EPISODE 29: Stream!*

I scamper like an overgrown puppy, to her room I went, seeing her cry and mourn Xavier's name. The door was open, seemingly she has forgotten to close it, and I knew that this day would be the start of a new Charlotte. It seems to me, his death has impacted her gravely, leaving her with two decisions. It is, either she thirsts for vengeance, knowing the fact the doer is dead, or perhaps she could forget it and move on.

I sit beside her bed, watching her tears fall down. She then utters, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's not your fault for arriving late, you were just doing your mission, that's all."

"I also nearly died, if it wasn't for Professor Bill."

"N... Nearly died?" She wipes her tears away and looks at me with a nonplussed look.

"Ebony... I believe she's an elite of the Rebirth Society. She nearly killed me."

"Wow, a moment ago I thought you were the only psychopath, but it turns out there are others like you." She teases.

"Psychopath?! I am not a psychopath." I respond with frustration.

"With Xavier gone, there's only the two of us now. And, I am not like you. You're an Elite Operative, being in a higher rank means you'll be able to participate in major missions more often. And with major missions comes a galore of enemies. I can't... I can't afford to lose you too."

"Don't worry Charlotte, there's no way I'm going to lose to my enemies. Not even... Ebony. The gamble has just begun." I wrap her with solaces, giving her a tight squeeze.

"The gamble for the legends of Johto. I feel like, something grave will happen in the end. Something that involves the whole region. We're not talking about a tower, we're talking about cities and towns being destroyed."

"Cities and towns being destroyed? Impossible. The fight is only between our organization and theirs-"

"The Pokemon Police Department? The Elites? Gym leaders? And worse, trainers. This is why I wanted to resign in the first place. I don't want to fight anymore, but since you are here, I must, for you. You must know, I will be doing this for you and not for Team Rocket.

If Johto falls to Chaos, I don't want to be part of it anymore." She cuts my words.

"Well, if that is your choice, I can't change it. I fight for Team Rocket and take down those who oppose it. Johto won't fall into chaos, the Rebirth Society will. I will find their headquarters and do the same thing. I will burn them down, just like what I did to the Pokemon Government Council."

Hearing my words, she chuckles then utters, "Burn them down? Luna, these people are nowhere to be found. They might be above us right now."

"I will find them. I still have a bone to pick with Ebony and their leader."

From a gloomy one, our conversation starts to brighten up, and Charlotte's tears have faded away. Virgo interrupts, knocking on the door despite being opened. She told us something that shook our minds. It turns out Xavier has no family, thus there will be no one to claim the body except for Team Rocket.

The clock reaches six in the evening and the executives have given the order. Since no one has claimed the body, and neither I nor Charlotte has the right amount of money to pay for the funeral, the executives have given the decision to propose a traditional funeral for Xavier.

Placed on a boat, Xavier's body is, wrapped in the flag of Team Rocket. This is my first time attending such a funeral. I respect him as a friend, even shedding a single tear at his funeral.

The boat is then drifted across the sea, never to be seen but that is not the end of it yet. With an arrow lit with fire, Ariana stretches her bow and targets the boat. Her skills in archery are as those of a doctor's scalpel, accurate and precise. The arrow hits the boat, setting it on fire. It is the flame of the night, that burns brightly as we bid our final goodbyes to Xavier.

Xavier will be remembered as a genuine agent of Team Rocket, never to be forgotten. I and Charlotte have pledged to avenge him by completing the goals of Team Rocket and restoring glory to its name after the Kanto Branch downfall in Viridian City. Due to the flames, the both sank with the body in it. Perhaps it will float and drift somewhere for the Sharpedos and Gyarados to eat. Or perhaps it could float into something unexpected.

With one-piece complete, seven remain, and the map to the Rainbow Wing will be ours. A while ago in the funeral however, a fainted memory strikes me. The boy with red hair, cunning eyes like Giovanni, piques my interest once more therefore I'm longing to meet him.

During the serene night, amidst the moonlight, I make my escape to Johto Mainland. Being on an island escaping is quite hard but luckily a wooden boat was just lurking at the corner. Not that good with riding boats but I've learned a thing or two from Xavier after being stranded to the island which name must not be spoken of.

I paddle my oar, going to the mainland in order to search for the guy that piqued my interest. Neither Virgo nor Charlotte knows about my escape, but I will surely return before the sun rises. As I escape I look back and forth, seeing if the lighthouse of the island would spot me. As much as possible, I try to blend with the darkness of the sky and water, not to be seen.

"Who are you?" I query to myself while imagining the looks of the guy with the red hair. The executives will never know about this for once the sun rises I'll be sleeping back in my bed. For now, it's time for my answers to solve. Who is he? And why did he piqued my interest so much?