EPISODE 60: Skies!***

Above nightly skies of Johto, Xeryll halts the vehicle in order for us to detect the noise of suspicious engine and gear movements. It's highly possible they're invisible in order to protect themselves from the people below.

While waiting, I gaze upon the magnificent stars, watching their blooming beauty dazzle across the skies. The stars astound me, bringing peace of mind and a sensation of calmness. I remember the first day I star-gazed with my mother Athena, I used to call the stars as hot burning balls of gasses.

"So, Luna. You are aware the executives will scold me for agreeing with your plan, and at the same time will scold you for coming up with an idea which was not proposed by them." Xeryll starts off a conversation while watching the stars from the driver's seat.

"Yes. For others, they may think I'm an idiot, especially Charlotte. She seems to disagree with the plan of mine. The executives, I fear their reaction, however, whatever it takes, I will continue to this plan in order to prove to the society how brave Team Rocket is.

They have the courage to wreak one of our headquarters, and we have too. That is something I see that others don't."

"Hmm, I guess you have a point. Never knew that a young elite operative like you has a mind like Giovanni."

"Oh me? I despise Giovanni. I do not believe in his words anymore." I reply.

"Is that so? If that's how it goes, then fine by me. If you were to ask me, I'd cling to his words."

"That is what I did. However, I was proven wrong, and I regret my decision to cling to his words. Giovanni, like a moon his words changes. One day it is enlightening like a full moon, and the next thing you know, it's darker than a new moon.

If you still believe in Giovanni's so-called return, then do believe. I have no right to change your opinion on him, I can only prove and fight for mine. However, despite all of this, I am still happy that I've met him.

Without him, I'd be a girl with a speech disorder. Giovanni may be a liar and all, but I have to admit, some of his intentions are right." I reply, continuing to gaze at the stars above.

From afar, sounds of crashing gear blare over, alerting me and Xeryll. We can hear it coming closer to us. This is my perfect opportunity to do what I must to claim vengeance over their previous deeds. Xeryll, my pilot, quickly switches off the lights of the helicopter. Its black color blends with the darkness of the night, giving the Society's fleet a harder time to spot us.

Team Rocket helicopters are always silent. Even our propellers produce no sound. This helps people be unaware of our sudden or abrupt arrival. Again, this is no other than the work of the Neuro leader, Arlo.

Even up until this day, his name angers me because of what he did to Xavier. If it wasn't for his very existence, Xavier would be alive, working alongside me and Charlotte.

Back to my rogue mission, Xeryll glides the helicopter to the top of one of their many floating aircraft. The sounds of their engine help Xeryll navigate her helicopter to the top of their aircraft.

A rope on my hand, I decide to toss it down. As expected, a sound emits as the rope hits a metallic plate. Using some spray paints which I borrowed from the headquarters during my escape, I spray them down in order to further identify the ship.

The paint sticks unto one of the dozen metallic plates that this ship is made of. It now remains invisible to me and Xeryll's sight.

"Good luck agent! Call me when your rogue mission is complete." Xeryll bids, saluting to me as I jump to the enemy's ship.

She then glides the helicopter away, going to a safer place in order to wait. Meanwhile, I proceed with my plans. I cut the metallic plate open with the use of a radioactive laser that is emitted from a flashlight.

This is one of Team Rocket's newest technology as proposed by one of our professors. No, it was not Professor Olive who proposed the technology.

Anyways, back to the mission. Below the metallic plate is one of the ship's ventilation networks. Filled with long, hot pipes these vents are. Most parts are also filled with boiling hot steam since that is how the ship operates.

I make my way through the vents, the usual thing any agent would do if they were to stumble to the same situation I'm currently facing.

The vents, after all, are the only way in and the only way out of this humongous ship. Crawling with cautiousness I am, making my steps as subtle as possible.

I take breaks at times, in front of vent windows. I peak, staring down into what's happening below. I see grunts from above patrolling the area because of their night shift. They walk with bodies that seem to have little to no energy at all.

"Lazy." I tease, softly. When it comes to night shifts in Team Rocket, our grunts are always active no matter what. I continue my crawl, proceeding to the east this time. I crawl and crawl until I take a break on one of the vent windows once more.

From that window, I stare below, seeing a group of grunts sitting around a table, playing pokers, and cards with each other. Poker and gambling don't pique my interest, so I move on and forget I ever saw those grunts. I even noticed that one of them was cheating, but that is none of my business.

From all these crawling, I enter the part of the ventilation system wherein breathing is nearly impossible. Out of nowhere, a plethora of steam whizzes out, heading from both behind and in front of me. No vent windows are in sight for me to jump off too, leaving me with little to no options at all.

The steam probably came from an exhaust fan somewhere within the ship. Or maybe it came from the tired and worn-out engines. With the might of elbow, I bang the metallic plate beneath me. I'd rather have a broken elbow rather than a burned face.

Luckily, my might was able to destroy such a sturdy metal. It collapses, hitting the ground very hard, emitting irking noises. Quickly, before the steam hits and burns me, I leap down, not knowing I was leading myself to further trouble.

After leaping, I immediately sent out Mawile in order to use Ice beam on the vents. Ice will serve as a temporary blockage between the vents and the room so the steam won't succumb to everyone inside the ship.

"Mother!" A woman from behind me shouts and shrieks desperately. It is at this moment when I realized I have fallen right into Ebony and Emily's bedroom.

"Oh... shoot," I reply with worry, seeing the twins wake up because of the commotion I've caused.

From there, the door opens, and that is when the leader of the Rebirth Society debuted to my face.

"What happened?!" The mother says with panic, alongside her is a few more grunts.

"Pleasant evening," I respond sarcastically, stepping back from the leader of the society.

"You dare interrupt the sleep of my children?! Guards, capture her!" The mother becomes ferocious towards me.

Little did I know that I've just entered the mother-ship of the Rebirth Society. I did not hesitate to struggle from the restraints of the Society's grunts, instead, I let myself be held captive, after all, I have no way out...