EPISODE 58*: A Day Off Like No Other (Copper and Vizion)

The desert of Hoenn wherein the sun is at its peak, the two elite operatives walked side by side. Their feet stepped on the grains of sand, leaving their footsteps behind. Not for the fun of adventuring did the two chose to visit this scorching land in the first place but to find more details about the sacred dragon, Rayquaza.

On the desert lies a ruin of old and history, it bears secrets and untold mysteries they wish to find out. Men will always be men, and unlike women, they love mysteries and thrillers. Though one question remains, is it all about Rayquaza which the tower is about to tell them or perhaps something more monstrous?

"I think I know why the girls wanted to go to Pacifidlog Town," Copper complained, nearly giving up due to the intense heat of the sun.

"They've been here and they know how it feels to be under the sun. Little do they know I've experienced worse. The heat here is bearable compared to the heat of the Desert Resort."

"You've been to the Unova Region? That must be amazing. appraised, his friend as their journey through the incandescent desert continues!

"Of course. I work everywhere. There is only one region in which Team Rocket has not touched yet, the Sinnoh. I wonder when the executives will establish headquarters there but when they do, it'll surely be a leap forward."

"Leap forward to what?"

"Oh, no one told you? Hehe, too bad my friend, I had been told not to leak any details. Team Rocket's plan is as gargantuan as the red blood moon. Something big that not even Zeal and Luna knows."

"Oh come on! Spill the beans, I'm your friend!"

"Hmm, just wait for the project to be finished. It will be a sight to behold for the whole world." Vizion whispered to his ears.

They entered the gates of the ruin, a tall spiral tower. From their bag, they took out their Acro bike and rode it to pass the cracks and brittle flooring this place has to offer. The walls are carved from chunks of sandstone, perfectly aligned like the pyramids of ancient Egypt.

Their voice can echo throughout the place. Even their soft breath seemed loud to them. On those walls are small paintings and illustrations carved unto there. It talked about ancient Hoenn, it's past, and phenomenons.

"Yo, you said this place contains secrets about Rayquaza right? I see no image of him except for a rock with seven eyes." Copper uttered while extending his torch to the paintings. He observed and pondered on their invaluable descriptions.

"Never mind, I guess the Bulbapedia was wrong after all. Don't tell me we came here for nothing!"

"Oh no, we did not. These walls tell about a history even before the clash between Groudon and Kyogre."

"Hmm? Oh right! You can understand those old dialects right?"

"You know me, Vizion, I studied the language for more than three years. It speaks of some weird stone figure. The people of the past calls it Regirock, a titan who is familiarly known to symbolize its type.

According to the dialects, its tomb lies beneath, and those who dare to seek for it must be aware of its terrible power. Though it is not the disruption of its chamber that can awaken it from its slumber, it is due- good grief! It's cut." slowly, Copper read the dialects with his skills.

"Cut?! What do you mean its cut? Regirock is beneath us right?"

"Yes but it's cut!"

"What do you mean its cut?!"

"Cut! The text is cut! It ends with "it is due" then the end! It is either it faded away or it was not written." Copper elaborated.

"Yeah, I'm not wasting any opportunity. We're blowing the floor up."

"Vizion are you nuts?! If you blow it up the whole tower will collapse."

"I can distinguish a sturdy from a lousy one. Blastoise, Hydro Pump on the ground!" Vizion tossed out his Blastoise and commanded it to aim for the ground.

"Sigh, I trust you on this! Venusaur, time for action! Solar Beam on the ground!" His friend Copper followed, tossing out his Pokemon as well.

Both Blastoise and Venusaur attacked with all their might yet they were only met by failure. Once the two attacks settled, it was revealed the floor was still standing strong, not a single crack found except for the cracks that formed from deterioration over time.

They were shocked, never had they encounter such a strong structure despite its old age.

"Yo, we better leave it alone. There's a reason why the people sealed it this tight. I ain't gonna cause a global apocalypse by unleashing some mad titan to this world." Copper complained.

"Fine, you might be right. It's probably sealed tightly for a purpose." concurred, Vizion.

Suddenly, from behind, someone poked Copper's back. He looked behind but saw nothing at all but he felt the presence of a lingering Pokemon.

"Someone or something just touched me," Copper told Vizion in fright.

"What? I never heard of ghosts here- Ouch! Someone poked me too." on the verge of finishing his statements, something invisible poked Vizion's back.

In between them, the Pokemon revealed its true colors.

It is a Pokémon with a bird-like body stylized after a plane. Its body flows slowly into a thick neck, giving it a bulky appearance. It has no legs, usually floating instead. Most of its body is blue, with white areas near its arms and a white stripe on its back that extend up to its head. Jet-plane wings sit on top of its back, while two tall, jagged fins point behind it from its rear. A red triangle marks the center of its chest, while a blue mask partially covers its face. Long, ear-like fins extend from its jaws to over its head, and its eyes are red.

"What in the?" Their stuffing was knocked out after seeing how the Pokemon truly looked like. They stood stagnant for a moment, as the blue jet laughed at them. After a moment of watching, it dashes like a jet throughout the desert ruins and left from a hole, never to be seen again.

"What in the world was that Pokemon?!" the two questioned themselves.

"I don't know. Perhaps the professor knows something or the girls. Let's just head back tell them what we've seen. I need an explanation for this." Vizion uttered with heavy breathing as he sent back his Blastoise and left the ruins. Behind, follows his friend who sent back his Pokemon as well.

Both are willing to know what they had just encountered.