EPISODE 32: Time!*

And so, we continue or way through Ilex Forest. The time is currently three in the morning, and by now, I should be asleep in my bed for two more hours the sun will start to rise. The sensation of drowsiness shrouds me, however, I persist to ignore it, just to see the truth behind Giovanni and his son, Silver.

We stop at a nearby birdhouse wherein the ceilings are painted in red, the walls are painted in white and the doors are painted in brown. Small and decent, the birdhouse is. Silver makes the first move, by knocking on the doors. It then opens, revealing a sleeping Pokemon. It has the pigment of green and for me, it somehow reassembles the looks of a fairy.

The Pokemon is awakened from its slumber. It moves closer to us, sniffing our apparel.

"Celebi. I wish to see what happened between me and my father a week ago." Silver pleads.

The Pokemon squirms through the sky with a trail of sparkles from behind. It smiles, circling around me and Silver. The faster it squirms around us, the more weird things become. It is as if I am being warped into a portal of some sort. I start to panic, however, the warping stopped all of a sudden.

The car horn beeps, grabbing my attention, luckily Silver is able to grab my hand from the road to the sidewalk before the car hits me. The night becomes day, and the moon becomes the sun. The streets are filled with vehicles and people, going to work and doing their own agendas.

"Where are you when the tower was raided?" Silver queries.

"Um, probably fighting the Elite Four." I make a guess. I look to the left, and there I see Giovanni's tower. Beside us is Celebi, continuing to squirm across the sky like a hyperactive child.

"Celebi has the power to send people back in time. Do not show yourself to anyone you know, or else the future would change since we are all intervened like a knot. If you were to disturb the past, your current future would be different, thus affecting the space-time continuum." Silver explains.

We continue to watch the busy street, filled with vehicles and cars. All of a sudden, a strange but familiar man walks subtly on the opposite side of the street... He has a black coat and black fedora. Opposite to the direction he's facing, I see Silver, running to him with a surprised expression.

"Father! Why are you here?! You should be at your tower, helping your organization." Silver queries with shock.

"My organization is finished," Giovanni replies in a soft voice.

"This is not you father, I know you. Don't tell me you're planning to give up your whole organization just because the dragon master defeated you!"

"If I cannot achieve my ambitions in this region, then I will find a new one to commence my schemes. Come with me son, and together we will create a stronger and better organization. A better Team Rocket, above the rainbows we will soar." Giovanni persuades, convincing his son.

"Create a new Team Rocket?! What about this one? Are you planning to leave everything behind?"

"Yes." He replies. For a moment, my heart skipped a beat after hearing his reply. My mind was all jumbled up with lies told by his mouth. I thought... I thought he was going to return?! What happened to his promise? This can't be right.

"I won't return to the Kanto Region. The executives will be in charge of Team Rocket, not me anymore. I realize, I am not fit to become a leader, for I am a businessman. Come with me son, we will build a better Team Rocket together. Leave this organization, and join me."

"No! I won't. I've trusted you for many years and now you tell me, you're going to leave everything behind and... and start from scratch?! You're a coward father." Silver starts to enrage.

"There are times when you need to surrender and start everything again to fix your mistakes. If you won't come with me, I won't force you. I will be leaving the current Team Rocket and the Kanto Region for good. This is where we part ways son." Giovanni mumbles in a soft voice and continues his walk.

"I won't be a member of Team Rocket anymore! I will prove you wrong. I will prove your actions unworthy. You're a traitor father, if only mother was still alive." Silver's blood boils, shouting at his father in front of the public. The argument enrages. The son and father parted ways, one headed south and the other headed north. I see Silver, walking with clenched fists, as he tries to avoid himself from crying.

"I will be leaving the current Team Rocket for good..." My mind infuriates, hearing the words of Giovanni was nothing but a mere lie. This made me angry at my own boss, to the point I wanted to show myself in front of him and confront him on my own. However, Silver quickly pulls my hand, avoiding me to do such an idiotic thing.

The boss betrayed his organization, he betrayed me after all my efforts to work and bring glory to Team Rocket. Celebi interrupts, sending the two of us back to our present time period. I couldn't withstand the anger I bear, I want to spew all of it to Giovanni. Wherever he is now, he's planning to create a new organization.

The truth is too much to bear, mind awakening it is. What should I do now that I have realized that Giovanni was lying to me? I no longer have faith in him. The executives were right, Charlotte was right, and Xavier was too. I should've believed in them when I had the chance. Of course, if I were to tell the executives, they wouldn't believe me since they do not believe in time travel or whatsoever. I've lost hope in Giovanni for good.