EPISODE 94: Trial 3!***

Back at the mother ship of the Rebirth Society, everyone is in full ecstasy for they have achieved their first goal and that is to capture all three of the mirages. Lilith thought of us as some crappy organization who fought for the mirages like measly weaklings. Their rejoicing was like people singing praises to a God inside of a synagogue.

Each and every one of them did not have a single emotion present within them except for joy and happiness. The Rebirth Society has been known to be one of our organization's nightmare enemy because of how different they are from the other organizations out there.

"The time has finally come. Professor Violet, prepare the machine." Lilith instructs while staring at the golden gleaming disk of the sun with a vicious look on her face. She continues to stir her ship with the fleet following from behind until it reaches the island of Cinnabar.

"As you wish." Professor Violet smirks and presses a button from her keyboard which caused a test-tube to emerge from beneath. This is the final test tube for the final trial. The third trial is to commence in order to test the mirage of fire's great power. The worse thing about this is that Lilith plans to end Cinnabar Island without mercy towards the people who live there.

She kept this evil scheme of hers as a secret from her children. She asked them to stay in the room and play with their gadgets instead of watching the trial commence. As much as possible, she didn't want her daughters to look down on her, especially Emily who trusts her dearly.

With the test tube prepared, the professor sends out Moltres and places it inside the machine. It struggled to escape, however, failed miserably to do so. Not even its fiery power could help it escape from the grasps of these evil men.

"Today, Cinnabar Island will be shred into ashes." She mumbles confidently to herself.

Inside their room, the twins play with each other, a little board game to pass the time. Little do they know their mother has planned to commence a grave and malevolent scheme unto the innocent island of Cinnabar.

Through this, they will be alerting the Pokemon International Police of the highest order, more chaos will arise, and soon the harmony governing the weather, ice, fire, and lighting shall be torn apart thus the prophecy shall be fulfilled.

"Everything is prepared, Lilith. Ready when you are." Professor Olive reports.

"Hehe. It's time to show our true colors to the Johto Region." She mutters again, flipping a switch which caused their ships to enter a visible state.

Those from below are flabbergasted by what they've seen above them. The whole fleet of the Rebirth Society has run from the shadows and showed their true power and capacity to the public. News reporters rush to the action in order to film everything. Some who are unfamiliar with the organization called this scenario as an act of alien invasion.

The weapon heats up as the cannon faces to the city, raising awareness to the people. They run and rummage like ants but there was nowhere to go. Cinnabar is an island thus they are stranded in the middle of the ocean. The people started to scream, begging mercy but that did not stop Lilith from fulfilling her goals, a world wherein peace is inevitable forged by chaos.

Moltres shrieks, and in the blink of an eye Cinnabar is blasted by a burst of flames. Moments later, the island became silent. Not a single scream, not a single yelp for help was present. A dust storm has scattered throughout, suffocating those who survived the attack. From the room of the twins, the screams of the people were not heard because of its sound-proofed walls.

They had no idea what in the world is happening beneath them. All they did was to play monopoly as Cinnabar suffers great agony and despair. Once the storm of dust settled, the island could be seen. It is no longer an island of festivity but rather an island filled with broken infrastructures and dead people.

All those tall buildings have collapsed and those who once walked the land are nothing any more but mere ashes. Even the Pokemon suffered a great loss. Their bones were present and sadly, the great fire Pokemon Gym Leader Blaine has lost his life too.

"It worked. It worked. My dream, I can finally complete it for good. This is for you Felix, our children will be safe once I'm done with this. You've always wanted this, and I shall make it a reality!" Lilith shouts with full determination.

"Thanks to our daughters, they were not only able to capture the mirages but have also managed to bring the Silver Wing to my grasps. If only you were here to see them, you will be a proud father, I'm sure of it. Emily and Ebony are remarkable, and I'm glad to call them my daughters.

There is only one thing left to do, and that is to summon Lugia." She adds, continuing to shout with determination while staring at the portrait of her husband.

Of course, we were not the only ones trying to complete the puzzle. It just so happens that they were able to claim the eight pieces of the puzzle of the Silver Wing before us. The Silver Wing can be found inside a glass container, kept as an artifact momentarily.

"If only you were here to see the works of your daughters. They've missed you dearly. I've missed you dearly."