EPISODE 68: Mission! The Second Part!*

"Courtney! Courtney!" Jenny called her.

"Oh um, is there anything wrong?" Courtney queried, as if the person she was talking to is no other than a grunt because of Jenny's outfit.

With no hesitation, Jenny pulled her sister's hand and dragged her to a private place with no people around. She then unfurled her hood, revealing her true identity. Courtney was stunned to see Jenny, she was about to press the emergency button but Jenny halted her.

"Courtney, wait. We have to leave immediately before it's too late. Please, come with me."

"You persistent little bastard. I'm calling the grunts, no police officer can apprehend me. Slurp!"

"Please Courtney, we have to leave now. A Team Rocket agent has infiltrated this hideout and is planning to bombard the whole place. I'm doing this for you, not for Team Magma. You're lucky you're my sister."

"Tee-hee, thank you for the information, big sis. Your help is utmost appreciated," she said childishly as she pressed a blue button, trapping Jenny inside a tall cage. She then laughed hysterically while circling her big sister.

"What are you doing?! I'm here to help."

"You're funny. You think I'm going to follow you? Looks like our intruders love to play with fire. Let's play with them too shall we?" she said childishly and addressed the grunts through a microphone, "All available units, there is an intruder amongst us, find the intruder and-"

Her words were interrupted after seeing the front doors of their hideout burst forth. From the monitor, she saw Team Aqua grunts entering and attacking the grunts of their organization.

She continued her words and said, "Deal with those grunts, I'll find the intruder myself." She rushed to the other microphone at the other end of the room and called for backup from headquarters. Admin Tabitha was able to answer her call and immediately sent a squadron to help out.

"Ta! Ta!" Courtney waved her hand and Jenny and left her inside the room. Jenny was flustered, knowing Team Aqua is retaliating after Team Magma's action in the Weather Institute. She struggled from the cage to escape but failed to do so. She looked for anything nearby that could help her escape but found nothing at all, nothing was in sight except for the present brown dust.

Failing, she decided to sit down at the very corner of the cage as she waited for help to arrive. Meanwhile, on my search for the room filled with supercomputers, the sirens began to ring, extending their morbid red pigment. I knew from that point it was Jenny who was responsible for all this and I enraged, having little to no trust towards her left.

Behind me, Logan tapped my shoulder and gathered my attention. He kept forcing me to do what is right but I simply ignored him. No one will distract me from my goal. Moving forward, I was finally able to find the room containing the supercomputers. I am aware that Team Aqua is infiltrating the place, I can tell by the monitors of the room. With me is Logan who persevered in forcing me to ditch the whole mission.

"Many lives are at stake if you do this," he warned.

"I know. I'm used to it." I replied, looking for a pair of ropes that can be handy for my mission.

"I won't let you do this. Gallade, come out!"

"You dare interrupt my mission?! I thought you came to help, it turns out you're similar with Jenny after all. I won't let anyone stand in my path, Gardevoir!"

The two Pokemon showed their confidence and feisty look as the argument between us heated up. I was about to think of him as a good and responsible trainer but now he seemed more like Ethan and Red who even until know angers me because of how stubborn and insolent they act.

With one command, "Psychic." Gardevoir blasted both Gallade and Logan out of the room. I then used this an opportunity to close and lock the doors, shutting them out for good. I thought they were to give up when suddenly Gallade slices the door in half and entered the room again.

"I don't want to fight."

"Then you're soft." I teased back.

"You know, the first time we met, I thought you were different from the other grunts but it turns out your demeanor is the same. All of you fight for chaos and for fulfilling your own selfish desires!"

Angered, Gardevoir lifts the two of them and brought them closer to me. Our face was one inch away from each other and I murmured on his ears, "You don't know anything about me. You don't know anything about Team Rocket. Listen here, I fight not to cause chaos but to seek for revenge and of course, bringing glory to my organization." After that little talk, Gardevoir tossed Logan and Gallade again, both of them hit their backs on the wall and they were injured.

I saw them struggling to stand up but nonetheless, my mission must continue.