming throughout the city, bringing the sensation of relaxation. To be honest, Kanto does not have these kinds of wind, therefore as much as possible, I cherish the wind this region has to offer. The helicopter, as usual, since it is a protocol of Team Rocket, has sent me to the farthest point of the city, in order to keep me out of sight from the civilians and visitors lurking around the city.

Upon arrival, the pilot points the location of the PPD branch. It rests on the north of the city and is actually quite small compared to the prison they've sent me to. It has only one entrance and exit, and that is through the main gate of the branch. Based on my observations, there are two officers guarding the gates, hence going inside through that way is a devil's gamble.

I continue to observe from a hilltop, searching for any weak points. That is when I noticed a small vent at the corner right of the vicinity. I proposed a plan, despite not being a smart person unlike Xavier, and decided to enter the vents and crawl through it. This will give me an opportunity to seek the target through the vent windows hanging above the ceiling.

I am unsure if my plan is a five-star one just like Xavier's. I thought to myself, what would he do if he was in the same scenario I am currently facing? And also, as long as I trust my Pokemons, no officers will stand in my path.

Steadily, like a bird stalking a prey, I remove the vent window and started to crawl inside with caution. As much as possible, my feet made the slightest sound, in order not to gather the attention of the officers apparently having a coffee break in their cafeteria. Both suspicious and lucky it is, not to see Jenny nor the detective nearby. Probably they have other plans of their own.

I continue to crawl to the detainment area. It is actually quite small with only fifteen cells, giving me an easier time to find the target. Also, luckily each cell has a vent in order for me to look at. On my search, one prisoner grabs my attention. She seems to be stressed, constantly banging her head to the wall. She wears an outfit with a weird symbol on it. R.S. such a strange acronym to me.

Another prisoner catches my attention. Honestly, she seems calm, sitting on her decent bed, not minding the stress at all. If I'm not mistaken, she is currently reading a magazine since it has a stylish cover. I continue to observe her, wondering if she's the target. After all, her apparel and looks fit the description Petrel told me.

Her calmness was then disrupted by a harsh police officer who shouted at her from the outskirts of her cell.

"Virgo! What did I tell you about reading?!" The officer infuriates, entering the cell and grabbing the magazine from her grasps. He then crumples it, throwing the magazine to the trash bin inside the cell. Virgo, however, persues to remain calm, not minding the officer. However, with a somewhat sad look, she grabs the magazine back from the trash bin, not minding the dust.

"Are you deaf?! The Prison Rules are loud and clear, no prisoner is allowed to receive even the slightest bit of entertainment!" The officer shouts.

"It... It's just a magazine." Virgo's voice stutters, leaning on the corner of the room, trembling with fear as she uses the magazine as a shield against the brutal officer. I continue to observe.

"Pfft." The police sighs, grabbing the magazine and tearing it to pieces. Now, where have I seen this exact scenario before? Ah yes, Chloe ripping off my sketch pad during my days in the orphanage. I can't allow another woman to experience what I have felt, thus with bravery I jump down from the vents further protecting the target.

"I am an agent of Team Rocket, release her now or prepare to fight!"

"Puny teenager. Houndour, deploy for action!" Brutal, this officer is, tossing out his devil looking puppy. Hehe, I'll show his puppy how a true devil looks like.

"Mawile! Ready for action." I deploy. Meanwhile, Virgo remains calm and secured, watching the match against me and the officer.

"Quick Houndour! Use Fire Fang!"

"Mawile, dodge then use Ice Beam!"

With swiftness she dodges, and targets Houndour's leg, causing it to be stuck in ice, giving me the perfect opportunity to strike not the puppy but the officer.

"I have warned you, didn't I? Mawile, Ice Beam once more!" I command.

The officer was unable to dodge. He flinched, watching the attack freezing him. As for his puppy, it begins to emit loud barks, alerting the other nearby officers.

"Please don't kill me." Virgo's body starts to tremble, protecting herself with the magazine as her shield.

"Grunt Virgo, I am agent Luna of Team Rocket, and I'm here to rescue you. Don't worry about those two, they'll melt in an hour or two. Come on, we have to leave right away." I introduce at a rapid pace, grabbing her arms and jolting out of the cell.

"Slugma, fire blast!"

Sunflora, razor leaf!"

"Swinub, use powder snow!"

Three officers block our path to the exit, I then change direction from right to left but only to see three more officers with their Pokemons. I stay calm amidst the flickering red lights and alarms, alerting the officers of the vicinity.

"Stay beside me, and don't move!" I instruct to Virgo, tightening my grip to her hand. I then release Kirlia from her Pokeball and murmur, "Kirlia, you know what to do."

Hearing my words, Kirlia screams loudly, emitting her Psychic powers, causing the officers and their Pokemons to burst out of our path like a radioactive bomb sending radioactive pulses amidst them. With Mawile's Ice Beam move, she creates an Ice barrier, sealing the officers of the left from attacking us. The officers on the right, remained fainted, giving us an opportunity to escape.

The lights continue to flicker, however, no police were in sight anymore. I guess this vicinity only has seven officers, but I'm afraid that my future missions might have more than a hundred. This is a small city, after all, therefore criminal actions are limited and rare, requiring only a small vicinity. Safely, the two of us exited the vicinity. We then head back to the helicopter, waiting for us at the farthest point of Cherrygrove City.

"Welcome back grunt Virgo." The pilot greets, booting up the engines of the helicopter. I cling to the doors of the helicopter and tilt my head back to the city only to see more reinforcements arriving. One of the vehicles obviously belongs to the detective.

"Agent Luna! Come on, we don't have that much time left." The pilot snaps me back to existence, grabbing my attention in the process. I then hop to the helicopter and slide the doors. With everything set, the helicopter leaves the city and heads straight back to Rocket Island. This mission is by far the easiest, but like what they say, everyone starts in level one.