EPISODE 31: Interruption!*

The night reaches its pinnacle, shining brightly inside the fabric of space. With a torch on his left and his Croconaw beside, our saunter to the depths of the forest of Ilex continues. Behind him, I walk, watching and following his footsteps. As the night becomes deeper, the forest becomes more silent, or so we thought. He starts to ask me a question while sauntering,

"That microchip? It was given to my father wasn't it?"

"It helps me control my speech disorder. Without it, I'd be nothing but a girl with Dysphemia." I reply, nearly stumbling upon a rock.

"So, I see. That's why you've joined Team Rocket. For salvation."

"About you? You were a former member of your father's organization. I came here to know more about you, your father, and the whole organization." I throw back his question at him.

"I'm assuming my father has already told you about the advent of his organization. After the death of my mother, father took charge of me, therefore I was introduced to his organization. The first months were fine, in fact, I was a skilled agent. One day, I've heard the news about the attack in my father's industries. I came to help only to see my father wearing a black coat and fedora, walking at the sidewalks of the city. We started to argue. Do you wish to know what happened? I know a Pokemon that could show you the answers." He explains as we continue our saunter.

"A Pokemon that could show me the answers?" I doubt, questioning further.

"Our world is diverse with a lot of strange creatures with peculiar abilities. You're in luck, one of them is lurking within the forest." He looks back, smiling at me.

"Peculiar abilities huh? Now that's something I can agree on."

"Ya think? I've even heard about strange phenomenons happening in the Kalos Region. There were reports about Pokemons suddenly changing when interacting with a peculiar stone. I can't clarify it since I have not been to the region yet."

From the silence of the night comes an abrupt interruption that I was not longing to hear. The sounds of the unexpected arrived, sirens of a nearby police vehicle. Perhaps they are on their night shift, searching for conflict within the forest of Ilex. Things intensify when suddenly a beam of blinding light hits our back.

I flinch, looking at the silhouettes produced by the light. The sirens stop, and I could hear two officers stepping down from the car.

"Well, well. Look who we have here? We were busy on our night shift when suddenly the person we're looking for appears out of nowhere." The voice of a familiar person talks to me.

"Luna?" The second officer also realized me by my apparel.

"No time to waste!" Silver responds quickly, grabbing my hand and rushing far from the police.

The two officers then rush off, following our footsteps. Obviously, using a car to chase us would be an absurd choice, especially when you're in a forest surrounded by trees tightly squeezed against each other. Their only source of light is their handy dandy flashlights.

"Stop right there!" I knew it, one of the officers was no other than Jenny, my first friend. She blocks our right path leaving us to the left path instead.

"Enough with the games agent." Detective Looker blocks the left, leaving us with no route of escape.

"Young man, hand over the criminal to us or we will charge you for protecting her." Detective Looker warns. Silver remains silent, responding with ignorance.

"As for the criminal, please surrender if you don't want to enter further trouble." Detective Looker tilts to me, warning me.

"Please Luna, don't fight anymore. You've been running, and now it is time for you to stop." Jenny begs.

"Croagunk, deploy!" Detective Looker tosses out his partner Pokemon out of its Pokeball.

"Deploy for action, Raichu!" Jenny does the same.

"I have no means of getting arrested nor having a tag battle with them." I murmur to Silver's ear.

"Me either. Can you swim?"

"I think."

"Good answer." He replies sarcastically and pulls my hand. Left and right are completely blocked so we have no choice but to dash into the cliff from the south. I wasn't expecting to jump off, but I must if I don't want to get arrested. Once more, I've escaped from the grasps of my friend and the chief of the Pokemon Police Department.

I fall to the river flowing with high currents. The truth is, I have no experience or whatsoever when it comes to swimming. Trying to survive and avoiding the opportunity for the water to enter my lungs, Silver comes and pulls my hand once more. With him, we drift to the nearby shore which is in the deepest part of the forest. Even I don't know if I could still return to the island.

I cough gravely upon reaching the shores, letting all the water escape my throat.

"What have you done to make the PPD very interested in you?" He questions, gasping for air and wiping his Croconaw with a white cloth.

"I might have murdered some."

"What the?! Are you telling me I was helping a murderer escape all this long?"

"Thank you," I respond with sarcasm, smiling pleasantly.

"Sigh, never mind. Anyways, come on, we're close to the house."

"The house? Your house?"

"No not mine. The time traveler's house." He corrects.

"Wait, I never knew time travel exited. How could humans learn such sorcery?"

"I wish we could but no. It is the Pokemon that does the time-traveling, not the human. You'll see when we get there. I used to visit this place very often when I was a young child."

"Such strange powers for a Pokemon."

"Pokemons are mysterious creatures after all."

After such unexpected interruption, both of us now make our way to the so-called time-traveling Pokemon. I wonder who or what kind of Pokemon it is, and I want to know how it possessed the powers of time travel. With detective Looker and Jenny out of the way, I can finally continue in peace, listening to the serene sounds of nature as we move closer to the house.