EPISODE 49: Test 1*

The night is warm and peaceful at the skies of Johto. Home to the ever-traveling Rebirth Society, the skies are. It is currently midnight, and the moon reaches its pinnacle. The night becomes deeper, as the stars continue to play with one another. Amongst the fleet of the Rebirth Society is no other than their mother ship. It is always located in the front of the fleet, directing where to go or where to travel.

The mother-ship has been placed under autopilot for the leader is plotting something again. While her children are asleep, Lilith proceeds to the laboratory wherein Professor Violet could be found. In her laboratory, Articuno could be seen, ironically frozen in ice inside a test-tube.

"Professor, is the date done?" Lilith questions, watching Violet type on the laptop.

"Yes, Lilith. Analyzation of data is complete. Articuno has been approved for a test run." The professor reports.

"I see. The night is feeling a bit warm, doesn't it? Perhaps it could use some coldness I assume." Lilith chuckles softly.

"Where do you wish to try Articuno's power? In the ocean? In a city? Or a town?" The professor asks.

"Somewhere far from the public for now. The islands of Seafoam is probably the best place to try Articuno's sheer cold power. I will direct the fleet to the location of the islands of Seafoam. My dream, I could nearly touch it. Soon, it will be in the palm of my hands."

As the professor and the leader continues to talk, Lilith suddenly hears a squeak from the doors. She tilts her head behind, only to see Emily eavesdropping her conversation with violet. Seeing her mother, Emily becomes afraid for she is supposed to be sleeping by now.

"Emily? Why are you still awake?" Lilith questions, opening the door further and looking at her daughter angrily. Seeing her angry mother, Emily tightens her grip on her stuffed Eevee plushy.

"I can't sleep, mother," Emily explains. From an angry face, Lilith switches into a calm one as she pats the head of her daughter.

"Is there something bothering your mind again?" The mother guesses, emitting cooing noises to her daughter despite Emily already having an age of sixteen. Well, Athena does that to me before too.

"I'm scared and worried about Ebony. She has killed someone back on the island. She also nearly killed the agent we were talking about. She wasn't like that before, right mother?"

"Let your sister be, I will talk to her once the sun rises. Go back to your bed, mother has a busy night." She instructs kissing the forehead of her daughter.

"Is, Ebony going to be alright? Since father's death, she has been acting strange all of a sudden."

"Ebony is fine, Emily. Go to your room. Look at your Eevee plushy, it's very sleepy and I know you are too. Don't be worried about your sister." Her mother then hugs her tightly. Afterward, Emily proceeds back to her bed in order to rest. She walks through the corridors with a frown.

"If... if only you would still be alive." She murmurs and sheds a tear. She then decides to run to her room.

Back to business, Lilith is. She sets for a straight course to the islands. Upon arrival, the professor alongside with her aid places Articuno's testube inside a black vault. The black vault has multiple wires, intertwining with one another. From the control room, Lilith presses a red button, causing the gears to suddenly emit a squeaking noise.

"Seafoam will be different after this." Lilith murmurs to herself, pulling down a green lever. Below the mother ship, a cannon spurts out, pointing and targeting one of the islands of Seafoam.

Lilith then speaks to her microphone, alerting the other captains of the rest of the fleet, "Preparations are ready. Open fire in three... two... one... now!" As she speaks her words, she slowly pulls down a red lever. Her timer ticks to zero, and suddenly from the black vault, Articuno shrieks loudly.

The vault glows in a veil of blue, wherein the pain Articuno is experiencing could be heard. The cannon freezes, nearly failing due to this. Seconds pass, and a beam of blue light is emitted from the cannon. It crashes unto the island, devastating it completely.

Snow fills the air, the island, and the sea, making Seafoam Island into a winter nightmare. After the settling of the flakes, the island hit from above was found as barren and desolate. The once frozen pine trees are now nothing but dilapidated timbers.

The Pokemons who live on the island are completely frozen, ending their life for good. Harnessing Articuno's immense power has disrupted the flow of ice. Under the hands of Lilith, any town or city could be turned into a snow globe in one night. Seeing the results of the test, Lilith was pleased.

"The test is a success. Articuno's power is stunning, and soon, the whole of Johto would realize how stunning it is as well. This is all for now, the mirage must rest before we harness its powers once more. We will set for a straight course to the Johto Region once again." She reports to the other captains, looking at the window and mesmerizing at her own deeds.