EPISODE 92: Spotted!***

"You're telling me a man who gave Moltres for free to the two of your first gave it to the Rebirth Society instead?!" Archer says angrily towards the two of us.

"Technically," Virgo replies with an embarrassed face. Meanwhile, I remain disappointed, remaining silent while Archer of the remaining executives of Team Rocket scolds the two of us.

"So... They have three of the mirages and we obtained not a single one. This is fantastic. Who in the world is this man?!"

"An Elder. They're usually the one who guards these mirages from people like us. Surprisingly, the Elder did not do his obligation and unexpectedly sacrificed the last of the mirage to the opposers leaving us with nothing left." says, Virgo. Despite defeat, a delighted smile is present on her face.

"He also told something about three beasts which impersonates the three mirages as well. I have no clue on what he is trying to say back in Mount Ember." I add.

"Good Arceus! How are we going to claim Ho-Oh and Lugia now?! We are powerless with no assistance from any legendary Pokemon at all." Archer scolds with a very inclined voice.

"We can um, capture Mewtwo again. That will work." Virgo suggests in hopes of cooling down Archer's anger.

"Then we should've done that months ago and you know what happened to the Kanto Branch after their successful capture of the most powerful Pokemon in the world. That didn't go as plan and history will just repeat itself if we try to find Mewtwo.

That is why the executives have chosen to capture the mirages in the first place instead of the strongest of them all."

"About its father?"

"Father?!" Me and Archer asks with perplexed minds.

"If there is Mewtwo then there must be a Pokemon which originated from it. Mew. I've seen pictures of it and it is just so adorable to look at. Mew might be even more powerful than Mewtwo."

"And where do you think Mew is?" Archer inquires with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Well, we can start by searching caves and stuff like that."

"Impossible. Mew has the power to change appearances and manipulate the looks of another Pokemon. It is like a Ditto but more profound since Mew can copy the looks of a human as well.

So, if we were to find Mew then that would take forever." I say with a doubt.

From the doors, Professor Olive and Pillar Cliff enter Room-HQ, interrupting our conversation. They seem to be perspiring heavily and their grin is huge enough to tell us that they bear good news. They stop in front of us, gasping desperately for air.

"Giovanni... Our spies have located his location." Cliff says while panting heavily.

"Giovanni?!" The three of us exclaim.

"Yes! Mount Gold, at the very summit. Our spies have located him there. This is our opportunity to persuade him." Professor Olive adds, showing heat signatures in the mountain through her laptop. The heat signatures match Giovanni's.

"Why, why? A stroke of luck. We must take action immediately before he leaves again. I will tell the other executives about this."

"If I may, I want to volunteer to find Giovanni on wherever this Mount Gold is." Eagerly, I raise my hand, volunteering with enthusiasm. The words of the pillar and the professor has restored my hope. My hope to end Giovanni for all the lies he has told me.

"You? I thought you didn't have faith in him?" Virgo asks.

"I guess things have changed. Maybe I can persuade Giovanni to return to Team Rocket in order to cope up with our miserable failure towards our goal to capture the weather mirages." I excuse. My excuse was actually a lie, a cover-up in order for me to be approved as the assigned agent to search for Giovanni.

"Then that is a deal. Luna will bring Giovanni back for us. Professor, where is this Mount Gold you speak of?" Archer asks.

"Mount Gold or the Mountain of Gold can be found in the very north of the region. It is the second tallest mountain wherein Mount Silver reigns as the first. Climbing will be a breeze, handling the harsh snow of the mountain is the problem."

"Then I will wear the Tundra Outfit. If there's a will there's a way." I say with fake determination.

"You have a point. I will prepare the outfit immediately in order for you to be sent on the feet of Mount Gold. Good luck Elite Operative Luna Evergreen! The fate of Team Rocket rests on the palm of your hands. Bring back Giovanni to his rightful place." Professor Olive encourages and leaves the room to prepare the equipment I will be using for this side mission of mine.

I never expected to hear such a pleasing news in a gloomy day like this after our measly defeat. Now, I can fulfill the promise I've set upon myself since my time in the forest of Ilex. Giovanni is no longer my boss but my target. I will be glad to meet the man who've lied to my face and show him who will make the last laugh. I never expected his existence to be an annoyance to my senses. I'm going to have a bloody good time at the summit of the mountain. Still, that depends on how things turn out to be. Who knows? Perhaps my faith will be restored once I further learn the truths which have not been revealed yet.

"Giovanni is a dead man," I mutter to myself as I chuckle softly.