EPISODE 59: Conclusion!*

The four of us met in the halls, accidentally bumping to each other. I and Zeal were completely dumbfounded by the Pokemon we've seen and we wanted to tell the professor about this. On the other hand, the men were also dumbfounded by the Pokemon they've seen and are eager to know what kind of Pokemon it is.

As we bumped each other's heads, the professor came by to see the commotion happening. She was surprised to see the four of us on the floor, scratching each other's heads with anger to one another. Who wouldn't be angry by the infuriating things we've done to each other?

"Watch it!" Copper scolded me and Zeal.

"You were the one running to us first!" Zeal countered back.

"For Pete's sake, all of you calm down. All of us stumbled and no one is to be blamed but ourselves." Vizion quenched the arising conflict between them. Meanwhile, I did not mind if they fought against each other nor do I intend to join the conflict, all I care about is that my head is at one piece. Luckily I feel fine with no nauseous sensation shrouding me like before.

"Are the four of you alright?!" queried, the professor with shock as she helped each and every one of us stand up.

"Yes, professor. We had a little accident, that is all." Vizion clarified.

And so, we uttered our words to the professor, telling about the Pokemon we had seen. Our words mumbled and jumbled, forming cries of noises and irritation to the professor's ears to the point it exceeds her threshold. She buzzed in and asked us to stop talking for a moment as she directed us to the nearby lobby.

"Go on, explain what the four of you had seen. As always, ladies first." said, the professor with a pleasant smile.

"Right! Um, Luna do you remember how the Pokemon looked like?"

"If I remember correctly, it was like a jet but a bird mixed into one. It has this weird triangle thingy on its chest and it was the cutest thing ever!" I explained delightfully. On my head, I imagined squeezing the cutie tightly.

"What? Ours looked the same too. Its shape is of what she said with a triangle on its breastplate. Its body was mainly blue, with eyes golden as the sun. Its skin is more of a metal rather than the typical feather or fur of a Pokemon." Vizion described how he imagines the Pokemon in his mind.

"Both have traingles? Hmm, ah! I know. You must've seen the eon Pokemon, Latias and Latios. The girls were unexpectedly greeted by Latias- a feminine, in which on the other hand the boys were greeted by Latios. Both are friendly to the point they tend to cause trouble at times." Professor Olive was able to get the picture, able to comprehend and finishing things up with a conclusion.

"Latias? Sounds neat." Zeal praised, inside wishing to meet her again.

"Aw, man! I could've caught it!" Copper sighed, wishing to meet him again.

Meanwhile, me and Vizion flinched because of the descriptions told to us. Seeing Latias was not as majestic as seeing the legendary beasts but it was indeed stupendous. I wish to meet Latias again, and maybe one day ride on its back. I wanted to shiver with enthusiasm. I felt like a child who wants nothing more than a lollipop but in my case, Latias. Maybe I can catch it?

Hmm, I heard there was this trainer in Sinnoh who owns a Latios but during that time I never knew how Latios looked like.

"Latios and Latias are said to be legendary Pokemon while there are debates saying it is a mythical Pokemon. In a debate, neither the affirmative and the negative wins so the answer cannot be decided on. One must prove, the other will counter. The only way to say what Latios and Latias truly is, is if both sides agree on one answer." added, the professor.

At the end of the day, the four of us were satisfied by what we had heard. All of us long to meet them again, perhaps in the near future, they will be of help.