EPISODE 56: Evolution!*

"That was an amazing battle, I never knew Professor Olive was a skilled battler." Virgo cheers from behind with a face of glee, beaming with full exuberance over the battlefield.

"Oh me? I'm not that skilled." The professor utters in a humble manner.

The battle lasted for about three minutes and we were able to bring an entertaining show to Virgo and Charlotte. Seeing them, being all happy with their minds filled with euphoria, makes me lucky of having them as my friends. However, as seconds pass, Virgo's face was trying to show some sort of determined emotion.

"Luna, can you battle me as well? Please." Virgo begs earnestly.

"B... But..." I stutter, thinking of an excuse.

"Oh come on, it will only be a one on one Pokemon battle, that's all. You know me, trying to boost the strength of my Pokemons through battling with them. So please accept my challenge." She pleads.

"Why not Charlotte?" I suggest, thinking of an excuse to change her opponent instead of me.

"I've battled Charlotte before, and now I want to battle you. I will be using Teddiursa as my Pokemon. This will only take quick, I promise." She persuades as I sigh, agreeing to one more match.

"A Pokemon Battle between two companions? Good luck to the both of you. I will be heading to my laboratory to search for more details pertaining to Zapdos." Professor Olive bids us good luck as she leaves the scene to continue her work furthermore.

Cliff, remains, being the judge of the match once more while on the other hand, Charlotte will be a mere spectator, watching over the battle as it rages with determination. I will be battling a friend, that is correct, but this does not mean I will be going easy on her.

And so, the proclamation begins. According to Cliff, each will be using one Pokemon each, and usual, the winner will be the last Pokemon standing. As said, Virgo chooses her adorable Tedduirsa. Its cuteness will be unable to withstand nor imitate me. My response to her choice no other than Kirlia.

"Battle Begin!" Cliff declares, leaving Charlotte will a troubled mind. She thinks deeply about who to cheer. It is either me or Virgo, or perhaps she could just cheer for both of us.

"Alright Teddiursa, use Metal Claw!" Virgo calls out the first move. Tedduirsa's claw glows in a veil of silver as it jolts towards me and Kirlia.

"Double Team," I instruct to counter her decision. In a split second, Kirlia releases multiple copies of herself, shrouding Teddiursa. Due to this, Virgo's Pokemon has canceled the attack, becoming confused and worried while trying to find the real Kirlia.

"I've read books pertaining to this kind of scenario, Teddiursa, Scratch on the ground now!" Even with the double team attack, Virgo has plans of her own that neither I nor Kirlia are aware of. The scatters throughout, hitting Kirlia's multiple copies one by one until only one remained, the real her.

"Quick Teddiursa, follow it up with Fury Swipes!" Virgo commands. This time, lucky they are, for I flinched due to Virgo's way of handling Double Team. As an agent, perhaps I could learn some tips and tricks from her. Due to my flinching, I was unable to command Kirlia to dodge, giving my opponent an upper hand.

"Teddiursa, Fury Swipes again!" She repeats.

I immediately counter with Psychic, the usual for others in this kind of situation. The moment before Tedduirsa's attack hits, Kirlia's move was able to blast it off, returning it back Virgo's side. The damage is equal, making this match longer than expected.

The battle continues, heating the whole battlefield up as if there is a volcano underneath us. When it comes to attack and defense, Teddiursa has the upper hand, however, when it comes to speed, I and Kirlia wins in this category. Kirlia's dodges are quite unbelievably amazing. It dodges through teleportation, appearing in front and behind of the foe at times while it tries to hit Kirlia.

The denouement of the match has arrived, and both Pokemons are perspiring and exhausted. Kirlia is tired from teleporting just to dodge all of those impacts, while Tedduirsa is worn-out from fighting with all its strength and might. Me and Virgo fear that it could soon end up in an unexpected draw.

The two continue to pant heavily, seeping all of the oxygen into their mouths. Their lungs are persevered, handling the scorching heat of the body's lethargy. As their owners, we try to inspire both of them to stand firm.

Out of nowhere, the two Pokemons glow with a white hue. Unexpected this is for neither I nor Charlotte expected this to happen. Even the sudden event caused Charlotte to lean her head forward in awe as she continues to observe the match. Cliff, becomes exuberant, witnessing both sides evolve.

"It can't be... Both Kirlia and Teddiursa are evolving at the same time." Charlotte doubts.

After the evolutionary process, all of Teddiursa's cuteness dispersed into thin air. From an adorable being, it becomes a bear of viciousness and brutality, bringing terror those which catches its attention. On the other hand, elegant Gardevoir is, for even in evolution she keeps her cute charm. Instead of green, her hair is blue since she is a shiny Pokemon.

Gardevoir is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of her body is white, but her hair, arms, and the underside of her gown are blue. Her hair curls over her face and down the sides of her head. Behind her red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. She has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from her chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on her chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to her sleeve-like arms.

As for Ursaring, basically, it looks like a rough-tough bear with an extreme amount of brute muscles.

According to our Pokedexes, our newly evolved Pokemons learned two moves, remained two moves from its previous evolution, and replaced two moves as well in order to give way for the new ones.


[Psychic, Double Team, Hypnosis, Moon Blast!]


[Mega Punch, Force Palm, Fury Swipes, Slash]

With our Pokemons newly evolved, their energy has been restored, having the compatibility once more to fight. Virgo begins the match again, commanding her newly evolved Ursaring to use Force Palm on Gardevoir.

Gardevoir immediately counters the move with Psychic, sending the Pokemon to air with its powers and dropping it off afterward. Grave... Grave damage was dealt to Ursaring after hitting its back at the battlefield.

"Gardevoir, let us try a new move, use Moon Blast!" I command as she lets out a beam of violet light heading towards the foe. Ursaring stands up immediately, dodging the attack with swiftness, beaming towards Gardevoir with extreme velocity. From Teddiursa to Ursaring, its speed has increased.

"Force palm!"

"Moon Blast!"

The two moves collide against each other, both dealing an immense amount of damage to our Pokemons. Force palm did an impact on Gardevoir's chest as she released the beam of violet light to Ursaring. After the settling of the attacks comes the big result, who triumphs over the match?

Both Pokemons glare at each other, waiting to see who would drop. Time remains frozen, and no one dared to utter a single word. Cliff carefully watches the match, Charlotte is thrilled to see the results, and the players such as me and Virgo watch carefully.

Gardevoir nearly falls but stands up right away, pushing her strength beyond her own limits. On the other hand, Ursaring drops, no longer having the capacity to carry its worn-out body. The moment the foe drops, the sensation of success and ecstasy surrounds me. This match, although perspiring and tiring, has brought a smile to me.

A rare win for me, without the need to kill or cause someone to bleed.

"The winner of the match goes to Gardevoir and Luna!" Cliff proclaims. Exactly after uttering those words, I and Gardevoir jolt unto one another, hugging with bliss. I am proud of my Pokemon, my second Pokemon that I found from an alleyway as a lost and stray Pokemon. Now, seeing her all grown up to her final form makes me pleased and lucky to have her in my team. Of course, even my foe is happy since, after all, both of us benefited from the match. As a symbol of sportsmanship, the two of us gladly shakes each other's hands.