EPISODE 56: A Little Bit of Chemistry!*

Not having any missions today, I was considered free and now I can do whatever I want for the whole day within the island. What to do? Productive or creative things? I choose none. Inside me is the lingering spirit of curiosity for the things I had seen had given me interest, especially to Matori and Charlotte.

The professor had agreed with me and Zeal. Today, we will be observing the sample of the serum we stole from the abandoned laboratory. Analyzing its components is one way of identifying how it affects the human body. I may not be a biologist or a chemist but I bet I can understand what the professor has to say.

In her laboratory, I and Zeal stared at the professor carefully pouring the white liquid into a petri-dish for observation under the microscope. We wore protective gear which includes, thick glasses and lab-coats as we dive deep into the world of chemistry. For now, we're aides of the great Professor Olive.

"I see. The chemical composition of the serum contains some sort of molecule that can break down an enzyme known as ACSS2. A major role for the ACSS2 pathway is to regulate histone acetylation and neuronal gene expression. Histone acetylation in mature neurons is associated strongly with memory formation. So, in short, this can completely corrupt your memory." the professor murmured softly while slowing adjusting the lenses of the microscope.

"English please." Zeal uttered sarcastically while observing the professor.

"Oh right, pardon me. ACSS2 is responsible for memory formation. This serum completely corrupts it."

"No wonder why Charlotte had forgotten her memories," I concluded to myself.

"Is it possible for one to recall their memory once injected with that kind of serum?" I inquired.

"That, I am uncertain about. ACSS2 is for memory building not storing. So, maybe a user can regain its memory but very hard to do so I believe. The serum also contains a small amount of complinucleic acid."

"What type of acid is that this time professor?"

"Well, Zeal this type of acid is only common in Pokemon genes but for some reason, it was used here. That kind of acid can be venom if one drinks above the average dosage. It helps regulate the Pokemons' brain function." replied, the professor.

The observation continued for more than an hour and the professor was able to jot down some notes. Based on her research, the serum contained a lot of acid and enzymes that are quite harmful to man when he drinks too much of it. It somehow functions like an illegal drug and one can be addicted to the serum too.

Most enzymes have something to do with brain function and control, primarily in the hippocampus. The hippocampus, located in the brain's temporal lobe, is where episodic memories are formed and indexed for later access. A drug like this has no cure and a person who was injected by this type of drug will only have a rare chance of remembering their memory.

I felt sorry for Charlotte after hearing the purpose and role of the serum. Terrible, terrible indeed and I wished she'd remain dead instead of being injected with such mad experiments. She was treated more like a big, a test dummy by both the proposition of Team Aqua, Team Magma, and the organization resting in the west.

"Whoever is producing this must stop. This is beyond the dream of our failed boss, Giovanni. I wonder if the Mewtwo serums could end up like this, I must alert the executives before they create a monstrosity that could function like the serum sample we have.

I even wonder if they really intend to wipe out one's memory or was it a because of a dumbfound decision to release them to the public without the use of human trials? I even doubt they tested this. Perhaps businessmen out there wanted money and made a toy out of this.

Surprisingly, Team Aqua and Team Magma promote these kinds of chemicals for the sake of their members. If Team Rocket were to be offered, we'll definitely disagree. I will keep the serums for safety and maybe find a counter to this abomination." said, the professor.

"Alright! That is enough science for one day. I'm going to the cafeteria to eat." she stretched her hands, removed her gear, and proceeded to the cafeteria. Meanwhile, I stayed with the professor to concede the truth about the things I've seen.

"P-professor." my voice stuttered as I called her by her title.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Luna?"

"Can you please keep this a secret?"

"It is fine, depending on what kind of secret."

"Remember Charlotte and Giovanni's secretary, Matori? I saw them." I revealed with a soft voice.

"You saw them? What do you mean? Like... in your dreams?"

"No. I saw them in reality. They are alive, especially Charlotte who was injected with the serum. I knew about this since I snuck into the warehouse to find more about her after meeting her again last week. It was kind of a shock for me, and-" I wanted to sob while saying my words but with my might, I held it in front of the professor.

"It's alright. People can hallucinate when they're feeling down, especially if the reason is because they miss someone close to them." the professor comforted me, even patting my head.

"It's true professor! Matori, I do not know whether to classify her as a robot or human. She's been the product of a successful laboratory surgery in Team Aqua. I know a scientist like you won't believe me, but I just wanted you to know I'm telling the truth."

"Um... okay then." cackled, the professor as she pats my head. I just gave her a smirk and left the room. It was obvious she doesn't trust my words. I expected that, since... it is the nature of a professor to believe those which have reliable evidences. At least I learned something today pertaining to our brain and the enzymes involved. Though I am not quite sure whether that would last forever or not. Hehe, a woman like me tends to forget the things I've recently learned.