EPISODE 2: Land!*

And just like all nights, the sky was black in tranquility. The moon is rare, blending with the darkness, the stars are brilliant, adding that tiny light detail, a white spot unto the sky.

Somewhere within a volcano lies an organization like no other. Hidden in rocks and molten lava their hideout is to protect themselves from the police. Here lies the organization that is devoted to "expanding the land", Team Magma. They are more like syndicates rather than the typical "Rocket Regime" who have members throughout the globe. Team Magma saw a world with more landmass as ideal for both Pokémon and humans. They wish to put an end to the misguided ideal of coexistence and expand the land to give humanity more space on which to build and develop civilization.

If the PGC has Morduk, Team Rocket has Giovanni (now the executives) and the Rebirth Society has Lilith, who is the brains of Team Magma? He goes by the name of Maxie. A serious, clever, and genuine man. He has hair coated in crimson red, eyes sharp as knives, and of course, a detail that shows how brilliant he can be, his glasses.

Aside from him being the ruler, he has two trustworthy companions whom he calls admins. Courtney and Tabitha.

Courtney has lilac hair and wears a red hoodie with yellow horns, a red jacket with a red dress with the Team Magma emblem on it. She also wears heeled red boots with black kneecaps, as well as black gloves with red fingers, supported by red bracers with yellow lines.

Courtney, who in the past was a great scientist, has a brilliant and analytical mind. She doesn't speak very often and when she does, she often pauses during her sentences, indicating a possible speech impediment. She also has a habit of giggling childishly. She rarely shows interest in what is happening around her but when something, or someone, actually does gain her interest, she becomes obsessed and will pursue relentlessly.

She is extremely devoted to Maxie.

Tabitha is a short, heavier man, whose red eyes are usually closed. He has short hair in a side parting and wears a dark red ribbed jersey with yellow cuffs under a paler red and black zig-zag vest with a large V neck, red shorts over dark red ribbed long socks and large red ankle boots. Unlike others, Tabitha usually does not wear his hood on, which is decorated with yellow horns.

Tabitha is seen as the brains of the two Team Magma Admins. He is also considered as Maxie's right hand. Tabitha usually stands beside him at all times, while Courtney stands alone. Tabitha is seen as a humorous person, as he usually chuckles and laughs.

All in all, the three of them make up Team Magma.


Sitting on his chair, watching the monitors of his camera placed throughout the whole hideout, Maxie has requested the appearance of his two admins. He is always ambitious while wearing a cunning smile but for some reason, tonight he wears a frown with the lack of confidence and determination.

"Leader Maxie sir, we've heard you wish to see us." Courtney enters the control room of their hideout alongside with Tabitha. She is the first to greet her leader.

"Good evening." Maxie greets the two of them.

"So, Leader Maxie? What shall be our next mission for tomorrow? Build more submarines? Upgrade our weaponry systems and mechanisms? Just one word, and it'll be done in an instant." Tabitha says with high determination, making Courtney chuckled softly.

"What is the point of capturing Groudon and using it right away?." says, the leader in a soft tone.

"B-but, Leader Maxie sir, what about your dream?" Courtney reminds.

"What is the point of capturing it when there is something far more powerful than Groudon? I've heard about this new discovery and it looks like Groudon is a contender."

"What do you mean Leader Maxie?" Tabitha asks, cloaking himself with perplexity.

"Groudon is a contender for change. I've heard of a process wherein Groudon can change itself into something more devastating. If I am not mistaken, it is known as primal reversion. Why use Groudon when we can use Primal Groudon?"

"So are you saying there are two Groudons in Hoenn?!"

"No, no Tabitha. Instead of using Groudon right away, we can first evolve it into its primal form."

"B-but, I've never heard of this kind of process before. I have not researched about such a phenomenon known as "primal reversion". Are you sure there is such a thing known as Primal Groudon?"

"Of course there is. According to the old legends of Hoenn, once Groudon touches the Red Orb it can evolve itself into Primal Groudon. All you have to do is to research more about this phenomenon and the location of the so-called Red Orb, or in other words, the ruby." Maxie clarifies.

"Uh-um... Ok then, I will try my best Leader Maxie but there are no guarantees about this um... "primal reversion."

"Good, then you are dismissed." Tabitha then leaves the room followed by Courtney, however, upon touching the doorknob, Maxie calls Courtney's name, halting her for awhile.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Leader Maxie sir?" Courtney inquires.

"I have heard reports about the Pokemon International Police sending more men to this region to investigate more about us."

"I find the Pokemon International Police as children searching for a lost marble. They seek and seek but end up achieving nothing at all. Their benevolence makes them weak. Defeating them will be like stealing a lollipop from a baby. Your organization is no match for them, Leader Maxie sir."

"I am aware of that. It is not them whom I fear, but-"

"Her?" Courtney interrupts Maxie's words. She adds, "I barely recognize her anymore. You know how loyal I am to you, Leader Maxie sir. Once I see her, she's up for a walloping playtime. Hee hee."

"Perhaps you aren't prepared."

"Me? Unprepared? Do you lack faith in me because of her? I am ruthless, mercy does not flow in blood. Command me anything, and I will submit. No one will stand in my way, not even her."

"Good. Make sure you fulfill those words of yours. You are dismissed."

"Of course, Leader Maxie sir." Courtney gestures with a bow and leaves the room in harmony.

"Me and her he will be riding in the crest of the waves. Hee hee." Courtney mutters to herself as she walks through the walls, returning to her silent self again.

As for Maxie, his frown dispersed, and was replaced with a malicious scowl. He then takes the cup from the table beside him and takes a sip from it. For the rest of the night, he remains quiet, watching his grunts and men working around from the camera.

"Primal Groudon. You shall be mine." He murmurs confidently to himself.

"Ah?! Grunt 441! Get back to work." His calm mind was disrupted after seeing a grunt slacking off in the corner of the room. He spoke loudly through the mic, waking up the grunt.

"Good grief! I fell asleep again." The grunt says as he picks up his mop from the floor.