EPISODE 48: Fallen!*

All at once, my foot ceases to travel forwards and the scenery starts to blur like a poorly shot action photograph. The colors swirl and blend as my head becomes tilted toward the forest floor. The expected thump of the ground doesn't come and instead I'm still falling. I feel the wind, trying to carry me, but it is too soft and brittle.

Death extends it reaper, pointing it towards me as I continuously fall to the basement of the bell tower. My heart skips a beat or two, panicking on the inside. My mind is afraid, it has been given no time to prepare for death.

Out of nowhere, I hear the sounds of a wind, moving rapidly. Something jolting towards me perhaps? Instead of landing on the floor filled with sharp dilapidated woods that could pierce my skin, I land on a fur of a fluffy creature. My eyes flinch, and my hands touch the skin of the Pokemon. Primarily, it has yellow fur with black stripes on it. It has a thin, light blue tail with sharp angles and a spark-shaped formation at the end. Most of its face consists of thick, white fur and shorter yellow fur around its red eyes.

In a blink of an eye, the Pokemon ascends upwards, placing me down afterward. Seeing the Pokemon, everyone flinched. No, no one dared to make a move nor to emit any sound at all. Time is completely frozen. The beast places me down from its back and stares at me majestically. I stare back, intimidated by its looks.

"Raikou." The sage murmurs the Pokemon's name.

"Unbelievable. It... It saved Luna." Eusine is in complete awe, his eyes are mesmerized by the Pokemon.

Seeing the Pokemon, I feel happy and thankful. I extend my hand, slowly placing it on its forehead. My hand hasn't even reached Raikou's forehead, and it has made the decision to push its head to my hand instead. It allows me to pet it, despite being more superior than me.

"It is a rare occasion for Raikou to show its appearance. Perhaps it is somehow attracted to you." The sage assumes.

"Why? Why would it be attracted to me?" I query while rubbing its fur.

"I do not have a single clue, however, there is a legend pertaining to such a rare occasion. According to the books of old, stored in the archives of Ecruteak, the three beasts would show their appearance and save one's life only if they are interested in him or her.

They usually watch the person secretly. The legend also says something about the duty of the three beasts. It seeks for those who are worthy of the rainbow wing. Anyhow, I'm probably making up things since I couldn't remember the full legend of the rainbow ring. Just, be happy that Raikou is interested in you." The old sage explains.

"I wish I could cuddle it too. You're a very lucky woman Luna." Kris says, wishing to be me instead.

The Pokemon shrieks loudly, irking our ears to the point it surpasses our threshold. It then leaps to the sky, through the gap of the tower. It leaves me and the rest of us alone. I wish I could meet Raikou once more. That would be an amazing experience for me.

While cuddling Raikou, my emotions totally glitched! Should I be happy? Excited? Eager? I don't know, perhaps a mixture of all three! Ah, Raikou is truly astounding, very majestic indeed. It soars like a lightning bolt through the sky, never to be seen for now. One day, I'm sure and it would meet again.

After experiencing such a thing, the four of us finally part ways. I return to the tea-shop, couldn't wait to tell Virgo and Charlotte the news! Eusine remains in the tower, inspecting its surroundings. As for the rivals slash best friends, they proceed to the gym of Ecruteak. If I'm not mistaken, Kris told me that the gym leader is Morty, a ghost specialist.

"Virgo! Charlotte!" I dash to them, disturbing their peaceful time. Charlotte was talking to Cliff through her Ipad, while Virgo was innocently reading a book with her Teddiursa and Slowpoke.

"Luna? Back so soon?" Charlotte giggles after seeing me.

"You can't believe what I've just seen, Raikou! It saved my life." I explain rapidly.

"Raikou?!" The three of them exclaim. Yes, even Cliff heard my voice.

"Yes! I was in the bell tower, then I met this guy who is somewhat like a historian and then-"

"Luna, calm down." Virgo bids.

"Right, right. Anyways, the point is, I met Raikou! I flew on its back after falling to the basement of the tower." I calm down, explaining my words in a much slower way.

"You're one lucky woman. I wish I could've met Raikou too." Virgo becomes jealous, wishing that she was me.

"And not only that, I met Ethan back in the tower."

"Really? So who won?" Charlotte questions, eager to know the answer.

"Well, hehe. I've asked him to have a truce with me."

"A truce?! That was your opportunity to kick his guts and you called for a truce?!" Charlotte becomes frustrated.

"I'm off duty anyways, but the next time I see him, I'll surely challenge him to a battle."

On the kitchen of the tea-house, little do I know that the Kimono-girls were eavesdropping me. Hearing my words about me seeing Raikou, it has put a smile on their faces all of a sudden.

"Raikou eh?" One of them chuckles then continues with her work.

Overall, my journey in this city was amazing and thrilling. I never knew that I would be meeting a legendary Pokemon today. If only I could, I would revert the time in order to see Raikou and feel its majestic presence once more.