EPISODE 57: Five Island!*

"Luna! Luna!" The professor returns for some odd reason, calling my name from afar with a hassle look on her face as she flicks to me at a very rapid pace.

"Our headquarters in Sevii Island has been infiltrated by ironically, Giovanni's son. The thing is, Silver isn't alone." She reports.

"Silver is Giovanni's son? I thought he was an excellent agent of Team Rocket?" Virgo recalls her memory.

"Wait, you met Silver before?" Charlotte questions with a shocked look.

"Not personally, but I've heard his name from gossips and hearsay during my times as a mere janitor in Celadon City. Have I ever mentioned that I was just a grunt serving as a janitor? Hehe."

"Silver is known as a traitor of Team Rocket, just like Arlo. He was an excellent agent, however, he left all of a sudden after the downfall of his father. Now? For some odd reason, he's against us." Professor Olive explains furthermore.

"Silver. It was his choice to leave Team Rocket because of the lies his father told him, me, and everyone else in Team Rocket." My voice enters a vicious voice after remembering the time I went to the past only to see the truth. It pains me to have to tell them, especially if I was the one to encourage them to believe in Giovanni in the first place.

"Now... now, what are you saying Luna? The last time I checked, you said Giovanni will be returning? And now according to the words you've just uttered, you're telling me that he has been lying all this time?" Charlotte questions with perplexity.

"Look, I know I've fooled all of you... Giovanni fooled all of us. I used to believe in him, but after realizing the truth, I stopped. Giovanni is the traitor. A coward. A clapped out, distracted man whose failings are undoubtedly presaging. He abandoned us only to create a new Team Rocket." I explain with a solemn voice, fists clenched tightly.

"And if I were to ask, where did you obtain such information about him?" Cliff asks suspiciously towards me.

"Would you believe me, if I told you I met a mythical Pokemon which could time-travel? Probably not. But trust me, what I say this time is true. However, despite all of this I still have faith in Team Rocket since Giovanni is not a member anymore. Thus the only thing I could do is to find and end him for good.

The boss who thought me many things, I'd never expected him to be my enemy. Team Rocket's enemy." Hearing my words, everyone remains speechless, not talking by a bit. It is as if everyone has been frozen, looking at me with doubtful eyes.

"An... anyways." Professor Olive sighs. She then continues, "Just like what Science says, we couldn't merely believe without proof. Maybe Luna has misheard or misinterpreted something from her time with the said mythical creature. I believe problems with Giovanni are to be forgotten and must be less focused on for the time being. If there is proof, then... I will believe Luna's words.

As for the mission, a squadron has been automatically sent to the island, and the three of you will serve as a backup."

"No professor. I wish to do this task alone."

"Alone? Luna, why?" Charlotte asks.

"Silver, I wish to confront him and perhaps tell him to return to the organization. His father no longer owns this, so why does he need to fight us? I and him are on the same side, against Giovanni and his words. With a skilled agent like him, who knows how powerful Team Rocket will be?"

"Can't I and Virgo help you? Don't you have faith in us?"

"I... I do, but I want to make this between me and him."

"Luna, it's too dangerous to be alo-"

"There's a squadron." I cut her words.

"The Elite Four defeated us! and the Kanto Region was 70% of Team Rocket!"

"Silver is not part of the Elite Four, he is a trainer. A rogue."

"I've lost a friend, and I cannot lose you too. Please let us come." Charlotte begs, tightening her grip on my hand.

"Charlotte, you know how much I trust you since the very first time we met. Don't worry, I will return safely." I comfort her, wrapping her with solaces.

"Fine. Just keep your words. And please, for once in your life don't do something absurd like what you did to the Pokemon Government Council. I want you to return without a single scratch on your face, do you understand?"

"I'll be fine." I chuckle.

Professor Olive and Pillar Cliff, agree with my proposal, allowing me to take the mission seriously without the help of my friends. I suit up, wearing my elite operative outfit. As I dress up, I look to the mirror, wondering what the professor meant when she said Silver is not alone. Who is he with this time?

It was also quite a shock to see him travel to Kanto just to reach the archipelago. He is quite different from the other trainers out there who are serious with their "goal to become a champion" and stuff like that. Him? He seems to be a man who really seeks revenge for the actions of his father.

Before leaving, I bid my goodbyes to Charlotte, Virgo, and Cliff. Afterward, I proceed to the helicopter pad in the penthouse, wherein I meet my pilot once more, Pilot Xeryll.

"Just you? I was expecting to meet your friends today." She says right after I take my seat inside her helicopter.

"There have been some changes to the plans. I will be helping the squadron alone." I reply.

"I see. Fine by me. Alright, let's commence this mission of yours shall we?" She utters, slowly ascending the plane to the sky. As I leave the island, Charlotte stares to me from below, silently bidding good luck to me. I chose to go alone for a reason, and not merely for the sake of the mission. Hopefully, I could return back with Silver back in the organization.