EPISODE 34: Tail!*

Virgo stretches her hand far and wide, letting out a yawn afterward. It is ten in the morning, the usual time I and Virgo wake up. She looks down at my bed, only to see me sitting down on the bed, staring at the abyss like a person experiencing a hallucination. I could not stop remembering the things I've heard from last night. It starts to both anger and haunt me.

"Did you wake up early or just now?" Virgo questions.

"I... I don't know." I reply like a machine, staring at the wall, watching the hands of the clock go round and round, waiting for time to pass.

"Is there anything wrong?" Virgo queries again.

"I... I don't know." I reply once more like a machine, staring at the same object.

"Are you bored perhaps? You can play with my Chikorita. Trust me, her adorable looks will bring back your smile." Virgo suggests, handing me Chikorita's Pokeball.

"I... I'm fine." I reply again like a machine.

"Oh, it's fine then." She places Chikorita's Pokeball back to her pocket.

"I've read the whole Pokedex entries of Chikorita and analyzed them. According to the Pokedex, my Chikorita has a jolly nature, and guess what? She's close to evolving into a Bayleef. How cool is that?" Virgo beams with zing and thrill.

"A Bayleef? That was quite quick don't you think? My Kirlia hasn't evolved yet."

"Your Shiny Kirlia? According to the Pokedex, it evolves into Gardevoir. Have you tried checking its stats? Perhaps you need to boost it in order for it to evolve. I feed Chikorita with Zinc and Calcium daily, and Rare Candies from time to time."

"Sigh, no wonder why she's about to evolve right away." I sigh, facepalming myself after hearing the reason why her Chikorita is about to evolve soon.

"I only feed her one Rare Candy once a week. Plus, when you were in your missions, I've challenged a lot of grunts for her and Teddiursa to evolve sooner or later. I also hoping if I could catch a new Pokemon soon to fill up my team. Kind of dull to only have two Pokemons as a grunt. Look at you, you have four Pokemons!"

"Is evolving that necessary to you? Me? I don't mind if my Pokemons evolve or not. The important thing is that they're happy and healthy. And of course, their fur must be perfectly groomed as well." I utter with smiling with delight.

"You have a point. Evolution isn't everything but I believe it could help your Pokemons grow stronger!" Virgo bursts with determination, extending her palm to the ceiling and clenching it tightly.

From our conversation, Charlotte begins to intervene, knocking on our doors. I open it, only to see a worried look on her. She enters, talking in a rapid-pace while showing a picture of a familiar trainer. He has a black cap, with golden stripes on it. He wears shorts, and has a red jacket.

"Virgo, have we not seen this man before?" I query, trying to recall my memory.

"Oh, I think I saw him back in New Bark Town. Remember? He was walking with a cute Cyndaquil. I wanted to hug that Cyndaquil so badly."

"Well, the guy you saw ruined our operations in Azalea Town alongside with an old man named Kurt. We were selling Slowpoke tails innocently when suddenly the well, which is our hideout, was intervened by him. If I remember correctly, the trainer's name goes by Ethan." Charlotte informs.

"The executives also wanted the three of us to go to the town in order to not only help our fellow members there but also to stop Ethan from devastating our plans," Charlotte adds.

Ethan, a trainer fierce and brave enough to challenge the wrath and power of Team Rocket. He reminds me of the crimson trainer, Red. The trainer who've dreaded the Game Corner, stopped our operations in Mount Moon, and the same trainer who've interrupted Giovanni's argument in the Silph Company back in my hometown. I could not let another Red rise, if he's gone, he must remain gone forever, no one to take his place for good.

As long as there are trainers like Red, Team Rocket will have a hard time to achieve its goal and complete its purpose. I must put an end to Ethan. Gladly, I and Virgo accepted the task sent by the executives. Through the use of a helicopter, we leave the island and return back to Azalea Town. This is my third time to visit the town, and it never gets old.

From the helicopter, I tilt my head to the west, seeing the forest of Ilex once more. I remember the night when I sought the truth that neither Virgo, Charlotte, nor the four executives know. I must not forget, I am doing this for the sake of Team Rocket and not for Giovanni. I will find him one day. I must.