EPISODE 91: Unexpected Sacrifice!***

Our eyes remained lock unto each other and neither one of us tried to look away. The Rebirth Society are known to be cheaters of the race because of how unruly they are. We are the first to arrive, thus the Pokemon must belong to us. We are the ones who endured the hardships only to claim the mirages and they merely followed our tails.

"We got here first. Moltres falls under Team Rocket."

"Oh Luna, you've been persistent for so long. Let me paraphrase your words, "Moltres falls under the Rebirth Society. We are more powerful than your organization thus we have the right to claim the bird."

"What did you say?!"

"Luna calm down." Virgo comforts, tightening her grip on my arm.

"Think of it. What could Team Rocket possibly do to my fleet? They're everywhere. Inflicting damage upon us is useless. The bird is ours." She persists to demand, I reject.

"No. Not on my watch. I'm not afraid of your works. Perhaps your children would like to know how filthy you are, especially Emily. Go and fight me." I challenge, determined to fight for the final Pokemon.

"Mother don't. Luna is too tough to fight, you might hurt yourself, she is dangerous." Emily holds her mother's hand tightly, avoiding her to fight me.

"Professor Violet, do it." Lilith mumbles.

"Right away." The professor follows, pressing a blue button on the screen of her holographic laptop. She then inputs a code on her keyboard.

Once more, the ground rocks brutally as a strange figure emerges from the ground. it is no other than the steam punk Magnezone Robot but much larger. The robot extends its long arms, clinging unto the mirage's chamber. It clenches it tightly, causing the chamber to crack into fragments.

Moltres is awakened due to this, it then shrieks as it emits the sounds of pain. Magnezone clinches tighter as me and Virgo pay all of our sympathy to the Pokemon. The Elder, responsible for the protection of the mirage of fire does nothing at all. Literally.

He just sits on the floor, meditating as if nothing was happening around him. Not even the slightest chaos. I try to gather his attention, pleading for help but he wouldn't respond. He remains stagnant, imagining whatever he's imagining in his mind.



We send out our Pokemon for action in order to save the troubled Moltres. Seeing our Pokemon has only made the Rebirth Society laugh. They even made fun of us, teasing us by clenching Moltres tighter as it is slowly placed inside a test tube. I do not care about their laugh for I know I will have the last laughter.

"Bayleef use Leaf Storm!"

"Liligant, Petal Blizzard!"

"Leave this to me." The professor says, pressing random buttons unto her keyboard. The Magnezone becomes hostile to us. Though artificially made, it blasts our Pokemon with a terrorizing attack known as Zap Cannon. It directly hits our Pokemon and deals a load of damage compared to a normal Zap Cannon attack.

"We're no match against such a machinery." Virgo warns.

"We are. Liligant return to your Pokeball! Absol, substitute." I encourage as I switched out Pokemon.

Upon exiting its Pokeball, Absol growls viciously to the enemies, showing its malevolent scowl.

"You know what to do! Destroy the machinery and let Moltres free!" I instruct with determination. As Absol hears my words, her scowl turns into a smirk.

"Our machines are known to be indestructable. Absol is not an exception." Lilith says confidently.

Absol begins her attack, jolting towards the machinery. One of its arms tries to take hold of her but she dodges it immediately by moving to the side. With Shadow Claw, she slashes the arm, causing it to break.

"What the?!" Professor Violet says, biting her lips.

"Don't forget professor, this is your work. Remember? You're the one who've injected Absol with the virus, thus boosting her stats. I'm merely using your work against you."

"Virus? What virus?" Virgo asks.

"It's a long story, I will explain later."

More of the machinery's arms beams towards my Pokemon. All of them were dodged and sliced one by one. She is like an electric current following in a wire, the first thing you know she's in front and the next thing? She's behind.

"Never underestimate Absol! Continue the work." I encourage, boosting her confidence.

Absol gallops like a stallion, making a leap unto the Magnezone's eye and slashing it ferociously. With the eye gone, the core can be seen, and that is where Absol strikes.

Due to this, the core malfunctions, causing Magnezone to shake as if it was glitching. A circuit has been cut open, causing the whole machinery to explode, releasing Moltres from its grasps. The explosion was massive, it bursts off a blinding light and a pack of heavy and harsh wind to our face.

The dusts scatter throughout, causing another irking storm which for some odd reason did not interrupt the elder's meditation. Once the storm settled, the man stood up from the ground, glaring at the Lilith.

"If you want the bird then you should've asked politely." The man says as he tosses a master ball on the mirage. Me and Virgo were astounded by his actions. I was also angry. He was the one to offer the bird to us then he suddenly passes it to the enemy this is unbelievable and unacceptable.

The master ball drops to the man's hand. He then passes it to Lilith wherein she was delighted by such offer. I wanted to interrupt but Virgo held me tightly, forcing me not to.

"For this, you shall be spared." Lilith says a sign of gratitude. She then yells, "Vamos!"

Her words have been heard by the operators above thus they lend down the dangling ladders which was used by the four of them in order to escape. This was my perfect opportunity to steal the bird from them however Virgo persists on stopping me to the point I could no longer hold the boiling lava within me. I want it to be spewed unto their ship. This was an unexpected sacrifice. When the ship left, Virgo finally releases me from her grip.

"What in the world was that for?! I thought you offered Moltres to us first? Why did you give it to the enemies?!" I spew out my rage upon him.

"I figured that would be for the best. I mean, it's obvious they have captured two of the mirages and perhaps I could help them by completing their collection."

"Completing their collection?! That was ours!"

"You do not need the mirages. You need the bell and the wing. Climb the tower and right what is wrong. You do not need the mirages, only the beasts." The man says calmly.

"Only the beasts?! What are you talking about?! This is real life and not some Chinese philosophy of some sort! I want to make a demand! I want Moltres! It is the property of Team Rocket first."

"For what's sake will you use Moltres? You do not need it nor do you need the mirages in the first place. What you need is the beasts and the rainbow wing. If I were you, I would stop complaining and find the wing before it is too late. The harmony has been disrupted therefore... it has begun." The man says and walks away from my sight, returning to his place and sitting down in order to meditate once more.

With anger, I decided to leave the island with Virgo for good. I told the news to my pilot and she was very disappointed in me. Moltres was our hope, the spark that is suppose to bring back the flames of Team Rocket but now it is gone. It has been sacrificed unexpectedly by the guardian whom I assume is absurd.

First he tells me I can have the bird, then he gives it to the enemy? What in the world is going on?! Now he speaks of beasts and towers with the bell and the wing involved. He acts like I'm a heroine or something who is tasked to save the world from impending destruction.

This news will reach the executives, and what am I suppose to tell them? A man told me that we should look for beasts as a replacement for the mirages. This mission and wasted effort has only made me stressed.