EPISODE 3: Water!*

Aboard a submarine, somewhere deep in one of the region's vasts cavern lies another organization known as Team Aqua. Team Aqua are the bitter rivals of Team Magma and are currently in a brief war with each other. Team Aqua's main goal is to expand the ocean for their water Pokémon, believing that by doing this they will be making the world a better place. Until the very end, they will awaken Kyogre from its slumber.

Team Aqua are likened to a band of pirates and are experts in the field of oceanography. Their leader is no other than Archie. Archie is a tall, muscular man, who wears a blue bandana with a Team Aqua logo on it. He also has black hair and a short black beard. Archie wears a blue full-body swimsuit that is slightly damaged around his left biceps, with a white area around his chest and light blue and white areas on his legs. He has a ragged black cape with grey stripes in the back, which is connected to the gold chains he wears around his torso. His KeyStone is in his golden anchor necklace around his neck known as Mega Anchor.

Archie is a hardy man with a big-hearted and stirring disposition that compels his followers to be loyal. He is very charismatic, humble, and is fairly friendly. Accompanied by these traits, Archie is driven and stubborn at times. He is known to have two admins and a new recruit whom he claims as his secretary.

Shelly is the first admin of Team Aqua. Shelly is a bit passive-aggressive and is very easily annoyed. She isn't the best to deal with problems head-on, but she can take foes from behind like a champion.

Next is Matt. The second admin of Team Aqua. Mostly energetic, he is a man known to be robust. Just like Shelly and Archie, he has a tan complexion as well with eyes colored with green. On the same night, the presence of the two admins were called upon by Archie.

Inside the submarine, Archie stares over the windows of the control center. His newly recruited secretary interrupts to give him his favorite drink, a bottle of vodka. The secretary then leaves the room immediately as the two admins enter.

"Archie. I've heard you've been calling us." Matt says with full exuberance.

"Oh ho! Indeed I have," Archie utters while finishing his vodka in one drink.

"For what cause are we here Archie?" Shelly asks in a serious manner.

"Nothing much. Just heard some crazy shenanigans about this new orb thingy."

"The Blue Orb? I've heard a lot about it, Archie. According to some of the books I've read, the Blue Orb has the capacity to awaken Kyogre from its slumber. In other words, it is known as a sapphire." reports, Shelly.

"Then I want that sapphire right away! If we want this goal of ours to succeed then we must obtain the orb. I had enough with the serums. We've already used it to gain more members and it is time for more action!" Archie exclaims his words.

He also questions the two of them, "Oh! And by the way, I've heard strange reports about a process known as primal reversion. Have ya'll heard of it?"

"Indeed we have but we are uncertain if the news is true. I mean, not everything in social media is correct. Why-why do you seem interested in primal reversion?" Matt replies, ending his words in another question.

"You see. I want Kyogre to undergo primal reversion. A stronger and more powerful Kyogre shall help us achieve this plan of ours and soon, the world shall be filled with nothing but water for the sake of our Pokemon. Plus, Primal Kyogre sounds like a catchy name so why not we use it? Haha!" Archie exclaims his words once more.

"Don't you think summoning Kyogre is too much already? And now you tell me you're willing to upgrade it?" Shelly counters, sighing afterward.

"Of course not. The world we ever wanted will be fulfilled through um... What ya call it again? Ah! Primal Kyogre. Come on, do not lose hope on me."

"Archie I never said I was losing hope on you. Sigh, you're just stubborn at times. You're like a kid." Shelly teases.

"Pfft. Anyway, Shelly and Matt! I want you to find more about this orb and report back to me right away."

"Understood!" In a synchronized voice, the two utter their words enthusiastically and left the room in peace.

"Very good," Archie mutters softly and stares back at his window, watching the charm of the azure sea that even when he was a child, astounds him very much. Although seemingly acting like a kid at times who wants nothing but to get what he wants, his members treat his actions as some sort of determination towards his goals.

His secretary enters once more. She has the hair of violet, black glasses, and an outfit that differs from the rest. Her's is more formal, the apparel of a businesswoman with the team logo embedded on the pockets.

"Boss Archie. Is there anything else I can do for you?" the secretary asks, willingly.

"Nothing much. Ah, I just miss staring at the sea. That is why I wanted to expand the ocean in the first place. The people have no idea about its beauty, and besides, they deserve to be punished because of greed, corrupting the Pokemon world."

"What about your rival, Team Magma?"

"Eh? What do I have to do with them? They're more stubborn than me and no matter how hard I try to convince them all they proclaim is to expand the landmass of our region just for the sake of building more infrastructures. Anyway, it's a rough night, go to your cabin and have a nice sleep."

"As you wish, Archie."

After a small conversation, she leaves Archie in peace. Who is this secretary of Archie?