EPISODE 69: Mission! The Third and Final Part!*

I was able to find a pair of ropes under some tables and tied them together with a knot. I decided to put the dynamite mechanism in play so if I light it with my lighter I will have a few seconds to escape. Team Aqua, eh, I'll guess they'll die with Team Magma.

Finally, I tied the rope on the supercomputer at the center, ready to commence everything once in for all. Not having the capability to stand, Logan sent back his Gallade and crawled forth to me.

Suddenly, from the monitor, I saw the backup arrives. "That was quick." I thought to myself. This gives a hint that their headquarters is somewhere nearby, perhaps it is somehow co-related to the great Mount Chimney. Outside, I could hear the blare of the alarms, ringing louder than ever with the grunts of both Team Aqua and Team Magma fighting against each other.

"Well, well. Of course, you would be here." Courtney interrupted my work, surprising me from behind. Even until now, her behavior is as those of a killer clown trying to point a knife on my heart.

"Pfft. So Jenny told you, I should've known."

"Hee! Hee! Clever mind. I know how it feels to be betrayed by your friend. I won't let you blow up Maxie-"

Gardevoir held her up, slowly tightening her grip on Courtney's neck with the air. Despite all of this, she remained calm, laughing at me and my Pokemon. Gardevoir, feeling mocked, tightened the grip on her neck further while I continue setting up my plan.

"Luna behind you!" Logan warned as she pulled my leg down, causing me to stumble. I grew angry at him but that quickly dispersed from my mind after knowing he did that to save me. I look above and saw a bullet capable of putting me to sleep within seconds. It missed me and heads straight to a supercomputer.

I looked behind and there I saw Charlotte, one of the grunts who came as a backup. Seeing her made me and Gardevoir flinch. She accidentally let go of Courtney, causing her to crash back to the ground from the air, all unconscious.

"Admin Courtney! Admin Courtney!" Charlotte was flustered, she knelt down in worry and shook Courtney's unconscious body. She was still breathing so she can't be identified as dead. Although, I noticed her face getting paler. After checking her heartbeat and pulses on her neck, she scowled at me and slowly stood.

Finally, with his remaining strength, Logan was able to stand despite the pain he bears. He wrapped his arm around his partner Pokemon, and together they stood.

"Are you alright Luna?" Logan asked me. In response, I nodded my head.

"The two of you will pay for this!" shouted, Charlotte as she tossed out her Dodrio.

On the floor, I watched the battle between them happen in front of my eyes.

Meanwhile, Jenny came to her senses and stopped crying. She remembered she has Raichu with her and thus with Raichu's iron tail they were able to break out. She left the room and fought some grunts belonging to both Magma and Aqua as she looked for me and Logan.

"Dodrio, use Tri-Attack!" screamed, Charlotte.

"Heh." confidently, he smirked at both Dodrio and Charlotte and nodded his head at Gallade. That moment, Gallade knew what to do and in swiftness, he dodged the foe's moves.

"Gallade! Psycho-cut!" said Logan as his Pokemon focused his blades on Dodrio. Because of this, some of its feathers were let loose.

Logan decided to substitute, tossing out a powerful Pokemon of brute and metallic strength. I was in awe by how mighty it looked. It seemed like it has the capacity to blow up a town with one powerful attack.

Aggron is a huge, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily black with plates of silver-colored armor. The armor on its head has two pairs of holes with horns protruding from the foremost holes. Its forehead plating extends past its upper jaw at a small point. It has sky-blue eyes, and two nostril-like holes on the tip of its upper jaw.

On the rim of its mouth are several pointed, fang-like protrusions and the nape of its neck and back have gray-silver armor sections. It has wide, blunt spikes on its shoulders and gray-silver bands on its arms and legs. Its hands and feet each have three claws. It has a thick, long, black tail that it can swing at enemies.

According to my Pokedex, [Aggron claims an entire mountain as its own territory. It mercilessly beats up anything that violates its environment. This Pokémon vigilantly patrols its territory at all times.]

Logan resumed the fight with Giga Impact in which the poor bird was unable to respond. It flinched in fear as Aggron crushed it. It dealt a whole lot of damage but despite this, the three-headed bird tried to stand.

Logan spared no opportunity and commanded Aggron to use Hammer Arm. punched Dodrio, causing itself to hit the back. Pain shrouded the Pokemon, and finally, it gave itself up and fainted in front of my eyes. It is hard to explain what I felt after watching the match. There was a bit of excitement, inspiration, a pinch of goosebumps, and a quarter cup of enjoyment.

From behind, Charlotte was pinned down by Jenny. It was at that exact moment too when Admin Courtney regained her consciousness. "Let me go!" struggled, "Axis."

Meanwhile, Courtney answered Maxie's call. The leader of Team Magma told the admin, "Leade immediately, I now have the location of the Ruby."

"The Ruby? I see. I will be there in a jiffy." replied, Courtney as she declined the call.

After struggling much, she was able to remove her grip from Jenny. "Axis" then rushed out of the room and followed Courtney to the exit. From the ground, I looked above and saw Logan extending his hand for me. He helped me stood up, and in return, I grinned at him and he grinned back. The argument that stood between us was no longer there.

Abruptly, there was a moment of silence. All the alarms, gone. All the battling, gone. No footsteps, no grunt at sight. I wore a waspish face, fists clenched. Team Magma was able to escape and Team Aqua gave up and left. There was nothing left for me to do but to continue with my plan.

And since no one else was left inside the facility, Jenny and Logan agreed to let me blow up the place. After lighting the rope we dashed as fast as we could. On the large main hall, Logan locked the doors to prevent the fire from spreading to the tunnel. Though we could not see what was happening from the inside, we can feel the heat burning every equipment inside.

Though my mission was finished, Jenny was heavily disappointed that she was unable to confront her sister and bring her back to the "light". From there, we returned to the ground, breathing fine oxygen once more.

Jenny softly whimpered in sadness, "I-I'm sorry that I told my sister about your plan."

Though she apologized I was still angry at her but in response, I smiled at her from the outside and patted her head. As for Logan, he parted ways with us with the excuse that he needed to train for his gym challenge against Flannery. I bade him good luck and shook his hand, and once more we grinned at each other.

"I'm heading back to my apartment. I was unable to find anything. Sigh, I should've focused on my purpose just like how you did. Anyway, Luna, I'll be going now." with disappointment, she uttered her words and rode on her motorcycle.

As for me, I met up with Xeryll, and while heading back to headquarters, I told her everything about the mission, keeping Jenny and Logan's name anonymous. I then gazed on the window, watching the orange hues of the sun tickle my skin.