EPISODE 58: Solo!*

Intense the alarms are, irking my ears as I enter the facility. The lights flicker with red hues, a sign of trouble lurking within the halls. I hear grunts, calling out moves to their Pokemons, desperate they seem, running out of hope as the intruder knocks out their Pokemons in a single blow. I do not fear Silver no matter how cunning he may be just like his father.

I make my way through the corridors, trying to help as many grunts as possible, however, as I reach them, the battle would already be finished. The grunts are left with their injured and fainted Pokemons. The only thing I could possibly do is to move on and help the other members out there or perhaps get to the point and find the intruder right away.

This facility is like a complex maze of halls and corridors intertwining with one another. Every move I make, I seem to be walking in circles all the time. First I turn left, then right, afterward I find myself in the same place before I turned left. It is as if I was a hamster placed unto a maze for recreation however, for me, this mission is no recreation but rather a drudgery.

"Ouch..." I emit the sounds of pain, accidentally tumbling down. Something grabbed my foot from beneath. A familiar silhouette that haunts me up to this very day. I rise from the ground, looking at the silhouette below my feet. It is no other than the Pokemon with red sharp eyes, Gengar is its name. And of course, if Gengar is here, then the former Elite is also here.

"So, we meet again?" Agatha smiles cunningly as she walks to me at a slow pace. Gengar emerges from the ground, running to the side of its trainer. Me, I am left with paramount shock.

"Agatha," I mumble her name.

"You've killed a former elite."

"How did you know about Lorelei's death?"

"The police found her body weeks ago inside Icefall cave. I made an assumption that it was you who killed her, and I was right all along. Have not you learned from your actions back in your merciful tower? Look at you now, your villainy is too much. Too... much."

"Villainy? I don't think that word suites my name." I say sarcastically.

"Call whatever you want to call yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself. I thought of you as a clever girl back in my cottage, but now I see the real you. Who are you really? A timid or malevolent woman? Let's find out, shall we? Gengar, you know what to do."

Gengar laughs hysterically.

"I'm just me, a human like everyone else who is trying to make a stand. I am timid, malevolent? Hmm, not so much. Although my personality and emotions may change often because of my past. I do not want to fight "granny" I came here for the main intruder, and not you. However, if it is a battle you want..." I inhale deeply, I then continue with an inclined voice, tossing Absol out of her Pokeball, "Then it's a battle you'll get!"

"Like the moon, I, Luna, is changeable when it comes to my nature. Always waxing or waning, shadowed and veiled, sometimes plaguing the people too. A lot of people are against me, driven on and weighted down, always enslaved by the mockery of the past. So, at this hour, without any delay, pluck the vibrating string; since I am to strike down another Elite, and everyone else will weep." I utter viciously, letting my aggression take charge.

The battle begins, and Agatha remains doubtful of my words. Gengar against Absol, fighting an Elite won't be easy. When it comes to typing, I have the advantage since dark is strong against ghost. However, when it comes to strategies, I believe Agatha has the upper hand. Just like my Gardevoir, Gengar's speed is immense, dodging all of Absol's attack as if it was using teleportation.

The power of shadows and silhouettes side with Gengar, and as for Absol, darkness does. The battle continues, raging like a clash between two queens, fighting for what they think is right. Gengar is consistent with speed, and Absol is consistent with the attack. Although a high speed means low accuracy for us.

I fight, with what I've learned. Although it seems like I'm about to lose. I believe it is time to take this match into a whole new level. This time, I feel no sudden urge to show pity just like Ebony. Agatha is old as well, but I still wonder why I was not able to strike Elder Uno down. I was about to instruct Absol to use her vicious Shadow Claw attack on the roof to end the elite for good, however, the man I was searching for appears behind me, interrupting the whole match.

At first, I never knew he was behind me. I knew he was when suddenly he commands his Feraligatr to use Arm Thrust on my back, causing me to fall down with aching bones. I shriek loudly, trying to bear the pain as Absol faces both opponents. Feraligatr? That was quite quick. The last time we met, it was a mere Croconaw. It looks like I wasn't the only one who was leveling up.

"I did say we were rivals, didn't I? And, I believe you deserved that for trying to kill an innocent elite. Remember, I was once an agent like you, therefore I know how your mind works. I know how you think." Silver says, moving forwards, watching me tolerate the pain his Feraligatr has done to my back. I'm very lucky that my spine did not collapse.

Absol growls at both of them, trying to comfort and protect me. She lays beside me, trying to lick my face as she makes those weird sad puppy noises.

"What are you planning to do? Kill me?" I utter sarcastically.

"No. I'm not like you nor my father. You may persuade me many times to return, but I will never. I won't sleep until Team Rocket has been burned to ashes. Take the attack as a warning for your actions. Agatha, let-" His words are cut, after being attacked by behind as well. A Pokemon known as Pinsir punches Silver's back gravely, perhaps more grave than mine.

"Leave the agent alone." To my surprise, Xeryll has come to help. However, she isn't alone. Besides she and her partner Pinsir, is a group of skilled grunts with their Pokemons. They have the same rank as mine, an Elite Operative.

More help arrives from Agatha's side, completely giving the elite and the trainer no chance of escaping or whatsoever. Seeing them arriving to help has given me a spark of hope. I try to stand and fight as well, however, Xeryll tells me to rest, and leave the battle up to her and the rest of the Elite operatives.

"Interfere with Team Rocket, and you will get what you deserved. Hehe!" From the left, is the infamous elite operative of Team Rocket. Domino, this is my first time to see her personally. I've heard Charlotte talking about her many times already. She has a pseudonym of "Black Tulip"

"Although you may have defeated most of our grunts, passing through the elite operatives will be a hard task." Attila, another famous member of Team Rocket interrupts from the right. He alongside with his partner Hun came to help as well. The other members have also arrived to help.

Although wanting to watch the battle take place, my back could not handle the pain anymore, thus I fall as I enter an unconscious state. Although unconscious, I could hear people and Pokemon fighting against each other. Even Absol, I could also hear her helping out some of the infamous elite operatives.

Suddenly, it stopped. All those sounds disperse out nowhere. I couldn't hear nor feel anything. I sense no presence as I stare at the darkness, waiting for something or someone to return me back to reality.