EPISODE 57*: A Day Like No Other! (Luna and Zeal)

And so when the day seemed impossible to be brighter, the leaders made an announcement to the four of us. Me, Zeal, Copper, and Vizion were given an opportunity to roam Hoenn. Though, there is one problem. The four of us clashed as we spewed out suggestions to each other.

It was a heated argument on which city to explore. Because of this, Crimson arose from his chair and tried to quench the fighting. He separated us into two groups according to our gender since both had opposite ideas. I will be going with Zeal and Vizion will be going with Copper.

Vizion and Copper made the decision to head for the desert to do some sight-seeing. We completely countered after hearing their decision since we remembered the dreaded heat of the sun we experienced back on our mission to achieve the archives.

On the other hand, me and Zeal suggested to go explore to Pacifidlog Town since we had never been there before. The men countered back, saying it was too boring and now we ended up splitting.

Pacifidlog Town is a town located in the seas south of the mainland of the Hoenn region. Pacifidlog Town is a small town built on wooden rafts and logs that float on top of a Corsola colony. The people living in Pacifidlog Town all fish and dive as part of their lifestyle. The ancestors of the people in Pacifidlog Town were said to have been born on boats, and lived and died aboard them. According to legend, they lived that way because they were searching for something.

The town is entitled as, "Where the morning sun smiles upon the waters." Men usually have an odd taste for strong and powerful Pokemon but we women? As long as it is cute, it passes our expectations! Like what had been said, Corsolas surround the town and they're known to be adorable.

Upon arrival at the town, we borrowed some scuba diving gear again. I thought we would be seeing the Pokemon in some aquarium but it turns out we must be the one to seek for them. My trauma for water remained the same even I had experience scuba diving once.

"Come on Luna! Don't be scared of the water." Zeal taunted while swimming around me like a shark while I shiver in fear, standing atop a wooden log. I took a deep breath and made the leap of faith. I crashed unto the depths of the water, feeling its cold and bitter presence.

Zeal then tapped unto my hand and asked, "Open your eyes! You're missing all the fun." These were the exact same words she told me during our second mission together.

Slowly I peeled the eyelids and the first thing I saw was the abundance of a dark-blue color. It is vaguer than the corals I had seen at Dewford. Nothing was in sight, not a single Pokemon. Without further ado, Zeal pulled my hand, and together we went further from the town which nearly scared me to death.

And from that dark-blue color arose a beautiful scenery of colors. It was breathtaking. The coral reef was far beyond the town. It is the rainbow of the seas and oceans, one that the land does not offer. I understand truly what Team Aqua wanted, a world with this kind of artistry but to sacrifice the land, I believe that is too much.

The Corsola came out to play. Corsola is a small, pink, roundish Pokémon with branch-like growths on its back, which are similar to coral. There is a smaller, blunt horn on its forehead, and it has black, oval eyes. It has a white underside, which speckles towards the sides. Its four legs and two arms are blunt and stubby.

Together we swam, diving through hoops and holes of the corals and structures. It was a fun thing to play the colony and now my fear for water has been sealed deep in my chamber for I have realized its true beauty again. Me and Zeal also fed the Corsola with a few seaweeds. They enjoyed it and it was obvious by how intense their blush was.

And so as we laughed and played under the deep blue sea, something from behind accidentally bumped me. Nothing was in sight so I wondered who could it be. I called Zeal who was far from me and told her about this. At first, she did not believe me since there is no such thing as an invisible Pokemon or so we thought.

After denying my words something from behind bumped her too. It was not the Corsola since they were in front of us. We were spooked out, even wondering if there was somebody trying to stalk us. Suddenly, it hits my back again and I became more flustered.

After a moment, we heard the noises coming from submarines zooming at high speeds. Something wrong is definitely going on or so I thought at least. The sound stops in between us, and slowly a Pokemon of cuteness revealed itself.

It is a Pokémon with a bird-like body stylized after a plane. Its long neck stretches forward from its squat body. It has no legs, usually floating instead. The rear half of its body is largely red and the upper half white, with jet-plane wings high on its rear and fins on the bottom near its tail. A blue triangle marks the center of its chest, while a red mask partially covers its face. Ear-like fins sit on top of its head and its eyes are yellow. It has short, three-fingered arms with a red covering on the outer side of the lower arms.

We were completely clueless about it. The only thing we know about is that it was smiling and laughing at us. From there, it grabbed both of our hands and dashed like a jet underwater. The speed was so immense to the point I think I just peed in my pants.

Zeal was feeling nauseous and even tried to let go of the said Pokemon. It was a rambunctious experience to swim with it especially when it twirled and swirled in hoops and holes. Despite this, we learned to love the Pokemon since it was friendly.

At the end of the ride was only the beginning of fun. With the colony of Corsolas, me and Zeal played with the jet-like Pokemon. It was fun to tickle it, and even offered us one pearl each.

"Is that for us?" We queried unto the Pokemon. It nodded its head and smiled blissfully. I guess it was a sign of friendship. At the end of the day we bid our goodbyes to the Pokemon and the colony, its smile turned into a frown after seeing us leave as I and Zeal wished we could spend more time with it.

The two shiny pearls given to us, we used it as an accessory. I placed mine on my bracelet while Zeal used it as an accessory for her hair. It was truly the wisest decision to head to this down rather than that dying desert. Hmm, I wonder what the men had done there?