EPISODE 20: Submerge!*

Dewford Town is located on an island southwest of mainland Hoenn. It is known as the "tiny island in a blue sea". New trends are always the rage among the inhabitants of this small island town. Although we are not after the trends but rather something far beyond which probably no one knows about it.

All they know we're the same casual people who are dressed in scuba apparel, who are about to go diving. Never had I once experience scuba diving which means I am new to these scenarios. A part of me was scared to be bitten by whatever lies in the depths of the sea. Perhaps a large whale? A small one? Or maybe a crab with large pincers that can crack my body into two? The ocean has a world of its own, abundant with thousands of creatures wherein most have not been registered in the Pokedex.

"So, do you want to go first?" Zeal asks. We couldn't quite hear each other because of the floppy pipe attached to our mouth and into the oxygen tank so we had to yell at each other.

"Me? You go ahead." I offer. I was frightened because of my mind overthinking things to the point I get anxious about the dangers under the sea.

"Don't tell me you're scared of water? Wait... are you?"

"Of course not. I am just being gentle so you can first. Please."

"Sigh, fine. I'll make the first move. Remember to stick beside me, I don't one to be responsible for your loss."

"Sure thing."

And so, she makes the first step, stepping from the shore to the sea. I follow from behind, following her footsteps precisely. The waves tried to push us back ashore but we stood firm. The water is cold, therefore my feet were trembling immensely. Even with the suit, I can feel the coldness of the water freezing my toes as I move onward.

Far from shore, I knew there is no chance of turning back. From this point, I need to use my bravery and follow Zeal's action who apparently seems calm and confident about not being eaten by a giant whale or attacked by a shark as fast as a torpedo. There was a part of me that hesitated, but I tried to focus and have one mindset, "For the glory of Team Rocket!"

She then makes a leap, diving straight to the dark oblong underneath her. Dark means deep, and deep is something I'm afraid of. What if my oxygen runs out? What if I get stuck? What if I become a fish's meal? My sanity is worn-out from overthinking. This is my first time to experience this in my life, and I sincerely do not want to experience it again.

After her leap, I close my eyes and decided to leap too. I know a thing or two about swimming but I'm not a professional. After leaping, I stand firm like a statue, not opening my eyes. I even held my breath, forgetting that I had an oxygen tank with me.

"Open your eyes." Zeal knocks my head as if I was a door. Slowly, I open them, revealing something I never knew was this beautiful. I have seen it in channels pertaining to Biology like Pokemon Geographic and Pokemon Discovery. This... It's just magnificent.

There is no greater wonderland on Earth than the community of corals and fish. They sing the song of life in their colors, a sort of visual choir seen by the eyes and heard by the soul. All those overthought thoughts, poofs out of my mind as I now realize how beautiful the depths of the sea can be.

"First time to see corals?" Zeal asks, chuckling afterward. This is my first time hearing her chuckle in joy. It must be because of the vibrant colors of the corals which makes her bitterness drift away her spirit. If any part of creation is Arceus's most beautiful dream, it is the corals in those warm seas. To see them is enchanting, truly.

"In-person, yes."

"Hehe, enough with the sightseeing, we have to focus on our mission. The submarine is below us. Vamos!" Zeal says with determination as she dives deeper into the trench. I follow her back, and as I do, I look to the colors of the corals, earnest to touch them. I even wanted to bring back ashore but I know it will end up frail and weak.

On the floor of the trench is the large submarine of Team Aqua. Their theme is in accord with the theme of a pirate crew, no wonder they'd stay under the water as for Magma on land. No CCTVs pointed to us from the outside since it would end up malfunctioning. This gives us an opportunity for the element of surprise to take place or maybe not.

"What now?" I ask her.

"I've done my part, why not you come up with a plan?"

"Hmm, well if I was the one to think of one I'd choose the vents."

"Sigh, fine I'll think of another way. Why do people love the vents so much? Where's the fun in that? I know! Let's just make this quick and bomb a portion of the place."

"Bomb the submarine?! We would drown with our enemies."

"We have one hour to gather their archives which is basically what we did to Birch's computer. Remember, we have tanks, they're just a bunch of pirates who wear beanies. The water may enter that does not necessarily mean it would affect us right?"

"So, you're basically doing this out of fun?" I query sarcastically.

"No, it is also a clever idea not to mention you're forgetting our oxygen tanks. For others, my plans may seem ridiculous but they're missing the point. You don't always need to take caution and do what is safe. There are times when success is a gamble of dare. Oh, and if you're thinking the archives are going to malfunction, no they won't. Plus, we get to drown our enemies." she says, explaining why I should concur with her ideas.

Come on, you like killing people right? This is your winning streak."

"Are kidding me?! Do I look like a serial killer who murders people out of fun? I kill either for vengeance or for the sake of Team Rocket and- hmm, you are right. This mission is for the sake of Team Rocket." I thought for a moment.

"See? Screw vents, it is time to play with a little danger. Hee hee!" she chuckles hysterically.

All of this time I was taking missions in a serious and safe way but Zeal introduced a better and a bit life-threatening way. She has a point, we have our oxygen tanks for us to breathe and we are most likely safe from the explosion, all we need is to stay far while the bomb explodes. Although the submarine might meet a deadly fate, the archives are far from being ruined that is if, we choose to explode the spot farthest from the submarine's systems.