EPISODE 33: Revelation!

Upon arriving at our current time period, Celebi returns to its birdhouse, sleeping once more as the doors calmly shut. Giovanni's conversation with his son in the past has shocked me to the point I flinched in front of Silver. He convinces me to leave Team Rocket, but I am not sure whether to do so or not.

"I... I've proven my loyalty to him. I killed my mother for him, I killed a lot of people for him but in the end... I never knew he'd leave me too." I sit on a rock, shedding tears of regret. I remember my mother Athena who loved me dearly, and my friend Jenny. Giovanni has made me a fool to everyone and now there is nothing I could do about it since I could not live in my own past. I've betrayed many people for him just to show how devoted I am.

"Leave Team Rocket Luna, you will only make yourself worse if you persist to work with Team Rocket." Silver convinces.

"I am only angry at Giovanni, not his organization. Team Rocket is the only family I have now, but once I... once I find Giovanni, I will spare no mercy. His blood, I will make sure it drips to the ground." I murmur with anger, clenching my fist tightly as if I wanted to strangle him to death but sadly, he isn't here.

"That is your choice, Luna. Work for him-"

"I will no longer work for him, only for Team Rocket will I work for. Besides, he no longer owns Team Rocket. Starting this day onward, I vow to find that liar." I cut his words.

"Do not hurt him. Even if he is a coward, he is still my father. If you want to work with Team Rocket then so be it. After all, like what you've said, Team Rocket is your only family. But, from now on, we will remain as rivals for I vow to end my father's organization.

This is where we part ways, Luna." Our conversation turns into malice. He and his Croconaw then leaves me in the rock I seat on, in front of Celebi's house.

The sadness flows through my veins and deadens my mind. It is a poison to my spirit, dulling me killing off my other emotions until it is the only one that remains. It is as if a black mist has settled upon me and refuses to shift, and no matter how bright the moon is I would feel no joy and hear no sound. For the world is lost to me and I know of nothing that would bring it back into focus.

My sorrows soak the soil, as my Pokemons escape their Pokeballs. They hug and comfort me, wrapping me around with solaces. However, my sorrows are too much for me to bother them. Everyone who've warned me was right, and now here I am, facing the truth alone. I want to feel my mother's hug once more, but it is too late for that.

If I am to leave Team Rocket, where will I go? Although I have lost hope in Giovanni, I promise myself to push onward, forgetting everything I've heard, forgetting the past, and even forgetting the boss, after all, he does not own me nor his organization. I will continue as an elite operative of Team Rocket, serving the executives and not Giovanni.

As for the boss, the king of a treason of lies, I will find him. I will take my revenge for all the lies he told me. I return back to Azalea town, aboard my boat, and sailed across the sea, back to the island of the Johto Branch of Team Rocket. Back in my bedroom, I lay on my bed, covering my head with a pillow.

I continue to drain the ocean out of my eyes, I allowed it to flow freely, making my pillow wet and soggy. From sorrow, come wrath and anger. The eagerness to search for Giovanni's location was present in me. I vow to find him and end his life for good. I won't allow another Team Rocket to rise, for there will only be one.

The night gets deeper, and soon I fall under a sleepy slumber. Finally, my tiredness and worn-out body could have a chance to recharge. I have no plans to tell the executives about what I've seen and heard last night. I will act as if everything is normal, the same old Luna who participates in missions with eagerness for the sake of Team Rocket. No longer will I say, "Giovanni will return." for I know, this is a lie.

Giovanni won't have the last laugh, I will. He is no longer a friend but rather a foe.