EPISODE 59: Destruction!*

The room is as devoid of beauty as I am of hope. Its walls are simply cream, not peeling or dirty, just cream. It is perhaps once the kind of green that reminds people of spring-time and hope, but it's faded so much that the hue is insipid. The room as an undertone of bleach and the floor is simply grey. At the far end are windows in brown metal frames, only openable at the top.

I remember a thing or two about my previous task. I remember seeing some of the most infamous elite operatives of Team Rocket. I also remember the time when I nearly slaughtered Agatha, and the time Silver nearly caused my spinal cord to collapse.

I wish I could watch the fight, however, my pain held me back, causing me to enter an unconscious state. I remember the image of my pilot, the very first to help me during Silver's sudden surprise attack.

From the doors, I see Charlotte entering, with a vicious and angry look at her face. She walks to my hospital bed, and I bet she's about to scold me again.

"You made a promise."

"Yeah... about that."

"You told me you were going to return safely without a single scratch. And now, you return with your spinal cord nearly collapsing? Luckily Team Rocket has the technology to aid you right away.

I also heard from Xeryll, she told me about you, Silver, and Agatha. According to her, she decided to check things inside the facility since you were taking longer than usual. She ended up finding you, laying on the ground.

It was also a stroke of luck that Domino and the other Elite Operatives were there during that time. Without them, you could've been killed!" She scolds, however, I did not take her words seriously. Her words make me giggle all of a sudden.

"And now you're laughing? You've failed a total of three missions. I offered my help, however, you rejected it. I knew I should've come." Charlotte sighs.

"What happened to Silver and Agatha?" I lean my upper torso to the back of the bed while asking her about the things that recently happened.

"Gone. They managed to escape before Xeryll and the other elites began attacking them. They were extremely lucky to escape right away. After those events, Xeryll and the other elites aided you and brought you back to the island.

Seeing you under an unconscious state made me worried sick! I thought... I thought you were going to end up like Xavier." Charlotte replies.

"I knew I could've ended Agatha for good, if it wasn't for Silver," I mumble, clenching my fists with anger the moment I Silver's image appeared on my head out of nowhere.

"Here we go again, planning to kill innocent people for the sake of Team Rocket and stuff like that! You should take a break from all these missions once in a while. Actually, the executives were planning to give you a mission however it looks like they've decided not to after seeing you unconscious.

The Rebirth Society, they blew up... well, not technically. I mean, they froze our headquarters in Three Island. Professor Olive hypothesized that this was the work of the mirage of ice, Articuno.

According to the professor, the Rebirth Society was able to harness its powers, thus leading to the destruction in our last Sevii Island headquarters."

"That Society!" I became ferocious again, remembering Ebony and Emily.

"Oh Arceus, words slipped out of my mouth again. What are you planning to do this time? Chase after a headquarters that doesn't exist and burn them down to the ground like what you did with the PGC?" She questions sarcastically.

"If they are not on the ground, then that means, they belong to the sky. I can take revenge and blow up one of their ships as well as an exchange for wreaking our last Sevii Island headquarters." I propose a plan.

"Are you serious?!"


"Your body hasn't even recovered yet and now you're planning to do a rogue mission?! This is an absurdity, and I forbid it." She says strictly.

"Well, if we do nothing, no response at all, think of it? What would the Society think of us? Weaklings right? But if we were to avenge our headquarters, we could bring fear to their eyes. We can prove how powerful our organization is!" I persuade.

"I cannot let you be a rogue, doing missions not proposed by the executives. People like you end up in trouble or worse, you might even lose your life. I am doing this to protect you, without me, your life would've ended anytime sooner."

"I know, but Team Rocket must make a stand. This is our opportunity to show them, to show the enemy that we are not afraid of them. We are not cowards, we are not like Giovanni."

"I won't allow you. I will stop you no matter what and you can't do anything about it!"

No matter how hard I try to persuade her, she still won't concur with my words. Throughout the day, I rest, letting my body have all the energy I need. At night, I had to wait for Charlotte to fall asleep in order to make my grandest escape. This is because Charlotte has made the decision to sleep beside me in order to keep me from escaping, however, her sleepy body was unable to fulfill that.

I suit up with my Elite Operative attire, and contacted Xeryll right away. Luckily, she agrees with my words, volunteering as the pilot. This time, we won't be in Johto, but in the skies, listening to any peculiar gear noises happening. As I exit the tower, making my way to the helicopter, I make the slightest of sounds, in order not to attract the grunts walking around during their night shift.

My back may experience pain, but it's most likely tolerable this time. I know, by doing this I am risking a lot of things. Primarily to this, is my life, and second is my title. For the night, I believe it is time to be a rogue agent, participating in my first rogue mission.

The executives may not know about this, but once they return, I will bring ecstasy to their faces. Team Rocket will scare of the Society with my bravery. I've done it once, and I'm sure I can do it again.