EPISODE 28: Venom!*

The pilot increases the vehicle's speed to maximum velocity. I, on the other hand, kept on calling either Charlotte, Xavier, or Virgo through my Rotom-Phone but no one seems to answer my call, making me more stressed and anxious for what is to come. Perhaps knowing my downfall back in the cave, Ebony her society has made the decision to attack Rocket Island. However, this is only my guess wherein I hope I'm wrong.

Upon seeing the tower and the island's full glory, not a single smoke or explosion could be seen. I could not see any fire nor could I smell one. Everything seemed like a normal day to me. Below, the grunts didn't seem to have fear or worry present in their eyes, they were just doing their daily agendas. I start to become frustrated, wondering if Virgo put up a prank on me, however, I believe it is too early to assume.

Upon arrival, I jolt like a lightning bolt to the indoors of the tower, wondering where Virgo and the rest are. The halls seem to be filled with the presence of silence. I enter my room, and Virgo could not be found. I knock on Charlotte's door, however, no one was answering. My last hope for answers is Xavier yet just like Charlotte he did not answer my call. Perhaps the three of them are outside their rooms but where could they be?

Searching for them from every floor, I encounter the professor. Seeing me, she gladly smiles, wondering about my progress towards the first piece. I respond with a smile, showing the piece to her and giving it from my bag. She was in total awe and could not wait but to burst with determination in order to sort out the remaining pieces. Seeing her glad and happy, I decided to ask her if there is anything wrong with the organization.

She replies, telling me, "business as usual." She then queries about my peculiar question. I told her the truth, telling her Virgo called me all of a sudden, telling me it's an emergency. Hearing my words, the professor suddenly becomes gloomy and melancholy all of a sudden.

"Emergency? Right. Now I remember." She murmurs, looking down to the floor.

"What happened to them? Where are they?" I query, starting to panic about their sudden disappearance.

"Don't worry, it's not like they've been kidnapped or something. Their downstairs, and probably it's best if you ask them instead." The professor responds with a crocodile smile, continuing her walk as if she never encountered me or whatsoever. With that being said, I earnestly want to know what in the world has happened. In a jiffy I reach the ground floor, finally seeing Virgo with an expressionless look, staring at a window while sitting on a bench.

"Virgo?! Why did you call me all of a sudden? You made me panic!" I scold her.

"Don't ask me, Charlotte asked me to call you. I'm just here waiting for her." Virgo tilts her head to me, responding in a soft voice.

"Waiting for her? Where is she? What happened?"

"Nothing happened to her. It's Xavier who you must worry about. How come to Charlotte and you never told me about this?"

"Never told you about what?"

"That Xavier has been poisoned," Virgo replies.

"Poisoned?!" Her words echo to my mind as I recall something from a fainted memory.

"You are not the only who I am targeting to kill. I was about to kill both of you through food poisoning but it looks like you've been assigned on a solo mission therefore I have to kill you alone. You've heard too much, and now it is time to end you for good." Arlo's words, I remember them. It made me flinch as I stare into the abyss with my blood enraging with anger. How I wish Arlo would still be alive in order for me to kill him again.

"According to the doctors, particles of VS-341 could be found inside his abdomen. I read about it in the Bulbapedia. it's a type of venom that slowly kills you within weeks." Virgo snaps me back to reality, informing me about the said venom. No wonder, Charlotte was right all along. It wasn't the common flu, it was the poison placed by the hands of the Pillar traitor.

"Is... he alright?" I question.

"Well, the doctors said they could extract the venom through an operation in the abdomen by using modern technology. Charlotte was happy to hear such great news but then, the hour afterward, it was reported that the operation failed, and thus it took Xavier's life away." Seemingly forcing herself, to tell the truth, her words shocked me, nearly wanting me to cry although my anger exceeds such limits.

If only Arlo could die in a more painful way. He has taken the life of my friend through a silent but deadly killer. A venom that acts and camouflages itself as a common cold, hiding its true glory from me and my friends, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Now, that one of Team Rocket's greatest stealth agent is gone, the only thing I could do is to mourn for his name. Charlotte suddenly interrupts, exiting from the clinic doors. She stares at me ferociously as if she wanted to strangle me with her clenched fists.

"You knew about this, didn't you?!" She queries by yelling.

"I knew, but I did not expect that Arlo's target was Xavier."

"You should've told us! If you did, then perhaps he'll still be alive today. The worse thing is, you showed up late." Charlotte scolds me.

"Am I to be blamed for the death of a friend? I merely did nothing to him. As much as possible, I tried to rush to the island. I tried Charlotte, I tried."

"It's too late now, he's gone." Charlotte's sorrows continue to trickle down her face. She then chooses to ignore me and walking in a subtle pace along the halls. I wanted to comfort her, but if I were to do so, she'll only shout at me with rage since she is already mad at me for many reasons. I am left with no choice but to tilt at Virgo instead.

"Don't look at me, I'm new here," Virgo responds in a sarcastic manner. I then walk around in circles, thinking of what I could do. I wanted to see Xavier's body once more but the doctors did not allow me since they needed to clean the body for the funeral. Charlotte was right, if only I arrived early, I could see Xavier's face one last time, but now, time has moved and my opportunity has been wasted.

"Luna wait!" Virgo tries to halt after seeing me rush through the halls. I've made the decision to comfort Charlotte, after all, she is my friend and I care not if she's angry at me. What would Team Rocket be without a great stealth agent? Although, I used this opportunity to comfort Charlotte, in my mind is a galore of anger which I want to throw at Arlo but sadly, he's already dead. The feeling of vengeance, it has returned. Xavier may not be here, but I promise to avenge him.