EPISODE 93: Persuasion!***

Back in my room, I prepare for my side mission, rummaging my bag to see if I have everything I need. This time, I made sure I have a Pokeball with me in case I spot something cute or adorable lurking somewhere within the mountain. I do not know why, but I'm obsessed with cute Pokemon like Mawile, Liligant, Misdreavus, Gardevoir, and of course, Absol is one too but cunning as well.

After preparing my bag, I fix my attire wherein it is at that same moment when Virgo entered with a rather worried look than usual. I look to her face and I knew where this was heading. I for one know that she is about to persuade me to allow her to come.

"So... I was thinking, will it be ok if I come with you?" Virgo asks timidly as expected.

"No. This is my task alone."

"Why? To kill him alone?"

"..." I was left speechless. I stopped moving for a while.

"Who said that?"

"It's obvious. You have hatred for Giovanni and now you thought of this as an opportunity to kill him. I have been with you for many months and a woman who loves to observe people, I know how you think.

I was always observing you while reading my books. You know, psychology is my favorite field of Science. It helps us understand the ways of man's thinking. It lets us dive deep into the world of our consciousness."

"No. I will do this alone."

"And I forbid you."

"Ok stop. You're starting to act like Charlotte."

"Charlotte was the one who told me to do this. When you were suspended by the executives, I and Charlotte were having a nice talk in the cafeteria. She told me, as much as possible I must make sure you are safe and never alone. I vowed to fulfill my promise and thus I will come."

"Do you even comprehend every word I'm telling you?! I will work alone to complete this task."

"What will Team Rocket think of you when you return with Giovanni's blood on your hands?!" Her voice starts to incline. Her words have made me speechless again.

"Why are you eager to come?! Are you going to force me to pity the boss who abandoned his organization? I've trusted Giovanni for months and all this time he was lying to me. I killed my mother for him. Now that I know the truth I shall spare no mercy to him too like how I showed no mercy to my mother. I'm sorry, but I won't allow you to come."

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but I have told the executives about this and they agreed."


"Yup, that's right. I'm coming and no matter how much you force me not to, I will still come. Remember, no one can disobey the commandments of the executives. I have also told Cliff and Professor Olive about this and they agreed as well.

"I've got to say, you're one persistent woman. Fine, I will allow you to come as long as you keep quiet." I sigh.

"About Giovanni's assassination?" She says while chuckling.

"No, I don't treat my victims as an act of assassination. Just, just keep quiet and leave the rest to me."

"That is unfair. I want to do something as well."

"Well, do you have the bravery to help me? You know what I mean."

"You have a point, I'll probably keep my mouth shut instead. Anyway, I have a question. What will you tell the executives once you return?"

"Hmm, I haven't thought of that yet. Perhaps I'll just say we found his body laying on the snow and that he suicided and things like that. I'll think of a better one once we arrive there."

After enough persuasion, I finally agreed to come with her. She will be of help when it comes to climbing the mountain but when it comes to the argument this will be between me and Giovanni. With everything set, we make our way to the penthouse wherein Xeryll can be found, filled with full exuberance and enthusiasm after hearing about the news pertaining to Giovanni's heat signatures.

"Alright! Let's go find Giovanni and return him for good!" Xeryll says joyfully as the helicopter leaves and ascends to the sky. From below, the executives alongside Professor Olive, Pillar Leader Cliff, and a few grunts can be seen bidding us with good luck. We wave back at them, smirking with joy. Little do they know I will be returning with fake news. I am both physically and mentally prepared to fight the liar.

Mount Gold, a very strange place. It also piques my interest to know that this is the place where Giovanni has been hiding all along. I'm certain Silver would do the same if he has heard about the news about his father.